

In the lobby of the fairy waiting bay, they all looked for Gray and Zach's aunt, Clair. Instead of finding the, supposedly, red headed aunt, they instead found a much younger girl who had long dark hair holding up a device with the words 'Mitchell and Peters' written on it.

"Where's Aunt Clair?" Gray was the first to ask the pressing question. Because although it was supposed to be a fun holiday that Loren was lucky enough to be invited to, the boys were supposed to get to spend time with their aunt who obviously is too busy to care much for her nefwes.

The three children followed the older woman as she led them through to the rail way, Zach finally bringing out his phone as he wasn't afraid to break it nor were there anyone for him to perv at. The rail way was filled with glass viewing windows and hardly enough space to seat everyone. Though, thanks to Gray, they all managed to snag some seats being the first in the open doors. Loren took a seat next to the mysterious lady whom introduced herself as Zarah, Clair's assistant, while Zach and Gray sat behind them.

Once they passed through double wooden doors that read 'Jurassic World' along the top, with tourches on either side to make it look more cinematic, the train cart came to a stop and Gray quickly got up and rushed out towards the open area looking for our rooms to dump our belongings, the other three quickly chasing after him, though Zach not as much.

"Your Aunt arranged to meet you at one o'clock." The lady rushed through the entrance doors that were closing as Gray was way to excited to slow down. "Can he slow down?" She asked.

"Nope." Zach and Lo coursed knowing how eager the little boy was to get into the park to look everywhere. Loren would be lying if she said it didn't bother her at all.

"Come on!" The boy yelled from up on the escalators. The three rushed up to follow as he was only a small boy and could get lost amongst all the taller individuals easily. Sighing, Loren had quickly run forward and griped Gray's hand so the boy couldn't walk off anymore.

"Your Aunts granted you V.I.P access, so you can get on all the rides without the wait. There are no bedrooms only three beds so everyone," She pointed to both Zach and Loren. "Can have your own beds." Loren scoffed at what she, possibly, thought Zack and herself would be doing in bed together with an 11 year old child in the room.

"Dude, let's go!" Gray bounced on the balls of his feet, an eager smile on his face. Loren smiled and ruffled the boys curly locks as she walked towards the bed closest to the window bagging it as her designated bed.

"She said we had to wait." Zach huffed claiming the middle bed, placing his backpack onto the bottom end, then turning around to sit down, turning his phone on once again and kept his eyes glued to the screen, his fingers pressing away at the screen, Loren rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Well if we have to wait I'm going to get changed because I feel gross after spending all afternoon cooped up with many different, smelly people on public transport." The girl laughed as she grabbed a dress to get changed into and made her way to the bathroom which was massively amazing; there was a spa and everything.

Not long after Loren got changed and put away her clothes from earlier that day, the lady came back as she seemed to have finished whatever it was she had done prior to them leaving their hotel. She gave a blue wrist band with the Jurassic world symbol on it for all three children to wear before declaring they were ready to leave and meet their Aunt if they wished. Gray was more than ready to leave.

"Come on!" Gray yelled as he ran through the crowed, people angered and annoyed at the boy as he cut them off as he wasn't thinking on where he was going. The other three forced into a speed walk, apologising about the young boy to others who had fallen victim to his ravenous walk.

"Relax." Zach raised his hand up for Gray to stop, looking away from his phone for a split second but, the boy just shook his head and protested, wanting them to hurry even more.

"Hurry!" He yelled back in defiance as he jumped on the spot.

"Dude chill." Zach hissed, much like last time, though this time his eyes remained glued to the phone. Loren stoped and looked at the older lady neck to her, the two sighed and all Loren could think was, If the whole week is going to be them rushing after the boy, she's gonna kill someone.

Loren wasn't entirely sure on what she was expecting when waking into the observatory, all she had seen were pictures on their webpage but they didn't do the place justice. Loren was amazed at the 3D projections, one was of a Brachiosaurus which come walking straight towards her. Not fully understanding what she was seeing, Loren had moved out the way of the holographic dinosaur without thinking. Zach chuckled at her, shaking his head and continued walking ahead. 

