
Jane's POV
I woke up in the hospital wing panicking I started hyperventilating and everything getting dizzy and blurry, and everything seemed to be loud. And I see madam Promfrey rushing up to talking to me but I was barely able to make out what she said but it sounded like 'calm down dear' but I'm not sure. I see someone else but I can't make out who it was and madam Promfrey told them something and they rushed out while I started moving trying to get out but madam Promfrey held me still and I started panicking more because I'm afraid he's here after what felt like hours of panicking I feel someone holding onto me and hugging me to their chest and from the feeling it was a guy and he went up to my ear and said "calm down Janey your safe he's not here.." he says in a soothing voice, I calm down a little my vision getting a little better and my breathing goes back to normal I look up at the guy and I was able to make out it was Lorenzo "L-L-Loren-z-o h-h-he di-id it" I say as I start sobbing into his chest "I know, I know...." Lorenzo said with a tone of anger and sadness while rubbing my head and running his hand up and down my back out of comfort, I then look up at him still sobbing and it look like he had been crying and was gonna start again.

Lorenzo's POV
I ran over there and I hear two pairs of feet behind me but I didn't bother looking at who it was.

I got at the hospital wing seeing Jane hyperventilating and panicking trying to grasp on to something, so I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug and start comforting her and talking to her in a soothing voice "calm down Janey your safe he's not here..", I then feel her relax and she starts to calm down but she then starts sobbing and hugs me tighter "L-L-Loren-z-o h-h-he di-id it" my heart shattered at those words I knew that he did it, but seeing her in this state cause of him broke me even more "I know, I know...." I said my eyes becoming watery. She looks up at me still sobbing with her tear stained face which made my heart sink. I put our foreheads together "I'm sorry I wasn't there..! I'm sorry that out of all the things you went through I wasn't there...! I'm sorry!" I say as I broke down in tears. We stay there for awhile with out foreheads pressed together

Blaise's POV
Draco and I stood there watching the entire scene, my heart broke even though I didn't bully her I still watched when my friends did and I didn't say anything, I saw when she was on the verge of tears and yet I still didn't tell them to stop, I just stood there and watch her suffer. I felt a wave of guilt wash over me I felt so fucking terrible

Draco's POV
As I watch the scene unfold I couldn't help but a pang of guilt sadness, I bullied her without caring, and I didn't care until earlier when Lorenzo explained what she'd been through and this entire time I bullied her, pushed her around, made her feel uncomfortable. I hated myself right now so bad...

Sorry for the short chapter but I've gotten a lot of ideas so I'll be posting often, I was losing motivation to continue writing this book but @NancyRamos131 gave me motivation so thank you 💗💗💗
