Hello There

Obi-Wan, Cody, and the 212th were on Utapau, trying to find out exactly where General Grievous was located. In his starfighter, Obi-Wan was flying over the land of Utapau, trying to figure out where Grievous could possibly be. He flew downward into a large sinkhole, which reminded him of Coruscant. There were a bunch of landing platforms, some with bones acting as a cover. He landed his starfighter on one of the platforms and opened up the hatch. He hopped out as a Pau'an walked over to him.

The Pau'an—a tall, gaunt humanoid—stood with his hands clasped in front of him, "Greetings, young Jedi." He said as Obi-Wan politely bowed. "What brings you to our remote sanctuary?" He asked, rolling the r.

"Unfortunately, the war." Obi-Wan responded.

"There's no war here—unless you brought it with you."

"Well, with your kind permission, I would like some fuel. I have been flying all over in search for General Grievous."

The Pau'an turned and spoke in a language Obi-Wan didn't understand, but some of the Utai became alert, hurrying to grab a tube and then they hooked it up to the starfighter to pump fuel into it. The Pau'an leaned in close, "He is here. We are being held hostage. They are watching us."

That was easy. "I understand."

"Tenth level, thousands of battle droids."

Obi-Wan nodded, "Tell your people to take shelter. And if you have warriors, now would be the time."

They both bowed respectively and Obi-Wan turned around, walking back to his fighter as the Utai unhooked the tube and scuttled back. He jumped back into the cockpit and looked at R4, "Take the fighter back to the ship and make sure to tell Cody I've made contact." R4 let out a series of beeps in response.

Obi-Wan put the hood up on his cloak and got out as the fighter flew off. He ducked into the shadows and watched as the small ship disappeared into the distance.

In one spot, there were a bunch of animals and creatures in pens, Obi-Wan needed a mount, so he decided to choose one of the creatures. He took a walk around, trying to figure out with creature to choose. He came across a beautiful varactyl with green iridescent skin and a blue sheen. It also had a blue feathered mane, adding to that factor.

Obi-Wan reached out his hand, "Hello, girl."

The varactyl reached forward with her head and rubbed her nose on his hand, making a serious of small, quiet yips. A different Pau'an came over and noted Obi-Wan, "Do you choose her?"

Obi-Wan nodded and removed his hand, "Yes, I do."

"Her name is Boga, an excellent choice."

Boga got tacked up and Obi-Wan hopped on her. He lead her out of the cavern and she reared up, snarling and yipping. She got back down on all fours and turned her head to look at him. He reached forward and patted her neck. He then grabbed the reins and flicked them, "Hyah!" She took off at a high speed.

At the small camp, Cody was getting worried. Obi-Wan had been gone for far too long. He clasped his hands behind his back and started to walk back and forth. Maybe he ran into ship problems and had to land somewhere. He could be on his way back right now. Waxer came over, "Sir, your pacing is making me anxious," he said.

Cody sighed, "Sorry. I'm just waiting for the general to return."

"...well, looks like you won't have to wait much longer," he pointed to the sky, "look."

Obi-Wan's starfighter appeared in the distance and Cody let out a breath of relief. Finally. The fighter landed gently but he raised an eyebrow. Why was it empty? R4 got out of the droid socket and started to let out a series of beeps and whirs.

"Wha— you mean he's located Grievous?" Cody asked. R4 beeped again. He turned to Waxer, "All right, go round everyone up and I'll contact the other Jedi and tell them to hurry."

"Sir yes sir," Waxer stood at attention for a second before going to get everyone together.

Obi-Wan was riding Boga through a tunnel system with long and narrow metal platforms. He had to really grip with his legs in order to stay on and be balanced. She dropped down onto another platform and soon came to a halt as he slightly pulled on the reins. He slid down off of her and gave her a small pat before looking over the ledge. Down below was General Grievous along with several B-1 and B-2 battle droids.

Obi-Wan stroked his beard in thought. He pulled down his hood and calculated how much of the Force he needed to call upon in order to not break his legs when he would land the jump. He dramatically dropped his cloak and took a slight breath before leaping off the ledge, landing silently behind Grievous. He slowly stood up. "Hello there," he said.

All the battle droids became alert and Grievous turned around, "General Kenobi," he started to cackle, "You are a bold one." All the droids aimed their weapons at Kenobi, "Back away," Grievous commanded them, "I will deal with this Jedi slime myself."

Obi-Wan nodded, "Your move."

"You fool." He took off the cape he was wearing, dropping it onto the ground. He then grabbed two of his lightsabers and activated them. Obi-Wan did the same and twirled his saber as Grievous spun his lightsabers, walking slowly over to the Jedi.

Obi-Wan blocked one of Grievous' blows, then another. He went to stab the cyborg, but Grievous blocked that and Obi-Wan leapt over him, landing on the other side. Grievous turned and attacked Kenobi again. It was a stalemate for a while until Obi-Wan managed to slide his lightsaber down one of Grievous', and since there wasn't a guard, he chopped off that hand. Grievous growled and kicked Obi-Wan in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

Obi-Wan landed on his back with a hard thud and a grunt. Hs lightsaber dropped out of his hand and rolled off the ledge. Great. General Grievous got over to him and the first thing Obi-Wan thought of was to kick Grievous' leg. So he did, but he did it with his shin. He had seen Cody and the others do this so many times, so why not try it? Nothing bad could happen....right? Wrong. He cried out in pain and clutched his leg. Bad idea. Grievous had barely moved from the kick and didn't seem even remotely phased by it. His two arms clacked as they turned into four. He grabbed the other lightsabers he got from the Jedi he killed in the past, and spun them with such speed it looked like he didn't have any. The only giveaway was the fact that the blades were scraping the ground, causing a bunch of red lines to appear there.

Obi-Wan started to scoot back on his backside, trying to get away from the crazy cyborg. His back soon hit a wall and he grimaced. Any time now, Cody. As if Cody read Obi-Wan's mind, he heard commands of "go, go, go, go!" and "Move it! Move it!"

Grievous looked around in confusion and growled again when he saw clones repelling down from the ceiling and gunships approaching. Finally. Reinforcements.
