
(Each Short story will be named according to who the story is about. If you'd like a part two too any short story, feel free to ask!)

It was early Monday morning, Keegan, Noah and the kids were going away for the week, which ment I was home alone.

"Now I have been over the rules with you, and when I say don't let me come back to the house burnt down or anything of such sort, I mean it. Understand?" Keegan said to me whilst holding my chin too keep up the eye contact. Honestly I think he thinks it's intimidating.

"Yes Keeg I understand, you can trust me" I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead and left with the others.

That was it, I was alone and I loved it. I can eat whatever I want and do whatever I want. I didn't have a curfew, I didn't have to watch my language. I was able to do anything.

Two hours in and I was bored, I had already watched everything on the TV twice, had played games ect ect. That's when I came up with the idea of throwing a party. I knew if I was caught I'd be seriously dead, but how could I be when Keegan wasn't back till Sunday.

I phoned all my friends and told them the day and time, and got started on preparing.

The day came, the day of the party I mean.

I set everything up eventho I wasn't expecting anyone till 9:30pm....It was currently 12.
For the rest if the day I played video games, ate, played more and ate more. Before I knew it, it was 9 and the first people started arriving.

Let me say this...the amount of people who turned up was outrageous. I had only invited a few people I knew...but they then invited people they knew and so on..Before I knew it you couldn't move around my house without bumping into people.

As the night grew on more and more people came, people were getting drunk, taking drugs...you name it, It probably happened.

Just then I heard the dreadful sound of police cars...we were caught, more importantly I was caught.

The police showed up and started arresting people...I being one of them.

I was taken to the station for questioning about the drugs being taken on the property, I admitted I had nothing to do with it or that I was even aware that there was any in the house.

Some time past and I was really regretting the decision I made, I was in shit and I could tell it...not only did I let these people into my house, I broke Keegans trust. He's probably on his way now...ready to kick my ass.

I was in police custody till my brother arrived...but It wasn't my brother.

I was bought out to the front desk and was greated by an angry Rhys.

Once we were in the car, that's when he started with the lecture, how he had to ruin a date he was on just to come pick me up. He wasn't happy.

When we got to the house he practically dragged me out and threw me into the livingroom, to say he was pissed when he saw the house is an understatement.

"What they actually fuck have you done to this house Timothy!! When your brother sees this, which by the way he's on his way home, he will murder you! So I'd better start cleaning if I was you!" He yelled at me whilst I stood in actual horror about the house. I nodded quickly and started cleaning.

Keegan had just walked in when I'd finished and marched is way over to me. He grabbed my upper arm and in a swift motion turned me around and landed harsh swats to my covered behind.

"It's not even been Two days Timothy!! And I have already had to come home because you thought it was smart to throw a party!! In my god damn house!"

He continued to yell as tears were welling up in my eyes, I was ashamed, ashamed for doing it and getting caught, he could see I was getting upset about it and was about to brake. He knew I hated crying infront of people and with that he softened slightly.

"Get to your room Timothy, get some sleep because I can guarantee you now, sleeping after this will be a struggle, gee even sitting will be a struggle" Keegan said whilst pointing to the stairs.

I obeyed him and went upstairs, I got dressed for bed and layed there in the dark. I needed a drink but I didn't dare get out of bed. I knew Keegan was upset and most importantly disappointed in me. I had broke my brothers trust and I wasn't proud of it, but what's done was done and now I gotta pay the price.

The next day, I woke up with a headache. I'd hoped when I went downstairs that this was all a dream and never happened but I was wrong.

"Morning, get food then go wait in the corner" I heard Keegan say as soon as I had gotten downstairs. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded and gotten toast. Once eaten I went straight to the corner.

Moments passed and Keegan walked in, he sat down on the chair and called me over.

"Keegan please, I'm 19..I'm too old for this" I tried begging him, but it fell on deaf ears. He quickly pulled down my pants and underwear and put me over his lap.

"You very well know this is needed. You broke the rules I set in place to keep you safe, and you threw them away with no care in the world. You could of gotten hurt that night. When the police station phoned me, to say I was terrified something had happened to you is a major understatement" Keegan has said all this while holding the hairbrush against my bare bottom.

I was feeling so guilty at this point, I didn't realise I made him so worried about me.

He waited a few minutes before raining down swats.

One minute in and I'm already squirming around trying not to make a sound, but it wasn't working, with ever swat I was grunting or yelling out. This hurt and it wasn't something I wanted to repeat in a hurry. He had stopped for a second and I sighed in relief.

"Don't think this is the end, far from it infact."

I whined at what he said.

Just then Rhys walked in "Keegan...I think you best see this"

My heart sank as I've heard that sentence before. Keegan got up and moved me to the corner before following Rhys.

"Timothy Alexander Smith!!" I heard Keegan yell from upstairs. I heard him practically run downstairs, he grabbed me and bent me over having a strong grip on me so I don't fall. After all I wasn't bent over anything so I just his arm for support. He whipped his belt off and started belting my already burning behind.

"I was going to easy on you, Seeing as you are nineteen!! But after this, oh my god Timothy! you will be wishing you'd never even had the thought in your head!! First you allow them into my house! Then you allowed them upstairs!! They had been into my room and have broken the only thing our mother left me!!"

I was sobbing and apologising but it was to no avail.

He eventually stopped and stood me up.

"Timothy, you're a smart kid, why would you do something like this? I love you Tim but you have lost all trust from me, from now on whilst you live under my roof, you will be treated like one of the others, you won't have your own separate rules until you can prove to me, you can keep them." He held me close and calmed me down.

The rest of the day was spent with me writing out the rules, whining whenever I sat down and cuddling Keegan.

I know what I did was wrong, I know that I must gain his trust back and I'm willing to do whatever it takes, just aslong as he hasn't given up on me.
