extra • one of two


Lo had been awoken by the thudding and clanging of pots and pans from downstairs, this only meant that her father was awake and making their signature Valentine's Day breakfast. It was something they did every year, even before her mother had passed away. They always taught Loren that you didn't need a day to tell someone you loved them, but it was nice none the less. It gave married couples an excuse to waste unnecessary funds on expensive yummy dinners or to take the night off and watch a movie together.

However Loren was extremely excited today and couldn't wait to go see Zach and Marcus so they could do their signature 'date night' they've done since entering high school together. They go and make fun of all the lovey dovey couples despite all three of them feeling as though they wanted someone to love.

Loren sighed and got herself up so she could get changed and freshen up for the day, happy that it was a Saturday. "Morning dad." She greeted entering the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart, happy Valentine's Day!" He smiled and placed a piece of buttered toast on her plate with egg, bacon and a cooked tomato.

"Thanks, dad. Happy Valentine's Day too." She smiled as he kissed the top of her head and dug into his own breakfast, sitting across from her.

"You've got Zachary and Marcus chocolates and floweres?" He asked making sure she was all set for their three-way joke. Loren sighed and nodded.

"Yes I do and how many times do I have to remind you, he preferrs Zach."

"Sorry, sweetheart."

"It's all good, what he doesn't hear won't hurt him." She smile sweetly then fidgets nervously as an incoming thought flooded her mind. "Hey, dad. Do you think anything could ever happen between Zach and I?"

"Like what? He'd feel something for you, like you him?" Lo nodded and let out a croaky 'yeah'. "I'm not sure sweetheart. He sure does feel something for you, he just hasn't realised what it is yet."

"What do you think might trigger this... Felling?.." She hesitantly asked.

"I don't know... Maybe a near death experience..." When he saw Lo's wide eyes and agape mouth he quickly apologized. "Only joking. I don't know, maybe show off, act differently."

"Dad, you of all people shouldn't be telling me to act differently to get a guy, that didn't work out to well for you."

"ExCUsE mE, she happened to marry me thank you very much." He joked. She raised her eyebrows. "Ok, she married me after I had profusely apologized about lying to her that I was in a rock band and I was never to lie to her again."

"Exactly." Lo nodded putting her empty plate in the kitchen sink. She looked at the time to see that they had both slept in quite a bit and it was nearing noon. "Oh, why don't you look at the time." She said, smiling softly towards her father who smiled sadly back towards his daughter. Another valentines tradition was for them to pray before her mother's photograph, one that was on the mantel on the fire place. Her father would leave flowers and chocolates there every year and little by little, they would both eat them all, but the Turkish Delights because, "They were mums favourites."

"It's nice that I'm not at school this year, that I can join in with you instead of doing it on my own after." She smiled kindly. Her father laughed at this and the two did the dishes before grabbing the flowers and chocolates, sitting them beside the smiling photograph of just Loren's mother. He truly was a beautiful woman.

Now, Loren wasn't really a religious person, nor was her father. But Loren's mother and her family, were. It only seemed fitting that they prayed on her birthday and any other holiday that seemed befitting of the woman. She was the best mum a girl could ask for.

It was nearing three o'clock when Marcus messaged Loren, saying that he was getting ready to leave for Zach's and expected her there not long after himself (the two having lived about the same distance from Zach's house. The outside was chilly for February, since by now it was normally warming up and getting ready for spring. So loren threw on a scarf and mittens before making her way towards the front door.

"Would you like a lift?" Her farther asked whom was sitting on his reclining chair while watching his show. Loren smiled, not wanting to disturb him and quickly shook her head.

"No, it's not snowing so I should be fine. Thanks though!" She called before leaving. By the time Lo was a block away from Zach's she had wished that she took the lift. It was now lightly snowing and she could only be thankful that it wasn't falling harder, but when she did reach Zach's she couldn't be happier.

"Zach, Marcus!" Lo yelled into the house as she opened their front door without knocking. She giggled as she heard a faint 'Oh no' from her favourite Michelle, Gray. She smiled as Zach and Marcus ran to her already putting on their act.

"Lo!" Zach yelled engulfing her whole body in a hug. "Happy Valentines, babe!" he smiled pulling a bouquet of flowers out of his jacket.

"Oh my, only flowers I see? It seems I really won this year." Marcus joked as he pulled out red roses and a block of cookies and cream chocolate, her favourite. "Happy Valentines, cutie."

"Oh my, I must say that I may just have to take Marcus as my date." She joked, voice getting high pitched as she butchered a posh accent. Loren dropped her bag on the floor and grabbed both their presents from it.

"Happy Valentine's Day loners, love you both." She smiled taking the two seperate flowers tapped to corresponding chocolate blokes and handing them towards the two boys.

"That's not nice, babe." Zach continues the joke, "I paid good money for those flowers." But he hugged her shoulders, causing her heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry honey." She snuggled into his hug and it was his turn for his heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened. What was that? He thought.

"Ew, get a room!" Marcus laughed, pulling of Zach. "I want a hug too!"

