He was still sat in the bed with Effy wrapped in his arms, as he was still just ensuring she was fine. He was tired from watching over her all night, but he didn't want her to wake up alone, so he decided to wait until she naturally woke up. "She doing any better?" Mason asked as he walked into the room

He nodded his head as he looked over at Mason, trying to conceal the fact that he had been staying in the same bed with her all night. "Yea, she's started breathing a bit deeper and her pulse is fine, I've been watching over her all night so she's been monitored."

"She's usually a mess when she wakes up from a high so just be careful." He nodded his head as he understood what he meant, as he knew that usually after the high the crash was brutal. He let out a yawn at this point as he was starting to feel really tired himself, but he was determined to stay until she woke up to ensure that she didn't wake up in a panic.

"Since when did she trust you then?" Mason asked as he sat on the end of the bed "She usually doesn't trust anybody especially boys, apart from me."

He let out a small chuckle at this, as he recalled just how much she had first been pushing him away before she finally decided to trust him. "I think she started to trust me when I saved her from that creep that was trying to take advantage of her."

"Have you slept together?"
He shot up at this question as he had obviously not done anything with her given her state.

He felt a little offended at the question as if the fact that he was in her bed meant they had done something. "No, absolutely not. She was almost unconscious last night so what do you think?" he said defensively.

"I don't mean last night Phil, i've meant before, i know you wouldn't do that - like have you ever slept with her. I've seen the way she looks at you the past few weeks despite her never being sober." Mason explains

He blushed a little at this, as he didn't even realise that anyone had picked up on the way that she could often stare at him at times. He cleared his throat as he didn't know what to say in regard to the questions he was being asked. "We... no. We've never slept together." he replied, not completely willing to admit the truth at this point.

Mason looked at him, he knew that he was lying and he could tell by the way he suddenly blushed and looked away when talking about it. He knew all about her crushes, especially because he had to keep bringing her home from these parties every week so it was hard for him to not have seen the way she acted towards him. "She's always high or drunk recently, she's turned into a drug addict. And that girl she calls her bestfriend, Leah isn't helping either." Mason says

He knew that he couldn't disagree with what he was saying, as the amount of drugs that she had been taking recently really was quite scary.

He had known that she took drugs often, but recently, it was becoming a constant problem rather than something that happened occasionally. He also understood what he meant, because Leah was never someone who was ever good for Effy to be around, as she always encouraged her to take more of whatever drug she was taking at the time.

"The amount of times i've had to look after her whilst she is paralytic is scary, i just want my sister back." Mason tells Phil as he looks at her cuddled up to him

He could see how Mason was becoming frustrated at hearing about how often she had been needing someone to look after her recently, it was obviously scaring him that she was going to end up doing something serious to herself. He also felt like when she wasn't sober she just wasn't the same person, so he could understand that Mason really did miss the Effy that he once knew.

He looked at her cuddled up to him, her face buried into this chest as she continued to sleep. He was starting to feel even more protective over her after she told him what happened last night, and he really wanted to keep watching over her, in the hope that she would make a full recovery from whatever she had taken last night.

He also looked at her face again, as even for something so minor, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, even when she was unconscious. He realised now just how much she had changed over the last couple of weeks, as it was becoming clear that her drug use was really starting to spiral out of control, and the effects were starting to show both mentally and physically. "She's lost a lot of weight." Phil says as he strokes her face

He realised that she had lost a lot of weight as he began to stroke her face, he could feel just how thin and frail her face felt in comparison to just how it used to feel. He knew that her weight loss had to be the result of all the drugs that she had been taking these last few weeks, and it was starting to become quite concerning as it was just getting more and more obvious.

Her facial features looked far more gaunt, and it just looked as if they were about to become even more pronounced if she was to continue with the amount of drugs she was taking. He didn't know how to get through to her, and she just didn't seem to understand just how bad her addiction had gotten. "It's only gotten bad since Anna passed away."

He nodded his head in response as he realised that this was true, since her passing she had really gone off the rails when it came to her drug use. He knew that this was a way of her coping, given the traumatic nature of her sisters passing, but it was clear that it was now being extremely detrimental for her health.

He could feel her starting to stir in his arms, so he held her tightly as he felt her body twitching ever so slightly. This was one of the first signs of her starting to wake up, and he expected her to be very irritable in the upcoming minutes.

He watched on as she opened her eyes, as she looked up at him with a completely blank expression, not really knowing where she was given that she had just woken up.
Her eyes stayed on his face for a few seconds before finally speaking, as she had finally come into some form of consciousness. "Where am I?" she muttered out, as she stared up at him still in the same position in his arms.

