Battle of Coruscant

The cruisers dropped out of hyperspace and many Separatist and Republic ships were already in a battle. Many of the Republic's V-19 Torrent star fighters were fighting vulture and buzz droids in a space fight outside of Coruscant

Ahsoka was in the main hanger of a cruiser in her starfighter with R7-A7 in the droid slot. The hatch closed down over her and she waved at Anakin who got into his fighter. He waved back and mouthed good luck to her. She nodded and clicked on the comlink to Blue Squadron. "All right, men. Is everyone ready?" She asked.

"This is Axe. I'm ready when you are, Skipper."

"This is Slammer. Ready on three, over."

"Ready on four, this is Kickback checkin' in, over."

"Swoop to Blue Leader. Group Two is standing by, over."

"Tucker on five. Ready for action, over."

"Okay, everybody's in. Let's get going, Blue Squadron," Ahsoka said.

The fighters' engines whirred as the ships lifted off the floor and flew through the blue magnetic shield and into the space battle.

Rex and the 501st, along with Cody and the 212th, loaded up into the gunships and flew through the seething mass of warships and intertwining lasers. It was like going through a life or death obstacle course, but much worse and you could only rely on two clone pilots to get through. The LAAT/i that Rex was in was halfway to the Coruscant landing point when it lurched after a laser grazed a wing. He kept a tight grip on the handle above him as the familiar feeling of rushing adrenaline flooded him.

Rex's gut twisted as they entered the upper atmosphere and the gunship felt like it jumped. Tup, who was next to him, had death grip on the handle with both hands. Rex nudged him. "You doin' okay, Tup?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine, Captain," Tup said, but his voice seemed strained.

"Hey, you'll be okay. Stick with what you've learned over the past and you'll be fine." The poor kid was always nervous before battles, this was no exception. With almost all of the Sep forces coming in, it wouldn't be a surprise if it was the last battle, and caused buried nervous to surface. Rex breathed in deep and opened up the helmet comm system to talk with those in the ship with him. "Is everyone ready and doing okay?" He asked, wanting to make sure no one else needed a talk. There was a mix of yes and yes sir. "Good," Rex said, "because this is it. Make your brothers proud and fight for what you're worth."

The gunship soon touched down and the side doors opened up. Rex hopped out and scattered all on the ground were droid parts, dead clone bodies, and the occasional citizen who didn't make it to a shelter in time. The area they were in were was clear, but blaster fire could be heard all around. Other ships touched down and clones spilled out left and right.

Back in the space battle, large Separatist and Republic ships fired at each other. Some ships blew apart while others simply rocked with the impact. In her starfighter, Ahsoka and Blue Squadron were in the midst of clearing out the vulture droids so other ships could attack the large Sep frigates. Ahsoka hated vulture droids with a burning passion. There was always so many and they were powerful, too. Nobody like them, expect the Separatists. She noticed the clones behind her started to break apart. "Stay in formation, boys," she said into the comm.

"I've got two on my tail!" came Axe's voice. "Argh, I can't shake them!"

Tucker chimed in, "Sorry, can't help you, Axe. I've got my own problems here."

"Stay where you are," Ahsoka said, "I'll loop behind you and get them. R7, stop the engines."

The thrusters in the back of her fighter turned off and the whole thing spun as the clones flew passed her. Once she saw she was behind all of them, she fired the engines back up and they roared as she sped up and shot at the vulture droids tailing her men.

Axe let out a breath of relief through the comm channel. "Thanks, Skipper!" He said.

"No problem. Now, press on!"

On the surface of Coruscant, Rex was up on a ledge on a building in a sniper position. He and a few others sniped the droids from above and alerted those below about what was coming. After a long while of staying flat on his stomach for such a wide stretch of time, the waves of droids there had finally ended. Although, the Seps were gearing up for another assault so the rest wouldn't be long. "How's everyone doing so far?" He asked into the helmet comm.

"I could use the 'fresher," came a voice. "But other than that I'm okay."

"So far so good, Captain," came another.

Rex propped himself up onto his elbows and stretched the muscles in his neck. "Good... Oh no, I'm picking of signs of tanks coming. Come on, shift it, we need to get down there."


Multiple hours later, some of the Wolfpack, Torrent Company, and a few others met up to discuss all that had been accomplished. There was a holoprojector on the ground and everyone stood around it. A 3-D map of a bit of Coruscant floated in the air and Wolffe pointed to different sections. "Sectors here and here and clear. But things up above aren't going too well. We've lost a significant about of frigates, so their too busy to care about what's down here... is something funny?" Sinker, Boost, and Fives were snickering under their breath. "This is not a laughing matter."

Fives cleared his throat. "It's not that... nice hairdo, vod." He cracked a grin.

