‽The Maid Café Pt,2⸘

{A/N: Hello lovelies!~ This is Part 2 of the last chapter!~ Hope you enjoy!! TYSM FOR 64 READ'S BTW!!!!! AHHHHH}








Hinata Had work, He would be working at a maid café... for how long? He didn't know.. He was standing infront of the Café with Kiyoko and Yachi, He wasn't so sure about this, but the thought of being able to help his family made him happy, He stepped into the building with the girls, Soft music was playing their didn't seem to be much of anyone, the café was open yes but at certain time's it would go quiet, Just as he was about to leave and forget about this job the Manager walked out, She had long black  hair and Green eyes, She looked average height, She smiled softly at the young boy, "hello Hinata! Your uniform is in the back!!" She spoke smiling brightly, Hinata shyly smiled, And the girl pushed him towards it so he could get changed, 



He walked out of the storage room wearing the outfit, He blushed shyly at the thought of people seeing him like this, Yachi was fangirling over how cute he was, And since Hinata was occupied with a fangirling Yachi, Kiyoko snapped a few pictures of the unsuspecting Tangerine, "Well we will be here studying! if anything happens just let us know Sho." Kiyoko said grabbing her girlfriends hand and walking to a table, Hinata Smiled, Atleast no one else he knew would see him in this right..? Right..?



"So~ you got the picture of him?" Yachi asked kiyoko, "Mhm!" Kiyoko responded while showing her girlfriend the picture of the tangerine, "Wow! He looks so cute!! the simps are gonna go crazy!!" Yachi spoke, "Yeah! im gonna text them the picture and tell  them were Hinata is working now~" Kiyoko said while opening the group chat, "But won't it take them awhile to get here?" Yachi asked, "Yeah but they'll come super quick Because of wattpad logic~" Kiyoko said, "What's wattpad logic?" Yachi asked, "Oh no need to worry about it darling" Kiyoko said kissing her girlfriends cheek, Yachi blushed a deep crimson color,



{In the "Hinata harem Group Chat"}



Tanaka: "But yeah that's how im the perfect match for hinata~"

Nishinoya: Oh hell naw!

Most of them: "Yeah im sorry but no way in hell"

Kenma: "Yeah shoyo kun is perfect for me"

Kuroo:"Oo~ sorry Ken ke-"

Kenma: "Shut your roosterhead up"

The harem:"Pfft!/LMAO"

.....Kiyoko Senpai in online...

Tanaka /Nishinoya: "Kiyoko senpai!!!"

Tsukishima: "Simps"

Daichi/Sugawara: "Tsukishima kei!!"

Tsukishima: "Yeah that's my name"

Daichi: "You-"

...Kiyoko sent a image...

{Pretend Kageyama isn't there}

The harem: i- / Where'd you get that? / Damn chibi-chan's sexy~

Kiyoko: "For all of you down bad simps, Hinata is now working at the local maid café, But you didn't hear it from me."

The simps: "..."

The simps: "I'll get to chibi-chan/Hinata, First."

.......Everyone is offline.....

Kiyoko: I- this is going to be chaos...

...........Kiyoko is offline........




Kiyoko set her phone down on the café table, She smiled at the how she could sense the drama, She explained it to Yachi, Yachi giggled, "This is going to be entertaining!" Yachi said snuggling into Kiyoko, Kiyoko slightly chuckled at the younger females' actions, They enjoyed the last few hours before the tea began, Hinata could tell Kiyoko and Yachi had something planned something by the way they looked and giggled and smirked,  

Hinata could feel it in his gut that drama was about to happen...



Surprisingly Ushijima and Tendou arrived first, after causing thing's so that the other's would take longer, They simply were way to excited to see the young boy dressed in a maid outfit, They opened the door as the bell rang, They heard the sweet sweet sound of their beloved calling out, "One second please! i'll be with you soon!" Hinata called out, a few second later the younger walked out from behind the corner, Tendou smirked at seeing Hinata in a maid outfit, Meanwhile Ushijima blushed at the sight, Hinata's face flushed a red color once he recognized the two males from the the training camp, Better known as Ushijima and Tendou.. "W-what are you guys doing here?!" Hinata asked trying to cover his face with his hands, The two males found it rather adorable, especially what he was wearing.  

"O-oh uhm, well Kiyoko told us so we wanted to come." Ushijima said, "Yeah!" Tendou added, "Oh so that's what they were doing... Well let me get you guys a table!" Hinata said guiding them to a table, As Hinata guided them to their table he talked about how much he missed them and how he was beyond happy to see them, The older males were trying their best to focus on the tangerine, But all they could really focus on was his outfit, How the dressed showed off his small and feminine waist.

"Well here you guys go!" Hinata said as he placed two menus on their new table, "Thank you Hinata Shoyo." Ushijima stated sitting down along with Tendou, "Y-yeah no problem Wakatoshi~Kun." Hinata said slightly blushing from embarrassment, They had known eachother for two weeks and had talked over the phone many time's but yet Ushijima was still so formal,

Hinata was about to go when someone lightly grabbed his wrist, "H-huh?" Hinata said as someone pulled him to their chest, "Shoyo~ Where are you going you should stay with us~~" Tendou said now hugging the older,  "U-uh well Tendou-san i have work..." Hinata said blushing from the contact of the older, "Awhh~~ You should stay longe-" Before Tendou finished the bell above the door rang signaling Hinata back to his work, "Fine~ Hmph" Tendou said letting go of the cute tangerine, Shoyo smiled small at the two males before walking around the corner to where the door was visible,

Hinata saw four familiar figures, "Hello welcome to the maid café-" Hinata said, But as he was speaking he was able to make out the four figures, They were the miya twins, Suna, and last Kita. "O-oh hello Hinata." Kita spoke, but it wasn't as soft as usual, and his face along with the four had a light pink shade dusting their face, "Hi guys!! I missed you guys so much!" Hinata said hugging the four one by one, "H-hello shoyo-kun" The miya twin spoke at once, "Hey don't copy me!" Atsumu said, "You copied me!!!" Osamu replied back, They ended up bickering because Kita stopped their fight, "Well let me get you guys a table." Hinata said guiding them to a free four person table, 

The four saw Ushijima and Tendou, They all sent glares toward eachother, Hinata sat them down along with their menus before making his way back to Tendou and Ushijima, "Hello Ushijima and Tendou!! What can i get for you guys.?" Hinata asked pulling out a notepad, "Hmm, I'll have a blueberry scone," Ushijima said looking towards Hinata as he wrote down his order, "Hm! Okay! What about you Tendou-san?" Hinata asked looking towards the red haired male, "Hmmm, I'll have the pastries~" Tendou said sending a flirty look towards the younger, To whcih he didn't understand, He wrote down the red haired males order, "Okay! I'll come back in a few with your orders!!" Hinata said walking towards the kitchen.



As Hinata placed the order in the kitchen, He heard the bell ring signaling another customer for the THIRD time in twenty minutes, He sighed before walking out of the kitchen, What he wasn't expecting was to see a certain germophobe waiting....



{A/N:  Hello lovelies!! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter- ;-; i'll write some more later! Tomorrow im hanging out with my friend though, so im so sorry about that!! But yeah i hope you enjoyed!~}




Word count: 1290  
