‖Meeting the team's‖

{A/N: Hello Lovelies!! i'm sorry for updating this story more than my other one! i just want to get this one going more! Please enjoy my loves!}


{Credits to Artist's}










Asahi woke up before our cute little tangerine Hinata did, He blushed a deep shade of red when he saw how cute the younger boy was, He noticed the familiar training camp, He looked down at the orange haired male, It pained him to wake him up from his slumber  but they were there,

Asahi lightly shook him awake, Hinata slightly opened his eyes, Asahi blushed at the sight of the tired boy rubbing his eyes, "Huh? What happened Asahi San?" Hinata tiredly asked before yawning, Asahi once again blushed at the tangerines actions, "O-oh were here!" Asahi said slightly smiling, "Oh! Oh!! Really? I'm so excited!!!" Hinata said, with Stars in his eyes, Asahi chuckled at the cute actions on the small boy, They all eventually got out of the bus, The team members were walking meanwhile the Karasuno Managers were behind them having a conversation of there own,

When the team member's heard someone call out from in front of them, It was the Nekoma volleyball team, The manager's were still talking but acknowledged the team approaching, Hinata was pretty terrified of meeting people so he stayed behind Kiyoko and Yachi, the sounds of people talking could be heard, But lets check out what they were saying....


Daichi and Kuroo were talking trying to intimidate eachother, And Yaku and Sugawara telling them to stop, When they mentioned a new manager, "Woah, wait, you guys have a new member?" Lev asked, "Yeah, he joined us a few week's ago, would you guy's like to meet him?" Yamaguchi said, "Sure." most said, Kenma wasn't super interested, he thought it would just be some new fangirl wanting to meet guys they found hot, but he would be proven wrong soon,

"Hinata! C'mere!" Tanaka yelled, Hinata sighed, "Guess my plan of not meeting anyone wouldn't last as long as i thought.." Hinata said nervously, Yachi giggled, Hinata began walking up to the team still out of view form Nekoma, But he came from behind them, "Oh Hinata! Please meet the Nekoma team!" Daichi said pushing him forward, 

The eye's of Nekoma's Player's widened at the sight of the boy, he had a feminine body, Orange fluffy hair and hazel eyes, He was wearing a brown sweater with jeans, before the team could fully process the beauty that had just walked in front of them, Kuroo spoke, "Wow Daichi, i didn't expect your manager to be beautiful..." Kuroo stated, Hinata's face flushed, "What-" Was all Hinata could get out before a pudding haired boy smacked the rooster haired captain, "Dumb rooster! I'm sorry about kuroo, Karasuno's new manager, he's a dumb rooster and a even dumber captain.." The pudding haired boy said angry at the Captain, 

"O-oh it's fine!" Hinata said smiling, Jealousy radiating off of the members of both teams, Kenma slightly  blushed at the sight of the cute boy smiling, "So i think you guy's should introduce yourselves.." Sugawara said showing a sweet yet deadly smile, "right we should" Yaku said.

They all eventually introduced eachother, Hinata found kenma's company rather nice, and even Exchanged their friend codes, Yachi and Kiyoko were enjoying that fact that only being around Nekoma for about an hour or so, had already caught their hearts,  The manager's thought it would be best for them to introduce the cute orange to the rest of the teams for know to keep any fights of jealousy from happening, Hinata was talking with the Nekoma team, he still was rather scared of them because of their height's, but the conversation ended soon, "Shoyo kun! C'mon! were gonna introduce you to the rest of the teams!!" Yachi spoke signaling him over, Hinata smiled before turning back to the nekoma team, "Well i'll see you guys after the whole announcement thing!" Hinata said flashing his bright smile, The Nekoma team said their goodbye blushing as they watched the short orange walk towards the other managers.

The nekoma team and Karasuno team continued their talks more sad because their sun wasn't there,  the managers continued introducing him to the other teams, smirking and giggling whenever he picked up new members of his harem, Hinata was confused on why they kept giggling and smirking and whispering every time he talked to a male, What were they seeing that he wasn't, But when he asked they told him it was a girl thing or something he wouldn't understand, 

Let's just say by the time they were called in for the Announcement he had captured the hearts of most of the Volleyball players, and the cute tangerine was  oblivious to these feelings people felt towards him, Yachi and Kiyoko weren't able to introduce him to the inarizaki team yet, but planned to after the announcement.



The announcement went by quickly they talked about how the schedule was, Alarms would go off at 6 AM, Matches start at 7 AM until lunch, you are free after lunch until 8 to 10 PM, And saturday's were free days, Hinata focused on the announcement, trying to remember every bit of it, Once the announcement had ended Hinata had told Yachi and Kiyoko he was going to use the restroom, Yachi and Kiyoko gave him directions which he was glad about.



Once he was done in the bathroom he started on his way back to everyone, he had his headphones in and wasn't paying attention, Our cute little tangerine tripped, He was shocked, and prepared to hit the ground, but that impact never came Someone was holding him by the waist.....



Who do you guys think this person is?



{A/N: Hello lovelies!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter i'll upload more later!! Please enjoy your day!}



Word count: 969
