chapter 2

Timothy's POV

I was stuck looking after the kids as Keegan is in the hospital with Matt, I hope hes alright I mean I may fight with him a lot, but that doesn't mean I hate him, hes my brother were bound to fight.

All the kids were being on there best behaviour apart from Lucas which im not surprised at, he always acts up when Keegan aint around, I dont know why It dont end good for him.

The younger ones were at the dining table making get well soon cards for Matt whilst I was making dinner, Lucas on the other hand was playing on the games console. I dont mind him playing on it before dinner, its just when he starts cursing I get pissed off.

"Get your fucking shitty car out my way Harvey!" I could hear Lucas from all the way in the games room, I decided to give him another chance maybe it was an accident, but i was soon corrected as I heard him again.

"Lucas come here now!" I yelled for him but I had no response and no Lucas in front of me. I sighed and walk to the games room where I turned everything off by the wall.

"What the fuck Tim! I was playing that!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing out of my brothers mouth, I quickly turned him around and delivered two very hard smacks to his ass.

"Owww! no more! im sorry!!" He begged but that wasn't even part of his punishment.

"Lucas, if you didn't know we have kids in there, Young kids who copy, and you cursing at me and your friend loud enough for them to hear is not acceptable as you well know, So why do it when you know it will get you into trouble with not only me, but Keegan as well when he gets home?" I said firmly glaring at my brother whilst he just looked down at the floor.

I wasn't thinking Tim...Im sorry" he mumbled.

I sighed and sat down on the gaming chair.

"Come here" I motioned him towards me, he came closer but took his time, I gently pulled him over my lap. I may only be a year older than him but im still aloud to punish him. I adjusted him and held my arm over him so he couldn't move.

"you ready?" I asked him calmly. I felt him nod and I started.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

I landed 20 first concentrating on his ass only before I moved down to his sit spot and upper thighs.

"No more! Please Tim, I wouldn't curse again!!" I hated seeing him crying and begging for me to stop but he needed to learn a lesson, a hard lesson.

"nearly done buddy just a few more" I rubbed his back to reassure him It was nearly over. I grabbed the hairbrush I brought in with me, Its been a while since he got the brush so this was gonna hurt him.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

I landed the last 15 onto his sit spot and upper thighs, I did it hard not to hurt him but to teach him that what he did was not acceptable behaviour I wanted from him. by this point he was kicking and struggling trying to get away. I sat him up and hugged him, letting him cry into my shoulder whilst I whispered calming words into his ear.

"It's all over buddy, shhh Its ok all done" My voice was calm and he soon stopped crying. I could tell he would be clingy the rest of the night he normally is after getting spanked. I decided then to talk to him about what just happened and why it happened.

"You know why I spanked you Lucas?" I questioned raising my eyebrow as I looked at him.

"Y..Yes...because I was cursing and being rude" He looked down and I was satisfied he had learnt his lesson, But Keegan is not going to be happy when he finds out.

The rest of the evening was calm, I got the younger ones to bed then me and Lucas cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie till we fell asleep.
