13 (2)

"John what you having mate?" Phil asked him. John smiled and he shrugged as he replied. "Probably the same thing we always get from there, a cheese and chicken burrito, I never mix it up because it's always so good. "

Phil nodded back at him and he rubbed his hand against the back of her head slightly as Ellie made the call. "How long do you think it'll take for them to arrive?"

"Hopefully not too long, I'm starving as well and I feel like i'm going to eat half the couch if I don't get food soon." John laughed as he nudged Phil

"You got any baby names yet Ef?" Ellie asked. He looked at Ellie as she asked her the question and he could see Effy's eyes instantly flash with annoyance.

He wasn't quite sure why she was so sensitive about this topic yet but he knew he'd rather avoid it than have the argument it's just cause. "Not yet, we're struggling to agree on one. "

"Effy you haven't mentioned any of them to me?" Phil looked confused.

Effy looked guilty as she realised this was true, she had shared just about everything about the pregnancy with Ellie but she had yet to say a single name choice. "That's because I feel like I can't say anything without you guys making fun of it. "

"Im your boyfriend Ef, i would never make fun of you and you know this. She sighed as she realised she had shut out her best friend and her boyfriend and she couldn't even say why she did it.

"I know that, I don't actually think you guys would make fun of me. I just don't want to sound dumb when I say what I like because then I feel vulnerable and I hate that. "

"Okay we can just talk about it later okay?" Phil smiled softly. She nodded lightly as a small smile appeared on her face and she leaned her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes.

She felt so safe around him and right now she wanted all the safety she could get. "Yeah, I'll talk about it with you later. I promise."

The doorbell rang and that snapped Effy out of her relaxed headspace as she looked at the two of them with a sigh. "I'll get it."

He nodded as he sat back after she stood up and he watched her as she walked towards the door. She had been slowly getting in a better mood ever since she agreed to the burrito and now she was acting very much her normal self. She opened the door

"Effy Mount!" The uber eats driver quickly took out his phone to record her "Your Masons sister, and Phil's girlfriend! You're pregnant!"

"Nono please delete this video! Please!" Effy begged as she tried to grab the phone

The driver quickly moved the phone away from her and he kept recording. He was more than aware that she was pleading with him but he was even more aware of the potential money he was about to make.

"Not a chance girl, this will be worth the money." The camera stayed focused squarely on her the entire time and Effy was forced to watch the man record her while she was pregnant which was one of her biggest fears. "You're pregnant and the whole world is going to know! What a skank you are getting pregnant at 18."

Effy was furious, she felt more vulnerable than she ever had in her entire life and her worst fears were coming alive. The thought of the news being spread about her being pregnant made her want to cry.

The driver laughed as he continued to record and he got her reaction as she started to get angry. "Oh look at her rage, I'm going to make so much money from this. "

"Delete it please!" Effy begged one last time. The driver shook his head once again as he began to laugh at her desperately trying to get him to delete it.

He knew he could make much more if he sent this viral on the internet and he couldn't wait to do it.

"I'm not deleting it and it doesn't matter if you ask one more time or a hundred, I'm going to sell this to the highest bidder and you can't stop me."

Effy was livid as he said this to her and her face instantly went pure white. Now she wasn't just feeling incredibly vulnerable, she was feeling completely exposed for the worst reasons possible.

She felt like she was about to cry but she didn't want this man to see her cry so she held it back. Now she had one last chance to stop this video from spreading all over the internet, which is something she would regret if it happened. "Please..."

The driver laughed as he looked around at her and he didn't even stop filming for a second as he continued to mock her.

"Please nothing. If anything it's probably going to earn me more money because you're begging, makes it so much more fun. "

As soon as the young boy saw John walk into the kitchen to grab a drink, he bolted. "What's taking so long to get are food Effy?"

Effy snapped at John when she heard him speaking from inside the house, she was struggling with holding her anger and the driver's words had pushed her right to the edge. Her body was shaking and so she didn't feel like she had any time to hold back. "What do you mean whats taking so long? We only ordered it not even a few minutes ago, so chill the fuck out."

John went silent as he heard her tone and he knew he had said the wrong thing to her. He should have known better than to have said that, especially with the way she is right now. The last thing she needed was people irritating her and right now he was just making everything worse. "Get Phil." Effy almost sounded out of breath

John didn't say a word as he turned around and walked straight towards Phil, he could see just how angry she was from her breathing and her body language. He quietly walked into the living room and nudged him from behind. "Effy wants you in the kitchen."

Phil stood up immediately and he walked straight towards the kitchen and he could tell from the sounds coming from the kitchen that Effy was not happy at all. He braced himself for anything as he opened the door and stepped inside.

"A boy just recorded me." Effy finally broke into a sob as she seen her boyfriend walk in "He said he's going to post it everywhere - and he didn't even give us our food."

He rushed towards her as she began to cry, he hated it when she cried but he hated it even more when she was crying because someone had hurt her. "Come here. "

He held her close to him as he stroked her back and tried to soothe her the best way he figured he could. He was pissed at the situation, he was pissed off that someone had filmed her without her permission and most of all he was pissed off that this had made her cry.

"I didn't want anyone to know i was pregnant, yet."

His heart broke even more when she said this.

They had been trying to keep it a secret for now and she had been pretty secretive about the whole thing so far, so someone else finding out and telling the world would be her worst nightmare. he pulled her even closer to him and he buried his face into her hair. "It's going to be okay baby."

He rubbed his hand across the small bump on her stomach and as she began to cry even harder his rage began to rise and it made him feel so helpless. He could protect her from anyone in the world but he couldn't protect her from people spreading her pregnancy news. "What does he look like?"

