⌈⌊As the day's pass⌉⌋

{A/N: Hello lovelies!! i'm so sorry if this chapter goes a little fast, such as day skips! ect. this chapter will just be talking a bit sorry if it doesn't make sense, and so sorry if the training camp will come to soon, which is why i am doing the day skips but anyways enjoy lovelies sorry if it's short💕}










Day's flew by for Hinata Shoyo, As the new manager of Karasuno, he really enjoyed his time, he was rather quiet, but when he would talk or smile, it was like the sun, the team found it rather cute when he would stutter when talking to people taller then him, They found it adorable how he was scared of tall people, but he was starting to get comfortable with them slowly.

he mainly helped around, he found it easy to talk to kiyoko, kiyoko found him rather cute {Platonic} She understood why the team was already head over heals for this cute little orange,  but for some reason they felt jealous when Yachi and Hinata clung together, {Kiyoko jealous over hinata clinging to Yachi} And {Yachi clinging to Hinata} so today was the day they asked...

Hinata was currently watching the team play a game they were practicing with eachother, working on some new moves, hinata was quit happy to see them playing volleyball, he found it so cool how they all were pretty good at volleyball, but when coach called for a break, Hinata and Yachi  walked over to team with some water, which is where the question will be asked,

Kiyoko was Talking with them, well mainly listening when Yachi and the cute tangerine walked over holding water and towels, "WOW!! you guys were so cool!! Especially the new move!!" Hinata said quit excited, the team blushed at how cute the tangerine was, he had stars in his eyes, Yachi giggled giving Hinata a head pat, Hinata pouted before giving the Team their towels and water bottles, "thank you Hinata, Yachi" Daichi spoke smiling  kindly, They both bowed "Of course daichi senpai" they spoke together, The team was just talking when they looked over at Yachi and Hinata they both were talking, They looked like a Couple, and the team hated it... so tanaka decided to speak up..

 Yachi was taking a sip of water when they heard someone speak, "So Yachi, Hinata are you guys like a couple or something?" Tanaka asked jealousy was radiating off of the members even Kiyoko, Yachi choked on her water, meanwhile hinata looked horrified, the team was confused on their reactions, the team would've thought they would've blushed, but instead they looked horrified.. 

"M-me and Hinata..?" Yachi spoke horrified, "Yeah i'm also curious on this" Sugawara and Daichi added, they heard hums of agreement from the team, Even Tsukkishima and Kageyama, "i-i'm gay.." Hinata spoke the team was shocked before they could process Yachi spoke, "I'm Lesbain" Yachi added, "WHAT" The team shouted, Hinata was lowkey scared they were homophobic, but instead they quickly spoke after they saw the tangerines scared look,

"DUDE THAT'S AWESOME" Tanaka and Nishinoya spoke proudly, the whole team was rather happy that the cute orange was gay, and most likely single, and kiyoko was quit happy her crush yachi was into women, "I'm terribly Sorry hinata and yachi we had no idea" Daichi said slightly bowing, "Oh no no it's fine you had no idea, i mean i understand you probably would've thought me and Hinata are together, i mean we have known eachother for quit sometime, so yeah i guess we are kinda clingy to eachother?" Yachi spoke, Hinata nodded in response, "Well still we shouldn't have asked that question please forgive us" Sugawara added. "It's fine!" Hinata added, Sugawara smiled, "Well we should get back to practicing" Daichi added, "Okay!" the team shouted back,

The Karasuno team began to get closer and closer as day's past, but one practice Mr, Takeda Busted through the gym door, "Huh?" The team thought out loud, and unfortunately for nishinoya he was about to receive a ball, so that ball went straight to his face,  "Nishinoya! watch out!!" Yamaguchi called out.


"Nishinoya!" Hinata called out along with other members, Mr, Takeda stood there Surprised, "I'm So Sorry!" Mr Takeda called out bowing, Coach Ukai sighed before coming over, their relationship was known and often teased, if you didn't mind receiving 100 sets, "What are you doing here Babe?" Ukai slightly whispers to Takeda, Meanwhile Hinata was running over to Nishinoya who was now passed out on the floor, He placed his hand on nishinoya Face, he wasn't bleading but there was no way he could pick him up, "Can someone help me get Nishinoya on the bench?" Hinata called out, Before anyone could respond Yamaguchi walked over since he was closest.

Yamaguchi carried nishinoya to the bench, Hinata sat down next to Nishinoya Placing the Liberos Head in is lap, Trying to see if he was severely injured or not, Meanwhile jealousy was radiating off the team, Yachi and Kiyoko were watching the Tea get hotter and hotter, When Tsukkishima spoke, "Wow king just great, nishinoya is there because you had to serve" Tsukkishima added rolling his eyes, "Oh shut up you beanpole!!" Kageyama replied Bitterly, Tsukkishima fake gasp, "TSUKKISHIMA KEI, KAGEYAMA TOBIO" Sugawara and Daichi yelled, earning another eye roll, they turned their attention to coach Ukai who looked rather happy,

"What's going on Coach?" Tanaka asked, "WERE GOING TO TRAINING CAMP" coach Ukai yelled, "WHAT!?!?!?" the team members yelled.

and just when our little tangerine thought he was getting over his fear of tall people...






{A/N: Hello!! i really hoped you enjoyed Please wait for next chapter coming really soon! and nishinoya out here really living my dream- 😔🤚🏻}

Word count: 958 💕💕
