A lovely party

The day of the party as finally came. You joined Hop at his house to go to the party together. You rang his doorbell and after a few seconds he answered the door. He was wearing the beautiful dark blue suit you bought the other day.

Hop smiled

Hop: Wow..you look amazing Y/n!

Y/n: So do you,Hop.

You said, smiling back at him.

So you went to the party followed by Leon and Sonya who were also invited.
Once you arrived at the party venue, you were greeted by Raihan and noticed the presence of all the leading gyms except for one, Bede. You weren't surprised through, he doesn't really like to be socialized anyways but you somehow hoped he would be here.

After about 30 minutes of talking with Hop and some gym leaders and taking some photos with Raihan, a guest arrived although a little late. They apologized to Raihan for being late and as you've heard their voice your heart skipped a beat. Was it Bede??

You turned around to verify your theory and met the intense gaze of the young  fairyboy. His eyes were still as beautiful as before..or maybe even more.And while you were thinking about if you should go talk to him or not, you felt a nudge on your arm. It was Sonya.

Sonya: Sooo~?

She said with a mischievous smile.

Y/n: S-So what??

Sonya: Are you dating him?

Y/n: W-what? W-who? W-what are you talking about?!

You said, turning pink.

Sonya: Ow come on! I see how you're looking at Bede!

Y/n: S-speak quieter please. And no we are not dating.

Sonya: Mmmh..I see~

She said scratching her chin while walking back to Leon.

Was it that obvious that you like him?? This situation made you quite uncomfortable. But before you could do anything you heard a familiar voice,it was Bede!

Bede: Y/n.

You jumped slightly when you heard him say your name and slowly turned around to face him.

Y/n: Y-yes?

Bede: I need to talk to you, so may you come with me in a more quite place for a moment?

He said while handing you his hand while looking very serious.

Y/n: H-huh yes ! I guess..

You took his hand and followed him to a garden nearby the party's place and you two sat on a banch. This place was really beautiful but not as beautiful as Bede tonight.

After some seconds that felt like hours, Bede took the floor.

Bede: Y/n ,I wanted to.. apologize about how I reacted the other day. I had misinterpreted the situation and got carried away a little too quickly. I'm.. REALLY sorry and hope this whole situation didn't affect the way you think of me..

He said looking into your eyes with a touching look.

Y/n: It's fine Bede.. I'm just really glad this was just a big misunderstood. And I'm happy that you're here tonight.

You said blushing a little.

You talked for a moment with him about all that happened when you two weren't in contact and you could barely believe that Bede as lost against someone else than you. The conversation continued until you heard that the music changed at the party.

Y/n: M-maybe we should go back to the party. People are gonna start wondering where we went.

Bede agreed with you and grabbed a rose from the rosebush next to him without you noticing and as you went back to the party's place you noticed that a slow was playing and people dancing together.

Bede sniffed the rose he had just picked and then looked back at you.

Bede: You're a real fairytale,Y/n . And i really wish to be your prince charming,at least for tonight. So,may I have this dance?

He said, handing the rose to you.
