All in one night

Theo's POV
Mattheo and I came back to Hogwarts high as fuck! We were laughing so hard on our way back for no reason at all. "Dude remember that Hufflepuff girl I fucked a few nights ago?" I ask laughing "yeah what about her?" he replied with laughter "she thought we were dating and embarrassed herself when she yelled she lost her virginity to me in the great hall and I had the audacity to cheat on her" I say laughing harder as Mattheo does the same "bitch really thought" he says out of breath from the laughter. After we started to head to our dorms and we bumped in Enzo and Draco "ohhh my baby boys how are you" I say running up to them and kissing them on their cheeks, Draco shoved me off harshly "dude you reek of cigarettes and don't ever fucking kiss me or I swear to Salazar I will fucking Avada Kedavra your ass myself" Draco yelled and Mattheo was laughing, while I ran to Lorenzo "oh baby save me from this monster" I say with a lofty tone, I say Lorenzo scrunch his nose in disgust "Theo you really do reek of cigarettes and it's giving me bigger headache then I already had" he says trying to sound polite as possible, so I get off of him. I look closely at Lorenzo "why are your eyes red" I say squinting "why are your eyes red" he says defensively "ay don't get your panties twisted I was just asking" I say while looking at Mattheo who had sat down on the cold floor

Pansy's' POV
I was sneaking out of the common room when I heard someone from the end of the hall call out to me "oh look who it is my favorite sassy lesbian bitch" I recognized the voice and I turn to see Theo smirking at me and Mattheo laughing and Lorenzo looking sad and Draco looking disappointed, I quickly go up to Theo and slap him "I would appreciate it if you didn't yell that! I don't need anyone knowing my business!" I say angrily "you're right that's your job!" Mattheo say laughing as Theo joins in. I then smell something disgusting and starts gagging feeling like I'm gonna throw up "Oh my Merlin what's that smell it's disgusting and strong" I say covering my nose and mouth "that darling would be us" Theo say coming closer so I can smell him "Get the fuck away from me Nott " I say pushing him away "wait why are you here?" Draco asks out of the blue "yeah why are you here?" Theo says now looking drowsy "oh umm none of your concern!" I said in a sassy tone "where were you exactly?" I said "none of your concern" Theo said in the exact same tone as I did, I scoffed "whatever" I said walking back to the common room

Lorenzo's POV
As me and Draco were walking to our dorm we saw that as soon as Theo and Mattheo sat down on the common room couch the fell asleep instantly. As soon as we got to our dorm Draco started speaking "do you want to talk about anything to help get your mind off things?" He asked softly, I thought about it and then nodded slowly "Draco I can't afford to lose her" I said getting teary eyed again "she's been there when I needed her the most and she did more than I had asked her to and always made sure I was happy and I barely did the bare minimum for for her and wasn't there when she needed me the most" I say as my voice starts cracking, Draco moves to my bed and starts rubbing my back out of comfort "Draco she's been through so much! Her pain is worse than the 'Cruciatus Cruse' and I wasn't there!" I say now sobbing putting my hands on my face "she's lost so much and I had was no friends and I would get bullied... but her.. her dad yells at her, hits her, her mother died, she used to cut herself I'm not sure if she still does, she gets bullied, and her abusive ex is fucking trying to back with her! He did it! He fucking hurt her!" I say yelling madly when I started talking about her ex but tears still running down my face out of sadness and anger, Draco patting my back and telling me 'It wasn't your fault' or 'I'm sorry' but I knew it was my fault. Blaise runs in heavily "Lorenzo! Romero is awake and she's panicking asking for you!" Blaise says in a rush, I wipe my eyes and run out of there to get to hospital wing as fast as I can.