Loren was disappointed as she looked at the boy and noticed the phone that was still in his hand, he just wouldn't stop and she didn't know how to make him. Sure she had received a few calls from her other friend Marcus and had replied to them, but she hadn't spent almost all day on it as Zach had, it's like he couldn't live without it and it made her mad.

With an exaggerated sigh, Loren forgot about the boy she called her best friend and looked around the rest of the observatory which had more of the expected items that she had seen from the online viewings, such as rather large sand pits where the kids could dig up bones, videos about dinosaurs and a holographic interactive world where it showed how earth has evolved over time when dinosaurs roamed the land.

When they finished looking, Zach and Loren meet back up and looked for Gray, who had wondered off while Zach was busy on the phone and Loren was too in awe of their surroundings. They were waiting for him to pop up somewhere but, had grown worried as there was no sight of of the young boy anywhere. They ended up finding him by a Dino scanner as he was naming them all, Zach was livid so Loren took it upon herself to scold the younger boy in a more motherly way instead of a bitchy older brother way.

"Hey, don't run off okay? You might get lost, then we'll get worried. It may be an island but it's huge." Loren smiled at the boy as she followed him towards more holographic interactive learning scanners.

"Mom's not paying for a baby sitter." Zach growled. Loren was surprised by this as it was a much more tame version on what she expected the boy to say.

"Gray is that you?" As feminine voice spoke from above the floor area, the sound coming from behind the three children. They all spun around towards the sound, Loren noticed a woman with unmistakably bright orange hair, she deffiently looked like her sister all right. The woman was on the phone as she came down the stairs, Loren could tell she couldn't care less whether her necessarily were there or not.

"Aunt Clair!" Gray cheered as he ran off in her direction, Zach slowly followed while Loren hung back a bit. Grey wrapped his arms around Clair's waist since that was how tall he was and hugged her, she looked a little awkward.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, you're so sweet." She giggled in awkwardness. "Wow Zach, last time I saw you, you were like this." Clair made a height gesture with her hand which was about a how short Gray was at this present time, maybe a little shorter. "That was maybe three-four years ago?"

"Uh- seven, seven years ago. But you know... Close." Zach grimaced at how clueless his Aunty really was, even Loren felt bad for the two that their own Aunty couldn't remember them, but she remembered that the woman was a busy, important person.

"So I see you already got your wrist bands." She played it off in spite of awkwardness. "And this is for food." Clair hands Gray a small envelope then walks forwards and does the same for Loren, her eyes went wide as she looked at the white paper in her hand and tried to hand it back.

"Oh no, it's okay. I've got heaps of money for-" Loren said but the woman stopped her with a warm smile, something that seemed almost foreing to her, she then gave the same smile to her nefews.

"Honestly it's fine, my sister told me how much you mean to the family. Save your money for something else." She walked back to her spot by Gray so Loren wasn't able to give the money back. "Zara here is going to take good care of you, until I'm done working tonight. okay?" She asked

Loren got two things from that last sentence, one; the brits name was Zara which was actually a rather pretty name, two; obviously Clair didn't get the memo that this was supposed to be family time.

"You're not coming with us?" Grey asked clearly hurt.

"Oh- I." Clair began to try and find something to say. "I really wish that I could, but -um- tomorrow I can take you to the control room, show you behind the scenes and all of that. That's - that's going to be cool. Right?"

None of the children were impressed by the lack of Auntatude coming from Clair's deminer. It was at this moment that Loren felt relieved that she didn't have an extended family that could dissapoint her as much as Clair was dissapointing Gray. The woman's phone made a noise, alerting her to a message which caused the red headed woman's facial expression to turn to one of worry and slight panic.

"Okay guys, so... -um- I will see you tonight at -ah- six." She spoke while backing away; taking a step each time she said a word.

"Oh no, no. Don't forget you have an-" Zara spoke up from her phone she was earlier tapping away on. Loren scoffed as she watched the woman go straight back to her phone. Zach would get along quite well with the woman if she was younger.

"Right, of course. I will see you tonight at eight. What time do you guys go to sleep?" She asked but got more alerts from her phone. "Do you guys have different bed times or-" he phone chimed with another alert causing the woman to hurry away without receiving an answer.
