What The FUNK!

I am SO sorry I haven't continued this in a while, I just haven't really been feeling up to writing lately....Maybe it's just writers block :) Enjoy this chapter!!! Also....there might be some old friends coming out to play......

When talking inside his head:

Normal for Fresh

Italics for 'Un'

A cool breeze brought me to the window; the air on my skin was a pleasurable feeling. But tonight was different from that. Something was about to happen. I could sense it. So I stood at the window, recalling another perfect day with my best friend Deccy. We had become closer over the course of the past few months, and I spent as much time with him as was possible. He was my passion, my guilty pleasure, the one who finally made my feel something. Even my own family couldn't do that.

Error, Geno and Ink had already left for the big city a while ago, and the house had been so quiet, even I was freaked out by it. It was normally occupied by the sounds of Geno and Reaper arguing over the phone, Error glitching or clicking his knitting needles together, and Ink singing. Now all that was left was me, and I spent most of my time in silence, contemplating reality.

All of a sudden, a scream rang out through the neighbourhood. A scream I remembered from somewhere......

Probably nothing. My mind was always playing tricks on me, making me believe all kinds of things.

But then, again, louder. Like someone shouting my name. And it was nearby. I looked around, sticking my head all the way out of the window, trying to see any kind of evidence that would point me in the direction of the scream. 

Then, I saw it. Everything clicked into place. A black van, easily blending in with the night, outside of Deccy's place. A ladder up to his window. I could hear him clearly screaming


My mind was blank. It was like time had frozen for me. I was stuck in place. I was filled with anger. Who was hurting him? Deccy, are you ok? They were laughing. Why were they laughing? I didn't see what was funny. They hurt him. They hurt Deccy. No one hurts Deccy. My best friend. No one hurts my best friend.

Without a second thought, I jumped down from my bedroom window on the first floor. But I couldn't feel the pain. It didn't hurt. I had one goal in mind. I had to save Deccy from whoever was hurting him. No one could hurt him. I would save him. It'd be ok. 

The van was beginning to drive off with Deccy inside. What could I do? I knew but.....What if Deccy saw? What if he was afraid of me? I knew what I had to do already. 

Purple spikes shot out from under my glasses, from my eyes. It hurt, but that didn't matter. Moving towards the van, the spikes morphed into huge tentacles, grabbing the van and pulling hard in an effort to stop it from moving. The van driver was confused, I could see his face through the window of the van, and it almost made me laugh out loud when I saw him frantically trying to turn the wheel, to save himself and the passengers inside who had stolen Deccy from me.

This was fun. A grin spread on my face. No, stop!! I had to save Deccy before that, Un!!! But I wanna have some fun!! I don't care about your silly little friend!! Well, tough. I have to save him. So.....this is what having emotions is like. I'm not sure if I like it or not. 

A massive crash brought me out of my train of thought as the van crashed into the side of the street and the guys inside ran awkwardly down the street, trying to escape my tentacles. 

Alright, you go finish them off. Yes!! Finally I get to see some gore!!

I laughed and watched as Un came out of me and into his own temporary body as he started counting down a five second headstart for the men who were running from this unknown demon. He rubbed his hands together and began running after them. The last thing I heard was their screams as Un most likely finished them off. Honestly.....he really needed to take anger management classes.

Deccy!! He was still in the van....wasn't he? Those men hadn't taken him with them, right? I clambered inside the van, which was turned on its side. I retracted my spikes and proceeded to scan the room with my bright eyelights. Almost immediately, I spotted him. 

He was laid on the floor, his arms tied behind his back and chains holding his head still. I couldn't stand to see him like that, all frail and still. He looked terrified. I was glad I retracted my spikes before coming to find him. I didn't want to scare him more, so I slowly took him in my arms, whispering that it would be ok, that Fresh was here now. I heard him sigh, and he fell limp in my arms. 

My mind was sent in to panic.

Damn, what a long chapter. 10 points for whoever can tell me who 'Un' is!! Go on.......Want a hint? They're a version of Fresh. Basically in this story 'Un' is Fresh's alter-ego or his 'demon' . Only people with immense magical power have 'demons' in this story. Fresh has one, Reaper has one, and Lust has one. Yes, Lust will be in this story at some point......Anyway!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, once again I'm sorry for not updating in a while.... 

Raven out!
