
This chapter and the last chapter were really bad, I'm sorry. The story has become really messy ;-; I'll be updating more frequently too, so you will see more of the story quicker. Well, I hope you enjoy anyway...

I woke up in a hospital bed. I think. Where am I? Where was I? What happened? I smiled when I saw to my right, Fresh asleep with his head in my lap. He had obviously been waiting for me to wake up. Why?

Then it all came flooding back. The memories of what happened last night. Or was it last night? I could've been asleep for days or weeks for all I knew. My father. It was him, wasn't it? He took me away. Stole me. Put me in that van and almost killed me. Fresh. He saved me. With his.....spikes. He probably thought I didn't know. I wouldn't tell him. 

I heard shouting outside. Someone on a very loud phone call. It sounded like the police. A woman was trying to explain what happened to the police. Mum. But she didn't know anything. I wanted it to stay that way. 

All of a sudden, I was suffocated in a huge, warm hug.

"Deccydec!!! You're alive!!! Damn, I missed you, broski!!" Fresh was.....crying?

"Fresh, you're crying." I pointed out. He looked surprised as he used his sleeve to mop the tears away. "Are you ok?"

"Yes. Just tell me everything that happened, everything you saw." Oops. Now I was in trouble. I could easily miss the part about his powers out, but his face.....I couldn't lie to him, not Fresh. I promised him not to tell anyone else, then proceeded to tell Fresh everything about my father kidnapping me, how I said that he would, him pulling out knives and slashing me to try and get answers as to why we ran away from him, and hearing banging outside the van and everything began shaking. 

I felt Fresh gulp. 

"Did you.....see anything else?" He asked shakily.


Fresh looked me straight in the eyes and suddenly stood up and walked away, shaking his head sadly. I felt bad. Should I have lied? At least I didn't tell him exactly what I saw. His 'demon'. Unfresh. I had read up all about it. Powerful people had them.

Shouting outside my room made me jump in fear, but it was just Ma. She sounded like she was on the phone to someone. I could just about make out the conversation:

"No!! No, I need your help, please." My Ma sounded really worried about something.

"Look, just because I have one, doesn't mean I know how to control it. Deccy needs to learn himself." It sounded like a man's voice, but quite a high one. I could also hear Fresh's Ma, CQ, talking desperately into the phone too.

"Please, Lust, we need you to at least come over here and speak with Decans. For Fresh?" She asked, a glint of hope in her voice.

Lust? Who was that? A friend of Freshs'? He did tell me about a childhood friend, who was like an uncle to him, but he never mentioned the name. Well, I could be finding out very soon.

Sorry for the short chapter, but things are really picking up pace, huh? Lust is coming into it soon!!!!