Wolffe's hair was buzzed as short as Rex's typically was. It was no longer the standard length that it used to be. He frowned deeply, "Anyone else want to stop and comment on my hair?" He snarled. Sinker opened his mouth to speak but Wolffe cut him off. "I will kill you fifteen different ways with this 'projector." Sinker closed his mouth and held his tongue.

Rex looked around and could've sliced the tension with a vibroblade. "Okay..." he walked up to the map to refocus the group. "Me and the boys covered here. We faced heavier opposition than anticipated." He sighed. "We're going to have to get rid of the place where the tanks are coming from if we want a chance at winning. Me and you—" he vaguely motioned to Wolffe. "—could send a few men behind the enemy lines to gather some information."

"Or..." came a familiar voice. "You could send me." Jammara formed up next to Rex.

"Would you stop doing that?" Rex took a few steps away from her.

"No. So, just be warned I can always be near without you being aware. I'm Jammara by the way," she said to the clones around her. "You may or may not have heard of me."

"Believe me," said Boost, "We've heard of you. Who hasn't heard that we have a Gurlanin on our side?"

"Multiple Gurlanins," Jammara corrected. "And yes, I figured the news of me would spread quickly."

"How'd it go at the factory?" Rex asked.

"It went well. The place is destroyed, the droids along with it. But those droids are even dumber than I thought, so it was only a tad difficult."

"Yeah, they're not the brightest stars in the galaxy."

"Agreed. So, where's Tano? I figured she'd be down here, or is she in the air?"

"Mm-Hmm, she's in the air. Along with Skywalker, Kenobi, and many others. They could be up there the whole time. Everything is kind of touch-and-go at the moment. Okay, getting back on track, do we know why the Seppies are attacking?"

"Well," Wolffe said, "They're most likely targeting the Senate or the Jedi Temple and Council, maybe all of them. But the main Sep people are dead, so with just tactical droids, getting the info should be easier."

"Okay, wait," Jammara said. "Let's back up a bit and start with what we know. If I am correct, General Grievous, Dooku, and the Sith Lord Palpatine are dead, right?"


"So, just to be safe, is there anyone else you can think of who could've started the whole thing and is leading it?" She asked.

"Hmm... I don't think— oh, wait. What about Maul? He's not dead yet."

Rex shook his head, "This doesn't seem like something Maul would do. It's too big of an invasion, even for him. And when taking Mandalore, he had Death Watch and all that. It's not Asajj Ventress either because she's basically given up on Dooku and the Seps. So, unless a neutral system is leading this, I think it's just a bunch of tactical droids and a few random wets here and there."

"In that case," Jammara said. "Let's go decapitate a droid and find out."


One grueling day later, they had managed to secure more areas and collect a super tactical droid head. It showed that Admiral Trench was the main person conducting the worldwide invasion. He was up in a frigate in space, conducting it from there. Those in space were told to aim for that ship and get it down, so that's what they were doing.

On the battlefield, Rex and the others were in the midst of slotting the second wave of droids when a large tank rolled around a corner surrounded by more droids. Rex cursed under his breath. They'd have to destroy the droids around the big piece of machinery in order to destroy it. The long barrel of the tank took aim in his general direction and multiple clones scattered. The tank fired and the missile whistled through the air.

Rex was not sticking around to find out what was going to happen. He was getting out of the way when he slipped on something liquid and lost his footing. The missile struck the ground and the shockwave hit him, sending him flying forward. He landed hard on his stomach and his face cracked hard against the inside of his helmet. He felt immense pressure in the back of his head and his nose hurt too, but he pushed that aside and got to his feet. Once he got his balance back he picked up the pistol that flew out of his hands and his blood suddenly went cold. Three more tanks rolled around the corner and took aim, with the droids not stopping their fire.

"Oh, shab..." Rex cursed.


Longer chapter, and yes, I kept all of Blue Squadron alive. I also find it cute how Axe always called Ahsoka "Skipper" in TCW.

Anyway, I'm wrapping up the story so only a few more chapters left. But don't worry because I'm making a sequel that I will actually plan. Because holy cow is it hard to make up stuff on the spot. For this book, I didn't think I'd make it past chapter 10 so I didn't plan (bad idea, I know), yet here we are at chapter 77. Pretty much everything was improv, so if there was something that was confusing or hard to follow along with that'd be why and I apologize for that.

I'm not entirely sure when the new book with be up, so when when this one ends, give me about a week maximum to get one to three chapters up for it.

I don't say this often as I should, but thank you all so much for reading this story. I know it's not the end yet, but it is nearing and I'm kinda sad to stop writing this specific book. Okay, I'll quit rambling on and on about this. Hope you have a great day/night and I'll see you all next chapter!
