s i x t e e n

I immediately stopped the car, and ran out the car, leaving the door wide open.

Charlotte was looked tired, but she was now rummaging through her bag, looking for something.  She pulled out a textbook.

"Charlotte." I whispered.

Charlotte's head whipped towards me, fear evident in her pupils.

"Peter?  Wha- What are you doing here?" Charlotte asked, standing up.

"Why are you here?" I asked, walking closer to her.

I could see the gears turning in her brain.

"There was no room at the shelter," she tried.

I knew she was lying.

"Why didn't you tell me?  Being homeless doesn't have to be an option for you!"  I told her.

She flinched.

I tried to calm down.  "Stay with me. Stay with Eli.  Stay with Julie, for heaven's sake!  Do you know- Do you know how much predators there are?  And you told me.  You told me that people are looking for you.  Freaking looking to hunt you down and hurt you.  Kill you!" 

Charlotte stayed silent.

"Say something." I told her lowly.

"This is my life Peter.  Since I was fourteen.  I escaped from the orphanage.  I told you.  Where else would I go?  The shelter is the first place they'd look.  Peter, I- Staying at someone's house isn't good for me.  You don't know how it feels!  To feel like the burden.  When they look at me, they only see a brick of pity.  You pitied me too!  Everyone who lays eyes on me freaking pities me.  You do not get to tell me what to do.  This is what I know.  This is all I've known for the past few years."  Charlotte screamed at me.

Her face was a contrast of red and white, from the cold and from her rage.

Eli walked over to us.

"Usually, I'd just stay back and let the lovebird talk, but you guys are getting pretty heated.  Didn't you guys just kiss and make-up?"  Eli shrugged.

"Shut up," Charlotte mumbled.

"Oooh, feisty!"  Eli joked.

I glared at Eli. "Eli, please.  Not now."

Eli looked defeated. "My house isn't too far from here.  I'll go home, bye Peter.  And Charlotte.  Sam says hi, by the way."  

I nodded.  "Be safe." 

Charlotte followed Eli's movements.  In a minute, he was already gone.

"Charlotte, I only want what's best for you."  I pleaded.

Charlotte scoffed.  'You're a year older than me.  That's not old enough to act like a parental figure."

"I know, but-"  I tried.

"Peter just stop.  I know you've done loads of stuff for me, but I can handle myself.  You've done more than you could have done and you've helped me out a ton.  But some stuff, I don't need a crutch.  I don't need someone to lean on.  Just-" Charlotte interrupted.

My heart dropped.

"I'll rent you a hotel room." I tried again.

"No."  Charlotte deadpanned.  "No."

"Sleep in my car, I don't care!"  I said, trying to keep my tone.

Charlotte thought it over.

"Your car?"  

My voice shook.  "I'd rather have you in my home or Eli's or Julie's."

"I already told you no."  Charlotte said, her eyes intent.

"Stay in my car.   There's a heater.  And it's gonna be parked outside my home.  If you need anything, just holler." I begged.

Charlotte didn't say anything.

Instead, she slung her backpack over her shoulder, grabbed her bicycle and shoved the bike towards me.

"Thanks."   she mumbled.

I slid into the drivers seat, waited for Charlotte to get in, and drove over to my house.


"Peter, I know you care so much for her, but- you're not responsible for her!"  my mother whispered.

"Please.  It's just the car."   I said.

"Yes, but she's-" 

"She was in the same situation as me, just worse." I frowned.

My adoptive mother walked away without a word.  I knew she thought it was sketchy, but I could also sense a feeling of hospitality radiating off of her.

I laid comfortably in the backseat of Peter's car.

It was really warm.  Not bad.

Peter was nice to me, but lately?

It felt like he wanted more than just being "friends." 

I didn't even know if we were friends.  

Plus, he had just found me.  And discovered the one thing that I didn't want him to see.

Cause I knew that he would instantly want to stand up for me.  To care for me like a freaking baby.

Now, he'd never let me stay by myself.  

I pushed the overhead light, shining some warm light over me.

I stared at the dirty clothes.  Once clean, but now dirtied by me.  I wanted to go, I really did.  But...

He'd just find me again? 

Would he?  Or would he just give up?  Giving up was probably the easiest thing to do.

So I didn't go.  I didn't want to lose what I had found.

I hated to admit it, but I didn't want to lose Peter.

I listened for Eli's snores.  

He was a deep sleeper, for all I knew.  I had seen Eli at school, but never talked to him, like a brat.  And here he was, letting me use the same house as him.

There is such thing as nice people in the world.  

My brother was dead.  

That's how I fell into this hole.  My parents, they lured me out.  Like snakes.

Actually, I can't even call them my parents anymore.  Ordering someone to freaking kill me was not the definition of a parent.  


I'm guessing because I broke the news to them that I had found Charlotte.  And that I wanted to hand her some money to help her out.

Obviously, they didn't like my ideas.  

I grabbed my duffel bag, which was loosely packed with the clothes I had bought from the thrift store, a few dollars, and some other necessities.  

Quietly, I slipped out the door, be as careful as I could be.

Most of my injuries had healed.  

I felt like Char.  Always escaping, hiding, running.  

I had to find Char.  She was probably sleeping on those damn streets.

Eli had walked home from the party he had just gone too, but he had retreated to his room, mumbling an, "I'm tired." 

Charlotte flooded my mind.  Her voice, her eyes, her soul.  When I had the money, I hadn't given her.

The 2000 dollars that I had given Charlotte was waved in front of my face.  They showed me the videos.  The videos of her capture.  

I saw the faint scars on her face and body.  My parents did this to her. 

I'm just a coward.  I can't even admit it.  
