
Rex walked to Cody's office and the door was already open so he just knocked on the door frame. Cody looked up from his desk, "Rex," he acknowledged. Rex nodded and entered the room. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah. Fives said you wanted to see me?"

"Oh, yeah. I just need to talk to you about one of our brothers,"

"Oh?" He sat down in the chair in front of Cody's desk, "Which one?"


Rex raised an eyebrow, "Well what about him?"

"Long story short, I went to talk to him a while back and I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I do. So you remember Senator Riyo Chuchi, right?"

"Yeah, she's one of 'Soka's senator friends. What about her?"

"I think Fox... Ugh, how do I say this without sounding like a dork? He, uh, likes her,"

"... oh no,"

"Right? And he was getting a bit flustered when she was talking to him and made me think and wonder if he really does like her. But then we had a small talk and he kinda confirmed it for me. Point is, I don't think he knows he likes her, and he is kriffing miserable to be around when she's near him,"

Rex chuckled, "What's he do?"

"Where do I begin? Anyway, how do I tell him he has feelings for her? Wouldn't it be awkward? Maybe you could talk to him? I mean, you have experience with... stuff,"

"So you want me to tell him that the feelings he gets when he's around her is love just because I have experience with Ahsoka?"

"... yes? Well she married you and I don't know what he's feeling. But he's- I don't even know how to describe it. He's not acting like himself, and I don't like it,"

"Okay fine. But I'll do it later in case something changes. Also, why do you keep rubbing your arm? It's irritating me,"

"Hmm? Oh. I'll show you," Cody took off his left glove and arm armor, then rolled up the sleeve. There was a small bandage on his upper arm that he started to rub, "I cut myself and it's really itchy, but it's a minor cut and I didn't want waste any bacta on in,"

"How in the galaxy did you cut your arm with armor on?"

Cody pulled out a knife from his desk and Rex eyed it suspiciously. He lightly ran the blade of it across his forearm in small stokes, basically shaving the hair off his arm.

Rex cringed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Oh, Force, stop doing that you're gonna give me a heart attack,"

"It's how I test how sharp my knives are. I got a bit distracted and ended up slicing my arm. It's not the first time that's happened,"

"Interesting. You could just test it on something else instead of yourself,"

"Meh, when I cut myself I know the blade is sharp and that it would ki— hurt somebody,"

"...okay. Y'know, I never understood your knife obsessions, it's kinda strange,"

"Mm, no it's not strange. Sharp pointy things are fun,"

"Yeah whatever you say. Look, I should go if you don't need me for anything else,"

"Go ahead, I need to get caught up on my reports anyway,"

"'Kay," Rex stood up, "Actually, you know a bunch of moves with knives, right?"

"You have blond hair, right?"

"Okay, dumb question. You know moves with blades. I'm not even going to ask how you know them, but could you show them off. I wanna see how well you can do them,"

Cody smirked, "Okay. Can I use you as the test dummy? With a fake blade of course. It's just funner with a living person,"

"It's 'more fun' and that's creepy. But sure,"

Cody stood up from his desk and walked over to Rex with a grin he was trying to hold back. Rex was confused but he shrugged it off and he walked with his brother out to the training room.

They walked in there and it was mostly empty except for a few clones here and there doing some workouts. They went over to a semi secluded area with cushioned mats on the ground. Cody took off his torso armor pieces and Rex was starting to regret his decision. He did the same and piled some pieces of his armor in a small, neat pile. Cody chuckled at his brother's orderly-ness and just laid his armor in a heap.

He walked up to Rex with the bottom half of his armor and pulled out a small, curved knife from his boot, "This," he motioned to it, "Is made of a flimsy material and is not sharp at all so don't worry. He stuck his index finger in the finger ring that was at the bottom of the handle and spun it, "This small blade is called a karambit (pictured above, also I don't think they have this in sw but it's cool so I'm including it); my favorite type since it's easy to conceal and easy to wield. Ready?"


Cody gave a quick smirk and stopped spinning it. He just had his finger hooked in the ring and he used the outside edge of the blade and ran it along the left side of Rex's neck. Without skipping a beat, he turned it and used the inside part to imitate slicing open his throat, then pulled it away, put it in a reverse grip, and jabbed him in the chest, "There. I just mortally wounded you in about two seconds,"

Rex shuddered, "That was a strange,"

"Here, take this," he handed him a fake knife, "I need some sort of a challenge. So basically you just need to try and land some strikes on me,"

"But I don't want to hurt you,"

"Believe me, you won't. Besides it's a decoy knife. Ready?" He didn't even wait for Rex to answer, "Strike,"

"Wha— oh right now? Oh, skrag," Rex dodged one of Cody's attempted strikes.

