We have a problem

K: we have a problem.

#22, unimpressed: let me guess. You caused it?

Alan: no, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one.

#28300: gimme a second, I'm not drunk enough to listen to this yet.

#86982, looking at Avem: if you mean the flaming pillar, that's our solution to the last week's problem.

#76267: andddd it's another Tuesday, what's your point?

#84942, annoyed from the amount of times it happened: will shooting you solve this solution? No? Then get out.

Rex, looking at #97679: you call it a problem. I call it a solution.

K, pissed: I just wanted to warn you all that some Red Nexus soldiers are here, but if you don't care...

Alan: WHAT?!


K: because #28300 is not drunk enough.

#97679: please tell me you're kidding me.

K: don't worry #97679, the soldiers are just Rex's solution to who knows what. We'll be fine.

#84942: we're going to die.

K: that was obvious the moment I spoke.
