f o r t y - f o u r- e p i l o g u e


Well, life has most certainly changed.

First of all, to address the changes-

I'm married.  I have a kid, too.

I'm working at a software company.  Surprise, surprise. 

Sam's out of prison.  He's changed, I think.  He's a little out of it, still.  

I have no idea where Julie is.  She's a goner.

That whole envelope Charlotte gave me?  I shredded it.  It's probably in a landfill by now.  Decomposing or whatever.

I mean- yea, it was a whole life's work for her.  But you know what?  It would chain me down forever.  Of course, I still think about it all the time.  What if's run through my brain every freaking day.  

I still think about what might have happened, if I kept it.  Would I be able to fulfill Char's wish?  

And I still think about Char too.  She took up like two years of my life.  I wonder if she's looking down upon me, smiling, or maybe even angry at me.  

Oh, I forgot another change- 

I've forgiven everyone.

Liam Smith.

My parents.



"Dad, I want some yoghurt."  

I smiled down at my 2 year old daughter, Lotte.  "Sure, I'll get you some."

Annalise called me.  "Can you go run down to the store and get some milk and eggs?  We're definitely running out."

"I'll go in ten minutes.  Lotte wants yoghurt."  I called back.

I gave Lotte some yoghurt before turning on my car and driving over to the grocery market.  

On the drive, I thought about my fairy-tale life.

If Anna hadn't saved me from that building, I'd probably be in heaven by now.  I wouldn't have this... family of mine.

We married after a year and a half of dating, and after another year, Lotte was brought into the world.  

She's a replica of her mom, but she definitely has my eyes.  That blue.  

I also wonder about Charlotte.  Liam.  Everything.

Who cares if my parents were criminals or not committed to their spouse?

Because now?  It won't change a thing.  It might just break down everything I've built.  It'll cause problems.  It's all in the past.  Why bring it back to the surface.

Char changed me.  For good, and for worse.  

But in a way, she showed me Annalise.  I wonder what her last thoughts actually were.  If she ever wished for a second chance.  

Now I realize something-

Everything that's happened in my life has built up to this.  This perfect life I wouldn't trade anything for.  

Not even to see Charlotte again.

I mean, sure, I still think about her, care for her, but she's also just in the past.


I pull up to the grocery market, walking in.  A worker greets me.

It's Sam.  He's gotten a job here, with a little help from me, not to brag or anything.

"How's Lotte?"  he asks.

"Doing well." I reply, grabbing a cart.

We've both come to peace with each other.  

Maybe Sam's still battling his own guilt, but the bond between us?  It's stronger than ever.  He's literally Lotte's unofficial godfather.

I run over to where the eggs are stored, grabbing a carton.  I grab some milk, and see a sign for bicycles on sale.

I mean, Lotte wouldn't mind having one.  I guess I'll just take a peek at them.  

The bicycle section is small, only a few are in stock.  But there's a small red one, perfect for Lo-

There's a woman already looking at it.  

"Hello, are you going to take that one?"  I ask politely.  

I wouldn't want to get my hopes up.  But I do love spoiling Lotte.  

The woman turns around, and I'm met with a pair of ice blue eyes.

