Part 2 The Accident

Midoriya's pov

Kacchen left for his vacation yesterday. I can't help but miss him. Since we can't meet in person we decided to do group video chats. It's the morning and I just woke up to the smell of waffles. Maybe my mom made breakfast today. I jumped out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning mo-"  I stopped myself when I saw Todoroki standing in the kitchen. What was he doing here early in the morning. My mom was also in the kitchen making coffee.

"Good morning Izuku," my mom said," Todoroki came over an hour ago but you were still asleep. he decided to make breakfast for us, how sweet"

I turned over and looked at Todoroki. " Hi Todo," I said smiling. His turned face was red. Was it the heat from coffee he was drinking? I grabbed a serving of waffles and sat down. Those were some thick waffles. 

Todoroki's pov

I was drinking my coffee when Midoriya comes into the kitchen.  "Hi Todo," she says. My face turns red. She looked so beautiful even though she just woke up. Wait what am I thinking? That is Bakugou's girlfriend not mine even though I always had a crush on her.

" Hi Izu. Want to go to the park today? There are having an event." I say.

" Sure, I would love too." She says grinning. She looks so cute. How does Bakugou always get to have the good stuff. Then Midoriya starts stuffing her face with the waffles I made. So cute. When we finished eating Midoriya  went to her room to change.

Time skip

Midoriya's pov

"I had so much fun at the park today but it is late so I have to head home. Bye Todo." I say as I walk to home. Todoroki waves bye back and goes in a different direction. Since it was late I wanted to go through a quick route which was an ally way. Nobody really knew this route anyway.

"Hi shortie!" I hear a unfamiliar voice say. When I turn around I see two guys behind me. I knew how to fight so I got ready to punch them when I suddenly feel weak. It must be one of their quirks. I only had the energy to scream for help when someone from behind hits me the head. My vision turned blurry as I fall the floor. 

"Leave her alone!" That is the last thing I hear before I pass out.

Thanks for reading

413 words 
