Rockstar 6: Bobot understoods.

Yes hi i wasn't here yesterday because I had a project due forgive if the chapter is short. Anyways enjoy my hands are cold.


It was weeks later that Bobot will make a plan on how to make the carer fess up and his doings with his beloved partner Bobal. He now in his messy bedroom thinking in with a landfill of clothes around his room with sought and mindlessly trying to generate on what to do but sighed in disappointment that he had nonetheless anything to confront them. He had no other option but good old and original spying. It's the only thing that he could think off out from his stupid brain he had no other option to do.

It was set on a Tuesday. He wore his bright yellow helmet as always and wore a simple black t-heist with accessory of his choker with the same color with blue folded jeans from the bottom and told them he's gonna T-pose in the backyard. They somehow agreed and thought nothing of it and that's how madness sooner upraised.

The master chief than got up to his roof and activated his golden armor and commanded it for him to become fully invisible. That way he can here them talk without further suspicions so he had to be careful where he steps on. A rush of adrenaline was going through him with anxiety on the line, it was ticking bomb for him if he explodes he's done for.

Bobot turned on his boots and flew down gently without making a sound for the two to be alert. He gently slide the door open on went in the house. He's already regretting his decision but he's desperate to know what's going on between them. He knew Bofo wouldn't lie on an answer so effortless so why did he try make a stunt that can set off an nuclear explosion? A lot was going in his head.

He then heard noise coming from down the basement with his sensors alerting him and went down silently to have a face with disbelief and distraught. He was intertwining his fingers and tapping himself if he was dreaming but he wasn't. They were both playing instruments well mostly his boyfriend with Bofo singing aloud with confidence... He now felt guilty on coming downstairs without their consent and authority and letting curiosity got the best of him. All of a sudden his suit showed himself which he panicked within his head moments later the two stopped and looked a him with wide eyes and his boyfriend's jaw drop from revelation. The atmosphere was uneasy with awkwardness. The brunette became flustered and his hair grew longer and poofed up covering his face with bright red like a tomato. He didn't know what to say at first but didn't think straight and was walking towards him removing his helmet and mask and kissed him on the lips parting away his poofy hair forgetting Bofo was in the room. He held his lover gently on his back and the shorter kissing him wrapping his hands around the neck. Poor Bofo he's just standing there staring with ink tears on his face.
