Plant Boballs FR?

I headcanon myself Bobal likes nature and yeah the hedgehog form inspired by luaazs in twitter. Yeah they drew Bobal a samll hedgehog long time ago so yeah. 


This month is starting to get hotter. Everyone in the file house had been dealing to beat the heat so much which made some of the friends a lot bonkers and trying to find ways for no heat to takeover them. Some were smartly dank and few creative but fails. Like for example: Bob running around with very short shorts with a yellow tank-top that he wears. Bosip gotten to flustered with the sight of him dancing like a maniac in his bedroom. Bofo just facepalmed at the dorks and turned on the vacuum. Boder and Bowaev on the other hand went to a website that had a fresh breeze of wind they can sit around all day. For the introverted redhead as always is just normal taking it all in but quite sad since he's a bit lonely on listening to music by himself. D:

Bobal you ask? He's watering plants-HOLD UP PLANTS?! SINCE WHEN WAS HE A NATURE FrEAK?!?! Bitch let me speak.

Anyways he's watering his garden in a calming tycoon game in Minecraft vines. He usually does this when summer heat reaches to his crops. The bushy brunette would be taking care of his lovely pansies and carnations and other floral species especially carnivorous once. They were eye-catching to him in some sort of way. Hell he even gotten cacti with different colors making him a royal member and being top number 1. For real he was an expert of gardening any specific plant. He'd even changed from his old default clothes to green clothes even his hair-tie to change his mood for a calmer presence and a new him.

However, with Bobal's disappearance made the gang in worry well Bofo and Bobot mostly. Bofo assured the emo boy his boyfriend is doing just fine and might went to a different game to beat the heat from this unruly hot summer day but his persuasion cannot calm down the redhot matter. He's already panicking crossing his legs with his hands on his head crying behind his helmet. He's not ready for separation from his beloved. Everyone except for Bobal tried to help out the poor boy but Bobot was about to reach his boiling point if he doesn't see him within 5 minutes. Boder took out an ipad and started searching the gaming history with his friends searching and finally found the brunette last area from the teleportation system. Bofo quickly announced about the news and everyone perked up and all went to the lobby.


                                                                Welcome to Minecraft vines! 

Enjoy yourself planting various species of plants and doing many incredible stuff with it!                                                                .                                          Make sure to like the game and have fun!                                                          .

All of them were teleported to the lobby to find grapes, vines and trees decored with many species of flowers from bottom to top with a cabin inside. Bowaev dashed quickly inside the brown house to see an NPC there waiting for them. The rest followed Bowaev in.

"I never knew Bobal would have a taste in these king of games." awed Bofo looking around the place with Bowaev "Let's just hope we can find Bobal before Bobot gets another breakdown. Im sure he's still here" Boder projected through the blue gem. Bosop added the details to the green NPC and got teleported to Bobal's area.

                      You had arrived to greensand everyone! Take a look around!

"Greensand? That's what he called it?" disgusted Bob in a joking manner. Bosip smooched his boyfriend on the head to make him stop which left the blue boy red as a strawberry.

They all walked in and shocked to see such a beautiful landscape filled with floral scents and aromas all at once with butterflies fluttering all around them. Bowaev was already sparkling with excitement and ran (without hurting the plants ofc) and hugged Bobal giving a yelp in surprise. He didn't understand what was going on until he found Bobot hugging him tightly sniffing with his helmet off. Bobal was just questioning what was going on until someone rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Forgive him he's worried of where you were. You didn't tell us that you"ll be in a game." The robot replied with wires and mechanics whirring inside. Bob was just pitting a flower om Bosip's ear while Bofo continued talking to him about the situation. The small latter was just already tired and started to sleep-stand while Boder is holding his hand to not make him fall off. This was certainly fond for Boder that he had pansies with him too. The spider loved them.

Happy ending! What they did in the end was exploring Bobal's flower garden :D
