09: tease


"Taetae I did it! Taetae? Princess where are you?" I yelled and looked around his office.

I went outside, to the working people.

"Hey, did you guys see Taehyung?" I asked but they just shooked their head.

"Hey hey! You all! Did you see Taehyung?" I asked the eating people but they shrugged and shooked their head.

"Where the heck is he?" I groaned and went to the 27th floor.

I saw him..


"Taetae! What are you doing here? Why are you crying princess?" I asked and sat next to him.

I used my thumb to wipe the tears from his eyes to his fluffy cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Who hurted you?" I asked.

"You're g-gonna leave me right?" He shakily asked as I chuckled.

"Why would I leave you? I love you Tae, I wouldn't leave you for someone who can't be like you. You're kind, sweet, caring, cute and small, and I love you for that. You aren't a whore like others, that's why I love you. So don't think about me, leaving you for someone or something" I said and kissed his forehead.

"Stop crying princess, you made me worried. I thought you ran away" I said and hugged him, keeping his head on my chest.

"I did it Tae! I already got divorced with her and you're now gonna be my boyfriend for life! Do you wanna have date tonight?" I asked.

"I don't have m--"

"Princess I'm your boyfriend, I will spend my money for you if you need" I said.

"Will you cuddle me for a while and let's have a date?" He asked raising his head to look at me.

"Of course you have cuddles! You want cwawdol cwawdol? (cuddle cuddle)" I asked as he giggles.

"You're cute" he said and booped my nose.

"You're cute too" I said and booped his cheek.

I lay down and he lay down on my chest, sniffing my neck and whining because of his comfortable movement.

"T-tae don't touch me there, I don't want to fuck you now you'll get hurt" I said and moved his hand on my clothed crotch and brought it to my waist as I heard him groaned.

"You, naughty boy!" I said as he keep trying to touch me but I keep putting his hand on my waist.

"I wanna touch it!" He whined, faking his cries as I glared at him but he just gave me a pretty begging eyes.

"Argh! Be thankful that I love you!" I groaned.

He kneeled in front of me while giggling, he unbuckled my belt, unzipping my pants as he lay his front on my front and kissed my chin.

"I wuv you (I love you)" he said cutely as I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Tae" I said and he smiled before pulling my boxer and underwear off.

He looked at me with his big eyes as I chuckled and told him to continue what he wanted to do.

He opened his mouth, taking his tongue out. He was looking at me while licking the tip of my dick.

"You're s-such a tease" I said, groaning.

"Fuck Tae!" I raised my head and groan in pleasure when he took it whole in his mouth.

He bobbed his head on my dick, hitting his throat using my dick. He was getting gagged because of how big I am, but he loves being choked on it.

I groaned when my phone rang as I reached out for it and didn't even looked at the caller number.

"H-hello? Jeon J-jungkook speaking, who's this?" I asked shakily when Taehyung keep making wet sucking sound.

"Mr. Jeon, the other CEO are already in the meeting room. They are waiting for you 20 minutes ago" she said as I groaned.

"Jungkook ahh please Fuck me daddy ahh!" Taehyung moaned and screamed after he kissed my neck.

"Fuck! Tell them I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said and hanged up.


"Sir Lee, I heard Mr. Jeon moaning and I think he's with Mr. Kim, his secretary. He said 'Jungkook please fuck me daddy' " she said to the other CEO as they smirked.


"Princess I forgot about the meeting with those dumb jerks. Come on! I'll make sure it will just take 10 minutes meeting about their fucking companies" I said as he keep putting love marks on my neck, and I gave him too..

He pouts and glared at me.

"I'm sorry princess, I'll give you best fuck later okay?" I said as he pouted again and I just gave him a peck.

"I am yours, you are mine. Understood?" I asked as he giggled and nodded.

I fixed his clothes but the white stain doesn't get off his black pants and tuxedo.

"I love you" I said before carrying him to the elevator.

We went inside the meeting room and they all looked at us.

"So what the topic here? Your messed up companies again?" I asked and let Taehyung sit next to me.

"Before we talk about the meeting, wanna tell us about your gayness Mr. Jeon?" Mr. Lee said as I looked at Taehyung's scared face as I just chuckled.

"I am gay. And so? I like and love my secretary as a man, and so? You can't stop me from what I am doing with him especially we're happy together. Tell the media we're dating!" I said and stood up.

" 'oh look people! Mr. Jeon Jungkook the CEO of clothing and hotel company were dating his guy secretary, Kim Taehyung! Isn't that awful?'.. Shut the fuck up and mind your fucking low rated company!" I yelled.

"You can't or any one can't fucking get him away from me or else I won't think twice of killing the person whoever wants him to get away from me" I said.

"You can't stop me from loving him because did I stopped you from raping those pretty, innocent, minor girls? I didn't, I just told them not to be scared to tell the police about what you did. And they are watching your movements, Mr. Lee" I smirked.
