Part 6 Escape

Todoroki's pov

I saw Midoriya fall in to the warp gate.

"No!" me, Bakugou, and All Might scream. The villains leave through the same warp gate but not before IIda comes with reinforcements. A police officer comes and leads us out of the of the USJ and counts up to 19.

"Someone is missing or did I miss count." he says.

"They took Deku!" Uraraka says. There was loud gasp from the group.

Midoriya's pov 

I woke up in a chair with chains tying me down. 

"You're finally awake." a villain I recall to be Shigaraki says," Those false heroes didn't bother to say you and it has been more than month. I am surprised you are still alive."

Wait a month. You have to be kidding me. I don't feel dirty and there is no blood on my clothes so they have to be lying.

"Don't you want to take revenge on them by joining us?" he ask. I know if I say no they will torture me. If I lie to them maybe they will leave me alone.

"YES!" I scream. They look shocked." This is finally my chance. I went into UA to trick them that I am good so they have no idea that I am a villain in disguise. I have a mark on my back that is the villain group I joined. If you untie me I can show you." If they remove my chains I knock them out and leave here. 

Like I expected they removed the chains. I stand up and look at who I am dealing with. Their warp villain isn't here so this is my chance. Shigaraki won't be able to stop me because he has have wound all over him. I use my hand and hit him in the back of his head. He falls to the floor and I kick the door open and run. Everything looked so unfamiliar so I didn't know where I was going. There was a train station near by so I got on the train. When i asked one of the passengers where I am I realize I am far from UA. I told her who I am and she immediately called the police. We got off on the next stop and waited for them. It turned out I had been missing for almost a day. I knew the league was lying.  The police took me into questioning and released me after. They let me go to school the next day.

Bakugou's pov   

Deku went missing and I wasn't able to save her. It was all over the news. I wasn't able to sleep that night. Wasn't there something I could've done then there was a new report on the TV.

"The UA student, Izuku Midoriya, was found this morning on a train in Tokyo, Japan. The person who found her says that Midoriya ran into the bus and asked her where she was and told her who she was. With that information the women knew she was the missing person. More on this after the break."

I started texting Deku.

Kacchan: Deku you ok. I heard you got back

Deku: Yeah I am fine.

Kacchan: Did they do anything to you

Deku: Yes. I will show in the end of school. So after school go to the back gate and don't tell anyone or talk about it in school

Kacchan: Ok?

Shigaraki's pov

I woke up to a dinging sound. Did that girl leave her phone here? perfect. Her password was easy to guess. It was the name of the boy texting her. I told him to come to the back of the school gate. This will be perfect.
