Part 3 She Forgot

Todoroki's pov

When I was walking home I realized Midoriya had dropped her phone. I picked it up and ran her direction. What I saw shocked me.There were villains attacking Midoriya.  I screamed at the villains and used my fire quirk to burn  them. Just not before one of them uses their quirk to hit her head. When I used my fire quirk they used her unconscious body as a shield burning off her hair at the same time.  Darn it! I grabbed her and placed her behind me. Using my  ice quirk I froze them in place then I called the police. An ambulance five minutes later. Then I used Midoriya's phone to call her mom. 

Midoriya's pov

I woke up in a hospital with people standing around me. What happened? Why can't I remember anything? I tried to get up but my back hurt so much.

" Your awake!" a women with green hair comes up to me,"My baby!"

"Uh, who are you?" I ask her. She starts crying. Was I suppose to know her?

"You seriously don't remember her? Do you remember me?" a boy with red and white hair asks me.

"I don't remember her. I think I remember you but I am not sure, why?"

"That's your mom and I am your boyfriend."

Todoroki's pov

Does she seriously not remember me? This my chance to get with her. I mean I always liked her. I will just not tell Bakugou about any of this.

"That's your mom and I am your boyfriend." I say.

She looks shocked. " I have a boyfriend?" she asks. Why does she always have to be so dang cute. I can tell my face is red.

"Yes you do." I think she believes me.

"I am going to get the doctor", Inko says.

While we were waiting for the doctor I tell her about Bakugou and how she has been lying to him that the were dating so when she looks in her phone she doesn't find out I am lying.  I tell her about the trio meetings we had together with Bakugou and show her pictures of us on my phone. After a quick talk with the doctor She is discharged and they gives the medicine she has to take for the burns on her back.

Time skip

Bakugou's pov

It's been a total of two weeks and I get to go home from this fvcking vacation. Deku hasn't been responding to my text I am fvcking worried. I am glad I am going home because I fvcking miss her so much. On the ride there I decide to sleep to pass time.

I woke up to my mom yelling at me. " KATSUKI GET OF THE PLANE WE ARE HERE!" I felt sad for the people who had to have their bleeds to her screaming.


" I HEARD YOU OLD HAG!" Never mind I don't feel sad for them. 

Time skip 

When I was done unpacking I went Deku's house . When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw.

Ooooo clifhanger. Anyway if you have any tips or adivice please comment.

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