11: It's your fault


"Tae no! Hm.. ah!" I almost screamed when he started squeezing my clothed crotch while he's sucking on my neck.

"Tae!" I moaned and tried to shush myself and people might hear me.

"Hmm.. you're hard now, let's go!" He said after he made my dick hard and visible.

"Tae I can't go inside the mall while having this bulge!" I groaned when it keeps asking for a soft hole, to enter.

"You're seriously gonna have punishment later" I groaned and walked in the mall while he intertwined his fingers with my fingers.

"You're such a naughty brat, I don't know what I might do to you later when we get home" I whispered.

"Guess you have to punish me hard since I'm teasing you until tomorrow" he giggles.

"I'm sure you will regret going that" I said as he shooked his head.

"I'm sure I won't" he confidently said.

"Come on, I'm gonna buy you some sinful stuff" I said as he just giggled and put my arm around his shoulder.

"I love you Kookie" he whispered while looking into my eyes.

"I love you too Taetae, I will never gonna leave you for someone" I said and kissed his head.

"Oh oh! Koo I want that!" He said while jumping and pointing at the big bear in a shop.

"Princess, you're old enough for toys" I said but he just gave me a begging look.

"Be thankful I have money and I love you!" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Go, get it" I said as he smiled and ran into the shop.

"Hi mister! Can you get this one please" he said, pointing at the brown bear as the crew goes up to get the big bear he wanted.

"Princess behave yourself, I'm gonna buy it for you" I said as he smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Koo! This is the biggest stuffed toy I have!" He said and kissed on my neck.

"Yes keep teasing me Tae, wait til we get home" I groaned as he just giggled.

I told him to explore in the shop and he might found some things he wanted too.

"Have you found something you wanted?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm done!" He said and gave me the basket of candies, and toys.

"You're literally a big baby" I chuckled.

We walked towards the counter and I pay for what he bought, and it cost ₩1,000,000,000.

"Let's go to another shop?" I asked as he nodded while smiling.

"Food stores?" I asked as he nodded.

"You're gonna make me run out of money on my black card" I chuckled as he just grip onto my arm.

"Let's buy food and stuff for the house? I'm sure it's important" he whispered as I nodded.

He look around the grocery store and put things and food on the card.

He was still holding my hand while he's exploring the shop.

"Do you think we will need this?" He asked almost a whisper.

"Princess what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing" he said and put the thing he was asking about.

"Honey, tell me what's wrong? Did I say something bad earlier?" I asked.

"It's nothing Koo, I just wanted to buy things for the house since I'm asking you to buy me childish stuffs and I'm just wasting your money on not important things" he said and keep on looking on the food.

"Princess I didn't told you to stop buying things, I was just joking my black card will ran out of money" I said.

"It's fine, Koo. Let's just buy things for the house and for the kids we will adopt" he Said.


A girl came near us, she's so sexy and others might look at her body.

I looked Jungkook and he was looking at her, as I removed my hand on his hand and continued buying things.

We reached the next aisle and he finally asked what's the problem.

"Tae why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

"I'm getting jealous too, you should know me better. I'm so easy to get jealous" I said looking at him, and continued to look at the products.

"Mr. Lee is right Koo, you can't pass your ranks to your real children because I can't give you kids. I know you will find a girl to love and give you kids" I said and smiled.

"Come on, I'm already done" I said and walked towards the counter lane.

"Have you found a girl? I'll help you to get her" I said but he just looked down.

I just waited for our next, but it took more minutes for our turn as I heard my phone vibrated.

It's mom..

When will you gave us money? Did you forgot that you have family to care about? You only care about yourself!

I'm sorry mom, I'll make sure I'll give it to you tomorrow

Mom: you should! I'm so disappointed on you!

She said and hanged up the call as I just sighed.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked as I just smiled and shooked my head as a Nothing.

After some minutes, it's already our turn and Jungkook payed for it.

"Should we go home?" I asked.

"Are you tired? Because if you are I'm gonna bring you home" he said.

"It's up to you Kook, you make the decisions better" I said.

"Let's go home" he said as I just smiled.

We went inside his car and he drove us to his house.

"Here, I should go home now Koo.. since it's already 9 pm" I said after giving him the grocery bags.

"I can't just let you go without knowing what's the problem and what did I do" he said and carried me inside.

"Kook I need to go home!" I said almost yelling but he just kissed my cheek.

"Shush, just tell me what's the problem!" He said as I just glared at him and stay silent.

"It's your fault though!" I said and rolled my eyes.
