Chapter 12: Worst punishment ever.

Matthew's POV

I was running, running far from home, far from this place.

Why you ask...well It all started when I hurt Nate badly, all because I was scared. That letter I found in Keegans room made me scared, I didnt want to lose my family but the way I acted, I probably already have. And to top it all off I bit Noah whilst he was trying to punish me.

I'm normally well behaved but something today changed that, something told me to do this, to run away.

I ran into part of the town I had never been before and it scared me, I saw teenagers on the streets smoking and drinking.

I had stopped running, I was out of breath. I walked down the street with my hood up to not cause attention to myself.

Just then someone bumped into me and we both fell backwards. "Hey watch where you're going!" The person yelled. I looked at them and saw it was a guy from my school. Most importantly it was the guy who had bullied me.

I stood up and glared at him not noticing someone behind me until they picked me up. "Put me down!!" I screamed but they didn't.

"I don't think so buddy, you are in enough trouble as it is" It was Keegan and I was dead. He put me in the car and went over to the lad. A few moments later and they both got inside.

"Why is he with us bro?" I asked  curiously. "I'm taking him home, I know his guardian and I know hes not supposed to be out here alone" with that the ride was silent.

We arrived at his house and we both got out, since Keegan didnt trust me to stay in the car alone I had to go with them. Keegan knocked and a very strong guy answered the door.

Keegan met the guy like an old friend, well technically he was an old friend.

"I found Zac whilst picking up Matt and I brought him home" Keegan said pushing Zac forwards

The guy grabbed Zac's arm and took him inside but not before inviting us in.

Zac's POV

I was found..great and now I have my worst enemy in my house..also great.

Rhys still hard a ferm hold of my arm in order for me not to run away. He practically dragged me to the kitchen and forcefully sat me down.

I whined at the impact, it really hurt because hes so strong.

"You stay there I dont want you to talk OR get up, is that understood?" Rhys asked me, this was a trick question with him, if he tells you not to talk you dont talk, not even to answer him. I nodded my head to say that I heard and I just sat there.

I heard them talk back and forth not really listening until the words 'move in' was said, I immediately stood up.

"We ain't moving Rhys! Not from here! This is our home!" I yelled at him.

"Zac. Sit. Down. Now." He said through gritted teeth, I sat back down quicker than I stood up.

"Zac listen, it's not set in stone yet but we might be moving in with them to help" I went to talk but he cut me off "We are not talking about it right now so just shush" he didnt sound stern or even angry, he was calm. A side of him I rarely see.

An hour or two pasted and Keegan was leaving, but to my surprise so were we. Rhys passed me my coat and knelt down to my height.

"We are just staying for one night, dont panic" I hugged him tightly "do I get out of my punishment for running off then?" Rhys looked at me with that look. The look that says 'nice try, but not a chance' "I dont think so Zac, this is the fifth time today you ran off, not to say you have also swore, pushed Rose and lied, so no you ain't getting away with it" with that he left to get the girls.

It was a quiet drive to Keegan's, I was put next to Matt which I fought against. That landed me with two warning slaps.

When we arrived Keegan called everyone downstairs and woah...there is a lot of kids. Keegan told everyone that we were staying for a few days and that me and Matt were sharing a room....wait what!

"Oh hell no! I'm not sharing with him!" I yelled which made people flinch slightly, since I hadn't said two words from the time of walking in and hearing this news.

"Not up for discussion Zac" Rhys firmly said which ment I had to shut up.

We had dinner and most of them were told to go upstairs, the only ones left were me, Matt, Rhys and Keegan.

Rhys' POV

It was getting late and we had just ate so it was time to dish out the kids punishment. We sat Matt and Zac in the living room.

"Zachary you know why you're in this position but only you know why you put yourself here, care to explain yourself?" I said keeping my voice low and firm, even Keegan was taken aback.

"I don't know why I did it sir...I guess I just got out of bed the wrong side" I sighed and sat down.

"Come here Zachary." He came over and stood infront of me. "You need to go get my belt from my bag upstairs." I told him straight away, I have never hidden any implements from them and I've majority of the time made them get it.

Zac went quickly upstairs to do as he was told.

Keegan was on the other side of the room, he was not in my good books either but that will be delt with later once everyone was in bed. What did he do you may ask? well you could say hes been avoiding me for quite some time.

"Keegan later on I need you to come with me, I need to get some sandwich filings for Rose tomorrow." He looked at me and nodded.

