Why? PT 2

Pansy's POV
"Guys we have a situation" Lorenzo said panting, Blaise finally let us go "What type of situation" Blaise ask "Romero" Lorenzo responds "What happened this time fell down a couple of stairs" Draco says laughing a bit "Are you fucking kidding me! She was found all bloody up she was BEATEN! So if you don't fucking understand a situation then FUCKING KEEP YOUR BITCHY ASS MOUTH SHUT! YOU FUCKING BITCH ASS FUCKING FERETT BOY!!" Lorenzo yelled at him which took us all by surprise because he was a really nice person Draco just simply nodded while looking shamefully at the ground "Well where is she" I asked "Hospital wing" Lorenzo responded "And her friends?" Blaise ask "I don't know I have to get them right now but Mattheo just told me to get you guys so go now!" Lorenzo said as he sounded stressed out but we obliged

Lorenzo's POV
As I told them to go to the hospital wing and they went I rushed to find her friends. Me and Jane were kinda like secret friends nobody knew we were friends and we were close she would tell me everything like the things at home, how people treat her, her sexuality, and the thing with her boyfriend im pretty sure it was him, I've also taken the role of her older brother Mattheo sorta knew but didn't get it. As I ran to the Slytherin common room I spotted them "Hernandez! Zarate! Salvador! Come here it's about Jane!" I yelled they all looked surprised and confused and came towards me "What happened to Jane?" Zarate asked "She's in the hospital wing and we need to get there immediately!" I said as they looked worried and we all ran to the hospital wing

Mattheo's POV
When I got to the hospital wing I placed her on the bed and Madam Promfrey saw her "Oh my Merlin! What happened to her!?" Madam Promfrey said has she rushed to her aid "I don't know I just found her like this.." I felt guilty of lying because I had a suspicion it was the Mclaggen but I didn't want to say anything if it wasn't. Madam Promfrey had told me to wait outside of the hospital wing I saw Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Lorenzo, and Romero's friends but I saw Salvador it's been awhile but I still really miss her. "What's going on!" "What happened!" "Did you do this!" "Mattheo why did you need us!" So many questions I couldn't answer all at once "Shut up!" And soon as I said that it became really quiet "I don't know what happened, nor did I do it, and the reason why I needed Pansy, Draco, Blaise, and Lorenzo is because you guys know everything about everyone. So do you think anyone In Slytherin did this?" I said and saw them thinking, Lorenzo looked like he had something to say but battling himself to not to but he decided against it and kept quiet while the rest had nothing "how about you guys you guys are friends so you must know something. Right?" They all shook their head "no she never told us about anyone hurting her like this" Salvador answered sadly she looked sad but even though me and Romero aren't friends i still feel like I should help her for Salvador to try and be friends again.

Sorry for the short chapter I was but I kinda lost some ideas so I'm sorry but ima try to get some motivation and keep on writing and I will try to do everyone's POV anyways love you all 🫶
