05: He won


"You did a good job today Tae, wanna eat ice cream?" I asked while we're walking in the side of the road.

"I didn't bring any money here" he said as I chuckled.

"I have everything you need honey, so do you want ice cream?" I asked again as he happily nodded.

"Koo stop! Why do you keep looking at me then you'll smile! You're weird stop it!" He said as I chuckled.

"You caught me there!" I said and ruffles his hair.

"Seriously why do you keep looking at me?" He asked as I kissed his forehead.

"You're cute and pretty, why would I not looks at you?" I said.

"You're playing with me aren't you?" He glare as I smiled.

"Tae I'm not playing around okay? You're really pretty, you should know that" I said as we both deeply admire each other.

I smiled and..

He looked at me in embarrassment when i suddenly kiss him, we look at each other in embarrassment as i chuckled and kissed him again but passionately and long this time.

He responded to my kissed til my hands moved in his nape and back.

"Kook--" he tried to stop me but i just didn't.

"You're so pretty Tae" i said as he gave me a bright smile.

"No kissing in public they might hate us" I said.

"Let them hate me but not you" I whispered.

"What are you saying Koo!" He said and pushed me away.

"I wanna keep you safe" I said and put my arm around his waist and looked at him.

"Why are you so pretty?!" I groaned as he giggled.

"Stop saying that! I might fall for you!" He mumbles the end.

"Then fall for me, I'm here to catch you" I said as he pinch my nipple and I just chuckled.

"Seriously Jeon! Don't do that I might fall for you and I might regret it after. I have trust issue" he said.

"Princess you can trust me, I know we barely spend time together, we aren't a couple, we mostly fight and we don't talk that much but you can trust me, always remember I'm always here for you" I said as he hugged me after he pouts.

"No one ever said that to me!" He said as I chuckled and hugged him back.

"And now I did, I'm here to support you even you're just my secretary and I'm just your boss" I said.

"Tae?" I said as he hummed and looked at me.

"I like you" I said without hesitation.

"What do you mean you like me?" He asked deeply looking at my eyes as I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I like you, what I mean is I like everything of you, everything you have and everything you hide for yourself. Remember when I was about to fight with that nasty guy who almost raped you? I like the way you didn't let him, you didn't let him do that to you because there are many guys who are whores that they let them, anyone to fuck them, but you? You didn't. Remember when we ate together in cafeteria? You didn't forced me to smile, you didn't forced me to have a sex or something with you. I like the way you smile, the way you listen to me even I keep yelling, I'm an emo or I don't respect you, you're still here talking with me, playing and laughing with me. You changed me Tae!" I said as tears fall from his eyes.

"Don't cry, princess. I mean what I just said" I smiled as he smiled back and hugged me again.

"Will you wait for me til I find my love for you, okay?" I whispered.

"Koo I have trust issue, I don't know if I can wait and trust you about this. Love is very important and the best for me. Will you promise it to me?" He asked as I nodded.

"I pinky pinky, Tae" I said and raised my pinky finger as he intertwined it with me.

"You have my words Tae, I won't give you false hope. I just need time to find the love okay?" I said as he nodded.

"Come on let's get you an ice cream then I'll drive you home" I said, he was about to get off me but I hugged him tightly and he just giggled and buries his head on my shoulder.

"I like you too Koo" he said as I chuckled.

"Well I like you more!" I said and kissed his neck but i wasn't expecting him to..

"Tae did you just moaned?" I asked.

"That's my sensitive spot, if you don't want me to moan don't kiss me there" he said.

"Tae? When you're still applying to the company, are you serious that you're still a virgin? Did you already fucked someone or someone already fucked you?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Never ever did, I'm living with my mom for my whole life but I left and live alone in my small apartment last month to find a job and give money to my mom and my siblings" he said as I nodded.

"That's good, you really should keep your virginity for someone you will love" I said.

"Where the fuck is the ice cream store?" I whispered.

"Why do you keep cursing especially when you're angry?" He asked.

"My step dad used to cursed at me when I was young" I said.

"Sorry for asking. Do you have siblings?" He asked.

"I have an elder brother but he's living with our mom and his new family, I'm only the one in our family that lives alone" I said and squeezed his butt that made him whine.

"Koo don't" he mumbles as I chuckled.

"Get used to it, because I'll be touching, hitting and kissing that if we're already a couple" I said as he bit my neck that made me groan.

"Don't complain, I'll be bitting and sucking this if we're already a couple" he said as I just chuckled.

He really doesn't want me to win.