I took that as a good sign that he Heard me I sat back in the chair and made myself comfortable whilst I waited for Zac.

Keegan's POV

I was on the opposite side of the room keeping my distance from Rhys, hes quite scary at times and right now I didnt want to cross him.

You see hes my cousin and I haven't been keeping in touch like I promised all those years back, even the kids don't know we are related since our parents hated each other. So because I did that and since hes 3 years older than me,  he can punish me, and I bet that's exactly what's going to happen.

Whilst Rhys was talking with Zac when Zac came back, I saw Lucas out the corner of my eye.

"Yes Lucas? What's so important that you ignored me when I said no coming downstairs hm?" I asked him which made everyone face him.

"W...Well I cant find Noah so I have to ask you....Can you please punish me before bed because I deserve it.." he asked timidly. I pointed to the seat next to Matt. "Well done for asking and yes I will after I have delt with Matt" He nodded and sat down next to his younger brother.

Matthew's POV

Zac's punishment was over quickly and you could tell he was trying his best not to sob his heart out. Rhys has a hard hand and by the sounds of things he did not go lightly.

Both Rhys and Keegan swapped places and he called me over. As soon as I got over there Lucas stood up despite being told to stay seated and followed me.

"Lucas go sit back down" he warned him. Lucas whispered something on the lines of 'let me please help, Matt isn't used to this' Keegan sighed and nodded. Well atleast I get Lucas to look at whilst I cry....wish it was Tim tho me and him get on some much better.

Without hesitation Keegan pulled me over his lap and pulled both my pants and underwear down, I did not like this one bit and started begging and kicking "No Keegan please keep them up!  Please!" But it was no good, my begging was not answered by this man one bit, all he did was hold my legs down with his.

"You know why you're in this position Matthew so we can either get this over with now or I could just leave you like this, till your little tantrum is over with. Your choice"

After hearing that I went quiet, this guilt just washed over me like waves at the beach. I knew I deserved this, I hurt my ten year old brother. I probably scared him because of what dad had done to him.

"Right choice Matthew, now you are getting 80 this the brush and 20 with the belt. Lucas go get me the brush from my bedroom please."

I started to freak out, 80 with the brush and 20 with the belt! That's 100 together, I've never ever gotten anything more than 30 at the most. Plus the brush from my brothers room is a hard wooden one. He kept that brush for situations like this, the other brushes dotted around the house are square back plastic type ones.

Keegan rubbed my back as I had already started crying.

"Bro you need to calm down, until you calm down we ain't gonna do anything"  Keegan said whilst rubbing my back.

Good I didnt want to calm down, I didn't want this to happen.

"Keegan I don't want it please!" I begged again all I was returned with was 'I know but you need it.' Truth be told I did need it but that didnt make it any easier.

Lucas came back with the brush and I had reduced to sniffles, which ment Keegan was going to start.

"Now Matthew what did you do to deserve this punishment?" Keegan said inbetween smacks. I took a deep breath and answers.

"I..I went through your room SMACK a..and I hurt Nate! SMACK SMACK SMACK AND I BIT NOAH AND RAN OFF!!" I screamed at the end of my sentence, he wasn't going lightly and I dont blame him, hearing myself say what I did made me feel even worse.

The 60 went quickly and I was crying so hard I was struggling to breathe. Keegan stopped and rubbed my back to calm me down.

About 20 minutes later I had calmed down. He took of his belt and held it against my already sore behind.

"You ready to finish this?" He asked calmly "N..No I don't want this Keegan..please.." Keegan Sighed.

"I will stop if you can tell me you don't deserve it." He waited 2 minutes and I had said nothing. "I thought so" with that he started again.


He finished up quickly and I was sobbing again. He picked me up and cuddled me. "All done buddy, you did great" I hugged him tightly and sobbed into his chest, my bottom hurt very bad, worse than it ever had.

"Now Matt you will be getting bedtime spankings for 2 weeks, and you are grounded and have extra chores for a month, understand?" Keegan said whilst pulling my underwear up, I gasped as the fabric rubbed against my hurting behind.

I nodded to what he said and stood up. "I...I'm going to bed" I said and walked upstairs I climbed under my quilt and started crying again.

This was the worst day ever and it's not something I want to repeat anytime soon.
Welp this chapter hurt my fingers so bad XD
Anyway if you want to have a mention in one of my chapters comment an idea and I may use it.