"It don't matter Phil, i don't want you doing something that will get you kicked of the team again. He's already gone and leaked it now anyways so it can't be stopped."

He knew she was right, that was always the problem with his anger issues; they only ever made things worse. He didn't mind getting kicked out his team if it meant protecting her but they were trying to keep the pregnancy a secret until they had a plan made for everything.

"You're right, I just don't know what else to do." He pulled her even closer to him as he began to softly rub her back. "Please calm down, we need to work out how we're going to approach this."

"I want to go to bed." He hesitated for a split second because she did need to calm down but he hated having to leave her when she was like this. In the end he could see there was really no other option. "Okay, you go to bed. I'll come find you in a minute."

"What about Ellie and John?" He sighed but he knew she was right, she needed to get away from everything right now, including the rest of her friends.

"I'll make up something for them and ask them to leave, just get yourself to bed."

She nodded softly as she finally pulled away from him and she made her way to the stairs as she wiped at her eyes.

Phil waited a little longer before he also made his way out of the kitchen and made his way towards Ellie and John.

Ellie looked so shocked to see him when he returned into the living room and she was quickly filled with concern. She wasn't expecting him to be back so soon and she figured there was a problem with Effy. "Whats wrong, what happened?"

He looked back at her and he was about to lie but he changed his mind and decided to be honest with her instead.

"Effy got overwhelmed and she wants some time to herself. I'm going to go up to her now but I'm going to ask you two to leave, okay? "

Ellie's face was immediately filled with concern when he told them this but she instantly knew this was not the time to get involved. She nodded her head and she rose to her feet.

"Alright, we get it. We'll head off now to watch a movie. Call us if you need anything at all, okay?"

"Philll." Effy groaned from upstairs as she threw up but it didn't sound like it was coming from the toilet

The moment he heard her groan he dashed back up the stairs, his heart rate was still elevated and he was ready to do anything for her. When he reached the door to the bedroom he opened it quickly. "Effy, are you okay?"

She was bent over the toilet and she was clearly in distress. He immediately rushed towards her and he held her head and her hair away from the toilet bowl. He looked at her for a moment and realised in that second that he didn't even know if this was even normal. "Are you puking?"

"I threw up all over the bed, i'm sorry." Effy told him as she threw up again, this sickness from the pregnancy was getting annoying - or maybe it was a withdrawal from the drugs but either way she was sick of it

This wasn't exactly how he expected his night to go, but at the same time he should have been prepared for it when he was with a pregnant teenager.

She could see the concern written all over his face as she threw up and he helped hold her head in the right place. He hated seeing her so sick and he hated having to sit by helplessly while she went through this.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. It's all right, it's completely normal. Just breathe and try to get as much of it out as you can and I'll clean up the bed. Is it happening a lot? "

She nodded gently as she continued to throw up and he started to guide her head towards the toilet to minimize the mess made.

"It's not always so bad but it just seems like it's getting worse and worse every day. I'm just really tired of it and I honestly don't want to be sick during the rest of this pregnancy."

He nodded softly as he listened and he made sure that he was supporting every little movement she made.

"Well I have good news for you then little one, the first trimester is generally the worst.

You won't be sick all 9 months, it'll just be a lot of tiredness and a bit of sickness in the second trimester but then your energy is supposed to come back around in the third trimester. "

"I'm 24 weeks what trimester am i even in?" He laughed when she asked that question, he couldn't believe that they hadn't discussed this yet.

"Oh my God Effy, how have we never talked about this? You'd be in your second trimester now, almost at the end of it. So don't worry the worst of being sick is over the hills. And now you're going to come lie down while I finish sorting this bed out because you need rest. "

She was clearly exhausted and there was no way that she would be able to argue with the fact that she needed rest, so she nodded her head as he pushed her out of the bathroom and back into bed. He closed the door after she went in and he began to strip the bed of its sheets as quickly as he could so he could wash them and put new ones on for her.

After about ten minutes he had everything in the wash and was waiting for them to do their magic and start spinning around, while he sat in the living room he started to type "Effy pregnant" into his phone and he began to try and find out whether or not the article had been published yet.

After about five minutes of searching he found the video on a gossip site and sure enough it had been leaked. He started to read through the article and he wanted to punch the guy in the gut. The video had been shared with all the details and they seemed to have made every single part of the information extra dramatic and he felt like they really over exaggerated the story.The article was called:


Phil's eyes were instantly filled with hatred as he read the headline for this article and he almost felt like it was a personal attack on them. He read down through the rest of the article and he kept seeing words like 'scandalous' and 'shocking' and it was making him see red.

As he finished reading the article he threw his phone across the living room. He couldn't believe they had twisted the whole story this way. At least they didn't mention a word about who the father was.

He took a few minutes to calm himself down and in that time the washing had finished and they started to dry, once they were completely dry he removed them from the machine and he quickly made his way back up to Effy. He threw her old sheets onto the ground and he began to help her cover the bed with clean ones.

When he had finally finished he lay down next to her and he pulled her towards him as she laid her head on his chest and he began to stroke her hair. "You feeling better now? "

She nodded slightly as she settled herself into his chest and she laid her head against him. "Just a mix of the sickness and the stress and the worry, it got too much."

He kissed the top of her head and he moved his arm around her body as he stroked her back with his other hand.

"I know, but you can't worry about it now, it's out and nothing can be done about it anymore. Just focus on getting some rest, you need it desperately."

She nodded again and she didn't say anything more as she got even more comfortable in his arms and the exhaustion of the day caught up with her and she slowly began to fall asleep.
