Help Me

It's been a few months since I met and made friends with Fresh. And it's been the best few months of my life!!! He gave me the cool purple cap just as he promised, along with a book on quantum physics, my favourite subject. Things haven't been the same since we met. My whole life kind of....brightened. He's so much fun to be around, and has an amazing sense of humor. 

He has told me a lot about his life, his childhood, growing up with no friends, like me. He has two brothers, Error and Geno, which I met. Geno is 21 and is very nice to me, and within a few months he has become like the amazing big brother I never had. Error is 19 and not too friendly. He has haphophobia(fear of being touched), and doesn't seem to like me very much. Maybe it's  because he likes being protective of his little brother.

I never knew what it was like to have someone to confide in. Fresh just always.....listens. He doesn't judge. He relates. 

"Decans, darling!! Time for lights out!!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

"Ok, Mom!" I shout in return. I walk over to my wardrobe, a big silly smile still plastered on my face. Opening the wardrobe, I rummage around inside until I find the multicoloured jacket that Fresh bought me for my birthday a few weeks ago. I slipped it over my shoulders and clambered into bed, pulling the covers right up over my head. I sighed, and eventually felt myself drifting off into dream world.....

I woke with a start, breathing heavily. I looked around, panic arising within me as I struggled to move my head. What I was experiencing was no nightmare. My hands were tied tight behind my back and I was forced by chains to sit in a cross-legged position. I tried screaming for help.


But nobody came.

From the darkness around me came an ice-cold hand running slowly up my inner thigh. I held back a scream as the hand made its way up higher until it hung over my crotch. 

A sudden surge of animalistic instinct made me attempt at biting the hand, but it jumped away before my head could reach it. I growled, a low growl as the head of the person that stood in front of me inched forward until it was face to face with me. I recognised this face. Dark eyes, mad with rage and murderous intent. Crazed smile. Wild, messy hair. I gasped as he began to speak. I knew he was coming back to get me.

"Now, Decans, is that any way to speak to your father?"
