Boder has a question. Bofo has an answer.

Thos is gonna be shitty.


Spooder: Hey Bofo you here?

Ufo: Yes I am here? Why so?

Spooder: I wanna ask but I think it's not worth it.

Ufo: Go ask away i'll be waiting.

Spooder: Well something to say is That is it true Bobal, Bobot and you were sewing together? For what I saw in Bobot's bedroom there was a planning schedule of you making clothing?

Ufo: Uh no?

Ufo: Maybe you read it wrong?

Spooder: If I read it wrong why did it say "No one shall know"?

Ufo: goodnight Boder

Spooder: What?

Ufo has left the chat.




Bofo: Okay Bobot tell me why you put our schedule with I quote. "No one shall know"?

Bobot: You said it was secret i constantly have to remind myself.

Bobot: and thank you for changing our names to normal.

Bobal: Ngl i liked our names but wait Boder found out.

Bofo: He did but he's suspecting out sewing hobby

Bobal: Hes dead now ima kill him.