"Oh, it's that time of year again?" Mr Mitchell came out and greeted Lo. "I swear Valentine's Day was a couple months ago."

"Try 12 couple of months ago." Lo laughed not noting the slight panic in his voice, not even Zach had realised that his parents didn't get each other a present like every other year, but Gray had noticed all.

Lo noting the younger boys glommy look, she walked over to him. "Hey little man." She smiled.

"I'm not that little." He retorted.

"You're eleven and one-hundred and forty-seven inches tall." She patted his head. "You're little."

"You know, sometimes you're so annoying." He huffed and jumped off his stole showing his short hight as he stormed off to his room. She frowned and turned to the other three Mitchell's and Marcus whom were watching.

"What did I say?" she asked not understanding the little kid's sudden anger.

"Don't worry, Lo. He's been a little bitch all morning." Zach answered with a shrug.


"Sorry, Mom, but that's the truth." He grabbed his bag and turned to his best friend. "Coming?" Lo nodded. "See you after dinner." He waved to his parents then dragged Lo and Marcus out the front door, all automatically being hit with the freezing cold... blizzard?

Zach closed the door, confused at what he was witnessing mid February and opened the door again, without moving his feet or looking back he called out, "Mom!"

"Yes dear?" she came walking to the door but stopped short as she saw the harsh winter snow. "Honey, turn on the radio!" she yelled out. He did so and turned it up loud so all five could hear.

"For anyone living in Lindale, please note that no stores will be open due to the blizzard. It is a complete snow day, stay inside with the one you love and enjoy the warmth. A very cold Valentines to you all." The familiar voice of Phil the radio guy filled their ears. Lo, Marcus, and Zach automatically groaned. Their one day every year they actually enjoy and they get snowed in.

"Why?!" Lo yells and falls to her knees inside the Mitchell residence as Zach glumly closes the door.

"You poor souls, what are you to do?" Mrs Mitchell try's to joke. "I know! How about you guys go watch a movie and not pick on others for on-" She was cut off with Lo's ringtone. She answered the phone.

"Lo is at an all time 'low', please leave a message after the beep..." before she could proceed with the beep a voice stopped her.

"Lo, sweetheart, please, you need to learn how to read contacts before you answer that way." Lo bit her lip and smiled.

"Sorry, Dad."

"Sorry isn't good enough kid!" he grumbled in a fake low voice which caused the girl to giggle at her dad's goofiness.

"So since you answered your phone and are giggling I guess you're still inside?"

"You are correct."

"Alright, cool. I was just making sure you were safe, well... enjoy your day at Zachary's."

"Not as much fun as I'd be having at the diner picking on all the lovey dovey couples." She laughed, as did her father and the others that heard her comment. "Love you, Dad." She smiled ending the call.

"Love you too, sweetheart." He spoke before the call ended. Lo turned to her two best friends.

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off?" she offered. Zach smiled largely.

"I could never ask for a better friend." He held her hands truly loving her choice of movie.

"Ah, ah, ah" she tsked shaking her index finger in his face. "BEST friend."

"Best friend." He answered.

"Okay, excuse me. I'm here too!" Marcus cut in.

The three as under the covers of Zach's bed sheets, with said boy inbetween his two best friends. Loren cuddled up close to Zach, this being a normal thing for her to do, and watched the movie play. This was their favourite movie to watch together, Stand by Me was their second favourite and that was up next on the movie list.

"I've gotta go to the toilet, did you guys want me to bring any food back?" Marcus asked as he shuffled his way out of the bed.

"More popcorn please." Loren pleases as she handed over the empty green plastic bowl that had a few corn kernels left in the bottom of it.

"Of course, my lady." He laughed.

It was quite for a few moments as the movie continued to play out infront of them, they were at the part were they were in the art gallery.

"Cameron or Ferris?" Lo asked.


"Cameron or Ferris?" she asked, again.

"Oh, um." He shuffled in bed to try and find a comfy spot without moving away from the girl. "Ferris."

"Why?" Lo asked.

"Because he is cool." He smiled watching as Ferris and Sloane copied others at the art gallery, pulling an intrigued face and leaning back, arms crossed. "And a bit of a smartass." Zach laughed.

"He reminds me of you." Lo smiled.

"I'm not sure if that is good or bad..." Zach thought.

"What do you think?" she asked him, looking up. Their faces were incredibly close and she couldn't help but stare at his eyes that shone because of the television. Zach's eyes seemed to be connected with her own, neither wanted to look away.

Zach's breathing faltered.

"Good..." he slowly replied. Their faces got closer together and their hearts beat erratically. Their mouths were inches apart, their noses touching.

"Zach, Loren?" Marcus yelled slamming the door open, no popcorn in his hands. the two sixteen year olds pulled apart rather quickly.

"What!" Zach hissed, cheeks flushed. Lo's cheeks feeling hot. Marcus snickered as Gray walked passed, seeing the two looking rather flustered.

"It stopped snowing." The eleven year old spoke up as Marcus went and opened the blinds, knowing that if he were to leave them alone again that nothing would happen because his friends were too shit scared to confess to each other.