He could tell by the way she asked the question that she was still quite out of it, so he just decided to take it slowly at first. "Your bed, I'm just making sure that you're okay before I leave you alone, just in case you freak out or something." he replied in a calming manner.

She stared up at him blankly for a few seconds before she finally replied, as she felt like she was coming more into consciousness. "What?" she mumbled out, clearly still not quite fully awake yet, and confused about the situation.

He sighed as he realised that she hadn't quite grasped the full idea of it yet, so he decided to explain it to her as simply as he could.  "I'll explain a bit later, but last night you were in a pretty bad way, and I had to take care of you. I just wanted to make sure you were fully okay before I left your side." he explained to her.

She nodded her head at this as she gradually started to remember what had happened last night. "Okay, wait. you stayed with me? you're here and you don't want sex?" she was surprised by the fact that he had stayed with her, mainly because she couldn't remember the last time anyone had done that for her without expecting something in return.

He nodded his head as he realised how surprised she was, although he knew he couldn't really blame her, given the fact that most of the people that hung around her didn't really have good intentions. "Yea, I stayed here. It would have been weird if I had just left you on your own, so I stayed here" he replied kindly.

Phil looked up at Mason when he caught his glance, as he now realised that he was potentially going to have to explain why he was still sat up in Effy's bed. "Didn't even realise you was here Mase." Effy said groggily

She was still only partially awake, as she barely managed to mumble out the words, but she had at least managed to recognise Mason's presence. Mason decided to explain himself to her as he realised that she was still half asleep so he didn't want to start a full-blown conversation with her yet. "Yeah I just got here. Phil told me last night that you were in quite a bad way, so I just thought I'd come and check up on you." he explained.

"I'm gonna be sick." Effy whispers to Phil.
He instantly realised that she was going to be sick, and she was leaning up against his chest as this was her favourite position when she was feeling like that.

"Hold on..." he started to say as he slowly took her off the bed and walked her over to the bathroom, as he then left her next to the toilet just in case she actually ended up being sick.

He stood by the bathroom door watching on as she tried to hold it in for as long as she could, as he waited to see whether or not she would throw up or not. "She will throw up, she always does." Mason says as he looks at Phil "Why are you just in your boxers Phil?"

He realised that he hadn't actually gotten changed at all from last night, as he was still wearing just a pair of boxers. He was about to try and form an excuse when Mason called him out on it.

"Oh, I um..." Phil started to explain himself, before he realised that he couldn't come up with anything convincing that would explain why he was still in boxers, as he realised the truth would be found out soon enough. "Effy had no clothes as she's sold them all - so i let her borrow mine."

Mason raised an eyebrow at this, as it just didn't make any sense to him at all. he thought that it was weird that Phil would just let Effy borrow his clothes, especially given the fact that he hadn't just left her be when he arrived. He had no idea how Phil truly felt about her, but the more he watched the way he was acting, the more he had his suspicions about the fact that Phil might have feelings for the troubled girl. "He didn't sleep with me." Effy said as she finally threw up

This caught Phil by surprise as he didn't expect her to just say this, especially considering the situation, but he was also happy that she was just being honest about it. He was also relieved that she was finally throwing up, although he knew that she would still be incredibly tired for at least the next couple of hours as she just recovered. "Mason where's Anna?"

She was still leaning against the sink, which made it hard for her to even speak properly. Her voice was still hoarse and she could only half muster the words out as she asked about her dead sister. Mason was not expecting her to ask this, and it was starting to make him a bit worried about how she was actually feeling. She was a lot of the time too intoxicated to even form an answer that didn't just seem like complete nonsense to everyone.

Mason looked at her as he answered, "She died six months back." he responded, not saying anything else about the topic as he knew that Effy didn't like to talk about it.

"Oh yeah." Effy sighed, Mason could tell it was still difficult for Effy to even talk about it, so he knew better than to bring it up in normal conversations, especially after all the drugs she had taken last night. Her mind was likely not quite in the right place at this point.

She had managed to lose her balance as she tripped over, which had likely been a direct result of the fact that she was still feeling incredibly nauseous from the fact that she had just vomited. She looked up at them both, now looking even more exhausted, as Mason noticed the small bit of vomit around the corner of her mouth. "You're a mess Eff." Mason says

She sighed, as she just didn't have the energy to really respond to this, as she knew it was probably true that she was a complete mess at this point. She had let herself go completely over the last few months, and she had gone from being someone who was barely doing any drugs to now someone who had gotten drunk last night and thrown up her last remaining contents all over the bathroom.

