t h i r t y


Well, I'm still alive.

I think I've also been thinking the same stuff over and over again, which is seriously a huge waste of time.

Which is why I'm going to be thinking about my life if my parent's wouldn't have died.  I mean, I haven't thought about it before... right?

What would have really happened if my parents had never died?


Charlotte smiled happily, smoothing out her yellow striped shirt, touching the blue ribbon in her hair. She looked out the large window, finding only sky and sun.

Her cellphone ringed.

She pulled out her cellphone, finding a notification from her Instagram page.

sammy_handsome101 has liked your post.

Charlotte flopped onto her bed, scrolling through the small selfies and pictures the two had taken together.

She didn't want to admit it, but she had a tiny- no, massive crush on Sam.

"Char! We're going out for ice-cream!" a familiar voice called.

"Ok, mom!" Charlotte yelled back, stuffing her cellphone in the back pocket of her jeans and running down the stairs.

It was rare that her parents had time to do things like going out for ice-cream, so Charlotte skipped. Even though she was a teenager.

She wanted to enjoy her childhood, before it would sneak away from her.

But little did she know, that would be very, very, very soon.

"What should we listen too?" Charlotte's father, said, turning the knobs on the radio station.

"Hmm, some classical would be ni-"

"Shawn Mendes," Charlotte said, interrupting her mother.

Charlotte's parents chuckled, before turning on a popular song.

The car pulled up to a local shop, Charlotte smiling in excitement.

The family climbed out the car, and walked into the ice-cream shop, and started to select their desired flavor.

Before Charlotte could say that she wanted the butter-pecan flavor, she spotted someone familiar.

"Hey, Sam!"  

Sam's eyes darted to hers, and gave her a smile.  His parents were glaring at hers.  Charlotte thought they were a little jealous of her parents.

My parents asked me what I wanted, and soon, we had our cups of ice cream.  My parents seemed to notice them, and we were all sitting at the same table.

"So how's it going?"  my dad asked.

Sam and I both rolled our eyes.  All they talked about was work, work, and work.

"So thanks for liking my post?"  I tried to make conversation.

"Oh please, half the school already likes your posts.  At this rate, you're going to be famous."  Sam smiled.

"Middle school sucks."  I said nonchantly.

"Yeah, I guess it does."  Sam agreed.

"Can't wait till we get into high-school," I expressed.  "Then I'll be able to drive and stuff."

Sam nodded, taking a bite of his ice-cream.

"You're a little quiet today," I noted.

"There's stuff on my mind."  he shrugged.

"Like what?"  I pressed.

"Serious stuff." he replied.

I didn't push it, seeing the grim expression on his face.

I pulled out my cellphone, taking a selfie of both of us.

"Can I post this?"  I showed the selfie to him.

"Yeah, sure."  Sam agreed, without even looking at my cellphone.

From a distance, I could hear an elderly person mutter an, "Kids these days."

I think they're just jealous that they didn't have the technology we have now when they were our age.


A few years later-

Sam and I walked into the school, our hands curled around the other.

We were one of the only steady couples in the school, and -cough- the most popular ones.  Not to brag, it's kind of just the truth.  

Sam and I were yakking off about the new calculus teacher, when Sam bumped into a guy with brownish-blondish hair and aqua eyes hidden thin glasses.

"Watch it!"  Sam rolled his eyes. 

"My bad," the guy rolled his eyes imitating Sam.

I looked at Sam, a little surprised at both of them.  It wasn't like Sam to get mad at Peter.  Peter was pretty cool for the most part.  He sat at our table, but never talked much.

He glanced at me, looking into my eyes.  I couldn't tell what he was trying to say, but I could tell it wasn't something to be happy about.

"Oh my gosh, she's so stuck up!"  a high voice shrilled. 

It was the gossip girl.  Julie.  Her hair was in two ponytails.  Like, is she 4 years old or something?

I walked over to her.  "Stuck up as in stuck on the highest rank of the food chain," 

Sam laughed.  "C'mon."

Julie's face wasn't fazed.  "Popular, rich kids." 

I smiled at her forcefully before sashaying away with Sam.



Yuck. I don't like the imagine me.  Even if I know that that's what I'd be like if my parents didn't die.  Sure, I'd be taken care of and stuff, but also, I would be stuck up as those paper towel balls that are always stuck on the ceilings in public bathrooms.

I wouldn't say that I wished my parents died, but I also wouldn't wish that they hadn't.  I just wish there was like an in between.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents.  But I think that they had me so spoiled that it didn't set me up for the real world.


"No, I am NOT eating that," I argued to the caretaker.  

The other orphans  looked at me strangely.  

The caretaker, "Miss. Lowe" sighed.  

"Ok, then, don't eat."  

I slammed down the spoon, looking down at the brown soup in front of me.  It was some sort of chicken soup.

I hate chicken.

I crossed my arms over my 13 year old self, staring back at the other kids who stared at me.  I wished I could yell at them for no reason.

I knew what they were thinking.

Spoiled.  Arrogant.  Unthankful.  

I didn't disagree with they either.  I was everything they thought.

But I was also hurting.  I mean, my parents had just died 3 days ago and they expected me to be laughing it off, skipping off into the meadow, making new friends? 

Heck, even my parents didn't want me.  They didn't leave a speck of inheritance towards me.  

I'm just that unwanted girl, like in the Secret Garden.  Mary.

I wish I was her though.  I mean, Mary had a freaking garden, even if I'm allergic to pollen.
