
It had already been a few minutes since you revealed your relationship with Bede to everyone. From the lockers you could still hear the cheers of the people present in the stadium.

After each of you changed, you and your lover came out of the lockers and you were accosted by many reporters. They putted a microphone in front of you and pointed the cameras at you.

Reporter n°1: Hello dear Champion! Can you tell us more about that kiss with the fairy gym leader??

You hesitated to answer for a moment before smiling slightly.

Y/n: Well, me and Bede have been dating for a while now.

Before you could say anything else another journalist ran at you,pushed the 1st reporter and putted their microphone in your face.

Reporter n°2: A love story~.. How exiting~!

They said casting a mocking glance at the previous reporter. While the 1st went the Bede to ask him other questions.

Reporter n°2: I have a fewww questions for you if you don't mind~.

You answered their questions avoiding topics that were too personal. They seemed satisfied with your answers even if they probably expected more details. While ,one his side, Bede seemed kinda annoyed by all this questions.

Reporter n°2: Interesting, interesting.. One more question.. What is our dearrr Champion doing with that kind of men~?

You looked at them shocked and after looking away for a second towards Bede you answered them.

Y/n: E-Excuse me-? What do you mean by "that kind of men"-?

Reporter n°2: I mean..He has such a bad temper and he's not even close to your level..Wouldn't you want someone more powerful and also physically strong? Like Raihan or Leon~?

The more this person advanced in their sentence, the more you started to get upset. How could they say so many bad things without questioning themself? Especially when Bede is just right next to them. You couldn't let them say those things about your beloved.

You looked at them with a cold look.

Y/n: How dare you say such things-?? We don't choose who we fall in love with. And don't underestimate Bede. He's very strong and could easily win any battle. And I don't want anyone else than him. So if it's to ask such ridiculous things,I rather go.

You nodded to Bede who seemed a little disturbed by the question previously asked. He took your hand, head bowed, which didn't look like him, and you went back to Bede's.

Arrived at home, Bede sat on the couch looking at the ground.

Bede: Maybe they are right.

He said seriously as you were looking at him confused.

Y/n: W-what do you mean??

He sighed.

Bede: Maybe people are right. What are you doing with me when you could be with literally anyone else?

Behind his strong personality, Bede actually hid a inferiority complex. He was really scared of not being good or strong enough for you. What if he wasn't enough at all..
