jealousy and misunderstanding pt.1

Bede's pov before texting:

It was nice talking with someone your age..You already talked to people your age before but they never seemed very understanding.But with Y/n it's different.It felt like they actually care about you. It felt nice being with them..I mean until HOP came.Why does he have to be everywhere Y/n is-? Can't he just stay away from them a little-?

You sighed

You wanna see Y/n again and if Hop shows up again, you'd show him what a real trainer is.


Y/n's pov :

Your heart beated faster reading Bede's message: "Hey,are you still awake?"

Why would he text you at this time?
You answered him pretty quickly, curious to know the reason why he texted you so late : "Hey!Yes am I,do you want anything? "

He answered you almost instantly : " Yes actually. I was wondering if you'd like to meet tomorrow to hang out or something."

His message made you smiled as you decided to tease : "why this question though?Do you already miss me? ;) "

" ....Shut up and join me tomorrow at Ballonlea around 1pm. I'll be waiting for you. " He answered

This scenario repeated itself for weeks, each time he texted you to see each other and each time you both hang out the next day.Looked like he didn't dare ask you face to see himself, which you found kinda cute, And the more you see each other the nicer he acted to you. Your feelings for him are growing day by day but you don't know how to broach the subject with him.

One day, during one of your dates with Bede you decided to insinuate the fact that you could be actually love someone.

Y/n: Bede..

Bede: Huh? What do you want?

Y/n: I was wondering.. what would do if you liked someone but didn't know how to tell them.?

You said turning pink

Bede looked at you looking kinda embarrassed while playing with a lock of his hair.

Bede: Well-..

He didn't even have time to answer you than a voice shouting your name made itself heard .

Hop: Y/nnnn! I missed you!

Hop ran to you and hugged you tight, looking at Bede for a second and looked back at you,not wanting a fight to start like last time.

Bede looked at you and Hop with big eyes before going back to his old angry and severe  expression. It's been a while you didn't see him this way..

Bede: To answer your question. if i had someone I liked , I'd never tell them-.

He said in an annoyed voice before walking away.

You looked at him in shock. What did just happened.?

Y/n: Bede..?

You mumbled

Hop not understanding what just happened broke the silence.

Hop: Hey! I didn't do anything this time! Can't he just stop being so-

He stopped himself ,hearing a sniffle. And as he looked at you he realised that you were .. sobbing???

Hop: Y-Y/n are you ok??! D-did I say something wrong??!

You hugged him very tight, tears coming out of your eyes.

Y/n: N-No it's not your fault..

Hop: ...You really like him, don't you..?

He said sounding kinda disappointed.

You didn't answer but your silence said it all.

Hop sighed and hugged you even tighter.

Hop: I'm really sorry about his reaction Y/n..Sincerely... I'm here if you need anything and I'll always be, remember that..

It's been now over a week since you last talk with Bede. Hop tried to cheer you up as much as he could but you couldn't think about anything else than him... It's hard focusing on your Pokemon master duties but you couldn't do anything to make things better right now..You were too scared to talk to Bede after this..