Rex had the blade in a reverse grip and went to hit Cody, but Cody grabbed Rex's arm with his free hand and moved in with his karambit. Rex grabbed Cody's wrist, but Cody rolled his wirst and hooked his vod's hand with the blade and got out of the grip. He sliced the crook of Rex's elbow and then the tendon. He slid it down until he managed to get in between his knuckles.

"Okay! Okay," Rex jerked himself back, "You're no fun to fight against when you know all the fancy-ass moves— oh, oops, I swore,"

Cody chuckled, "You're not with Ahsoka you can cuss all you want,"

"Oh perfect. Also, I'm curious, what does a real... ka-ram-bit look like. Is that how you pronounce it? 'Ka-ram-bit?'"

Cody facepalmed, "No. It's 'Ka-rom-bit.' The second 'a' is like an 'o.' At least that's how I say it— where are you going?"

Rex was walking back to his armor pile but he stopped and turned, "I heard my data pad make a sound," he picked it up and got an idea. He pulled up that one picture of Cody making a heart with his fingers and smirked evilly, "Hey, Codes," he turned to his brother, "remember this?"

Cody squinted at the pad and his eyes suddenly got big, "Don't. You. Dare."

"Please can I show Kenobi? He'd get such a kick out of it," Rex had a big grin across his face.

"No." He said sternly.

"Guess I'll just do it really fast," he said quickly and he started tapping things on the screen.

"Argh you shebs'palon!" He said and ran over to try and snatch the pad.

Rex yelped, "Yeah? Well, you're a osi'kovid,"

Cody grunted when his brother kicked him on the shin. He had a death glare that made Rex feel very insecure. Rex instantly got mad at his instincts and he gave a half hearted smile, "Oops,"

"Give it to me," Cody commanded.

"And if I say 'no?'"

"I'll let Fives, Hardcase, and whoever else prank you,"

"Well that's low," he saw Cody trying to creep closer and closer to the pad, "But you still can't have it," Cody growled and tried to snatch the data pad back, but Rex jumped back, "Oh, shab,"

"Rex!" Came a new voice.

"Osik," he muttered, "Hey 'Soka, how are you?" He said bashfully.

Ahsoka walked over to the brothers, "Y'know I have sensitive hearing, right?"

Cody laughed, "Ooh you're in trouble," and he nudged his brother with his elbow, and he quickly grabbed the pad and quickly got to work on deleting that embarrassing photo.

"No don't get rid of it!" Rex tried to snatch it back but Cody had his back turned. He tried to get around him but Cody kept turned and wouldn't let Rex near him.

"What is happening?" Ahsoka asked.

"I thought you had sensitive hearing?" Rex said as he was still attempting to get the pad back.

"I do. But I don't have crazy eyesight. What do you not want him to get rid of?"

"A beautiful picture—,"

"Hah! It's gone! Phew, you can have it back now,"

Rex's facial expression dropped, "You're kidding, now I can't blackmail you,"

"Oh well that's real mature,"

"Anyway, did you need anything?" Rex asked, wanting to leave the training area.

"Uh, yeah, I did. I need your help with something, so if you would come with me that'd be great,"

He went over and quickly put on the armor he had taken off. He wondered if she really needed something or just wanted to see him. Rex finished up and got his pad back from Cody and walked over to his wife. He glanced around and saw there were too many clones in the vicinity to give her a kiss, so he refrained. He turned his head toward Cody, "I'll do the thing with Fox later," he said over his shoulder.

"Okay, thanks,"

Rex nodded and Ahsoka raised a face making. He smirked, "I'll tell ya later. So, what'd you need me for?"

"Follow me," she said with a grin.

Cody rolled his eyes at the couple and watched them walk off. He wondered if Rex was going to remember to talk to Fox, not that it was super important but still. He picked up all the fake blades and quickly cleaned up the area and watched as the few clones did training. He smiled to himself when he thought back to when he and Rex trained together. They hadn't done it often these days, what with Rex and Ahsoka being together and all. Be he wouldn't hold that against him, it wasn't his fault. It made Cody wonder if he would ever find the right someone whenever the war was over. He sighed, the war. The war took such a toll on everybody, he hoped, prayed, that it would be over soon.
Kind of a random chapter but oh well.
So I've had a bunch of things going on in my head about the new Bad Batch series, and oh my goodness. I just need to say that Cody is in the top five of my favorite characters, and the fact that we might see him in the Bad Batch makes me so happy.... yet so, so, sad. If he really is in it, we'll see him under the effects of Order 66 and I don't know how I'll handle it. I've also been thinking about him being like the antagonist for the show and even for Rex (if he's in it, which I hope he is).

I've see so many theories like this and it makes me wonder if it will really happen. I will be, like I said, happy that Codes would be in it, but devastated at the same time. I don't think my heart could handle it. Any way, thanks for listening lol. I'm mentally preparing myself for all the feels and heartbreaks. What do y'all think about it?