She had finally managed to sober up after a few hours, although she was still feeling extremely exhausted from her night. Her mind was also slightly foggy, so she was finding it hard to form her words or thoughts properly. Mason had left which she was grateful for, as she didn't think she could handle him being there any longer, and Phil was now lying on her bed as she decided to join him.

"Thank you for being here." Effy says as she walks in after having a shower and notices her bed in made, and her room is tidied

She knew he must have spent some time tidying up her room after what had happened the night before, as she remembered her entire room being covered in rubbish and other belongings that were thrown everywhere. "No problem, just wanted to make sure you're alright." he replied, as he then moved over so he could make space for her to climb into bed next to him.

She walked over to the bed and slowly climbed into it as she crawled close to him, wanting to feel the comfort that he had always given her. She also realised that he had moved over so she could climb in, so she gave him a small smile as a token of gratitude for the kind gesture he had made towards her. "Your warm." Phil says as he feels her forehead

She hadn't fully realised until he commented on it, but he was right as she was warm to the touch, which likely meant that she had a fever of some kind. He had realised this before she even had, which showed just how observant he was towards her. She would have to get checked for any illnesses soon, as she would need to ensure that she was okay in that sense as well. "It's just from the drugs."

He frowned slightly as he realised that she was probably just brushing it off as a small side effect of the drugs that she had taken last night. She always thought that any small illness would just pass, but they both knew how fragile her body actually was.

She continued to lean her body into his, as she felt like getting comfortable next to him would likely help her feel even more relaxed. He noticed this and held her closer to him than before, as she finally stopped moving so she could just concentrate on resting. "You know when i woke up in your bed a few weeks ago, i hated you. But now i actually know you, i really don't hate you anymore."

He was slightly surprised by her sudden comment as he hadn't seen it coming at all, but he also was somewhat relieved that she didn't hate him as much as she had done before. It was a sign that she was starting to grow fond of having him around, and this was probably becoming one of the reasons as to why he was starting to spend so much time with her lately.

He decided to ask her a question, as he wanted to understand why she had hated him in the first place. "Why did you hate me? Was it just because of my reputation, or was it something more?"

"I think because, before Anna passed, she always told me, me and you would be cute together, So obviously when she passed you was almost like a constant reminder that she isn't here anymore." Effy explained

He thought about this for a moment, as he realised that it made sense for her to believe this way. She had lost a sister who she loved, and he reminded her of her a lot, which was probably quite hard for her to even think about at times.

He held her a little tighter as he realised this, and gave her a small, comforting smile as he did so as he realised that he had probably acted as a reminder of her loss more than anything else when she had seen him. "You need to stop the drugs Ef."

He knew this was true, but he also knew that she wouldn't take kindly to being told so directly and aggressively in the way she just was. "It's not that easy, trust me." she replied, as she looked away from him.

She was currently still dependent on the drugs as she had been taking them for months on end now, so it would require a lot of time for her to be able to come off them. She also was aware of this and didn't really want to face this truth, so she was likely only saying this as a way of deflecting the conversation.

"I know it's not easy, it never is, but you're going to have to eventually come off them." he explained, as he gently started to stroke her hair as he did so.

He knew that he had to handle the situation delicately, as she was quite a fragile girl and as soon as anyone started being too direct with her she would just start to shut down. He had also been through all of this with her before, so he knew how to handle the situation at this point.

He continued to stroke her hair, as he slowly started to try and ease her into the conversation. "But I know that you're stronger than you think you are, and you don't need them to get over everything that's going on." he explained calmly.

She nodded her head slightly as she thought about this, but she still didn't want to talk about this any more than necessary. He had definitely touched a nerve with the comment by the looks of things, and she wasn't quite ready to fully open up about it at this exact moment.

"Your fit." She said trying to change the conversation. He then sighed as he understood what she was doing, and realised that she was trying to deflect the conversation slightly so she didn't have to talk about the previous topic.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself," he said, jokingly flirting with her as much as he could in the current situation. She playfully rolled her eyes at this, as she knew exactly what he was trying to do. The banter was always one of the main reasons why they always ended up spending time together, as the conversations were very rarely ever dull.

Out of nowhere, Effy began to kiss the brunette haired boy. He was almost completely taken off guard by this, as she hadn't really given him any indication that she was going to kiss him. He was surprised when her lips touched his, but he eventually wrapped his arms back around her, as he started to kiss her back passionately.

He pulled her closer into him, as the passion for the kiss started to rise ever slowly. The sudden change in the vibe of the room had caught him off guard, but he was certainly not going to complain as he continued to kiss her deeply

A/N: We are going to get Eff better!!!

Also Phil and Effy🫶🏻🫶🏻

Words: 4007
