

with Zach driving, the two held on for dear life while the teenage boys smile grew wider and wider. The car bumped around from the rocky terrain and Zach's poor driving ability, the seatbelts doing no justice.

Loren lurched forwards then slammed back into her seat, Grey's body doing the same thing as Zach drove through a large fenced off gate. Gray, despite being thrown around, let out a loud laugh that carried to his older brother. Loren trying to regulate her breathing from being winded in the back, was not laughing.

"You think this is funny?" She managed to breathe out. "This day is a disaster and you're both laughing!" Zach looked back to the girl, a smirk on his lips with an apologetic look in his eyes.  The girl hissed towards her friends, angered.

"Are you alright?" he asked the girl, Loren boded her head, because despite being a bit of a drama queen, the girl was perfectly fine. The older teenager looked towards his brother and the girl he loved (whether it be as a friend or actual love, he didn't know), he smiled, showing that everything was okay. "We're safe now."

Gray sent his brother a small smile then sent a smile towards Loren, however his smile faded rather quick as his eyes moved from her face towards the sky behind her. The girl slowly turned, filling the boy's line of sight, her breath hitches. They were deffiently not safe now. Not at all.

"Drive, Zach, Drive!" She yelled as Gray begun hitting the console yelling "GO, GO, GO!" At the exact same time. Zach looked into his review mirror and nodded in shock, yes he had to 'go, go,go'. He stomped his foot down onto the exhilaration and off they went.

The group drove through trees and bushes and bears a wide open space where light looked into view. A large concrete wall and doors were before them, however Zach wasnt slowing down any time soon. The group begun shouting words at the guards atop the wall as the car only got closer and closer towards the concrete doors.


"Let us in!"

"Open the gates!"

The guards did as told and opened the doors, allowing for the strange sight of the three kids driving an old jurrasic park vehicle into the 'world' all while the pterodactyls followed at full speed behind them. On the other side of the door was Zara, looking more worried then ever. Loren felt a large surge of guilt fill her and she looked towards the brittish woman who ran up beside them, happy to see the children. She could possibly lose her job because of them -Loren though- but perhaps everyone would be losing their jobs after today.

The three teens half followed the woman's commands, however they were all in front causing the woman in heels to be left behind the three. "Strop running!" She yelled, scared that if she didn't keep an eye on them that something bad would happen, however all they could think about was getting to shelter before being eaten alive by science experiments.

The three teens all held on to one another and were all pulling at each other to stay together, and run faster without falling over. They stoped in horror as they were in the middle of the board walk and looked towards the sky, watching the horror on everyone's faces, even their own as they saw the pterodactyls picking up people and dropping them or eating at them.

"Don't just stand there! MO-" But Zara was cut off by a large pterodactyl whom had swooped her off the ground and flew her away. Loren let a high pitched scream leave her lips, hands coming towards her mouth as she watched her babysitter being held in the sky.

They ran over towards the giant fish tank that held the mosasuraus as Zara was dropped in there. The pterodactyls went bobbing for her like a pelican trying to grey fish. Zara was removed from the water once more, however the pterodactyls was finding it hard to pull the woman towards the surface because of her moving about. Loren watched, shock written across her face. No one deserved this, no one.

The theee teens couldn't do anything about it though and they were forced to watch as the mosasaurs flung itself out of the water and took both Zara and the pterodactyl into its mouth. The two brothers gave out a sound of disgusted as Loren turned her head away from the scene.

Zach quickly pulled the two away from the tank as more pterodactyls came their way and took them towards another direction, still not know where exactly they should go. The girl kept her hands above her head at all times, ducking as she saw shadows near to close to her own and letting out occasional screams of panic.

One of the pterodactyls started following the teens as they were out in the open with not much left to go after. They ran between stalls, the wings of the creature getting caught and fell to the ground causing the other three to fall from the impact. The three moved back as fast and far as the could before their back his a wall and the pterodactyl came skidding towards them, the beak stopping inches away from Gray's chest.

Loren quickly grabbed the two by their tops and pulled them up and out of the way with her searge of adrenalin, as she was the closest to the walkway. The three coming to a halt as they caught sight of a dishevelled lady in high heels and messy red hair knock one of the flying creatures off of a man and shot it.

"Is that Aunt Clair?" Zach asked, the other two nodded, mouth wide open as no words could leave their lips. When the woman helped the guy up, he kissed her. He kissed her right in the middle of chaos. Loren couldn't help but think just how dangerous that could've been, though a laugh came from her lips from such a happy moment being seen, Zach's shocked and disgusted side glance not helping her either.

Zach grabbed held of Loren's hand, the romantic scene infront of him making him equally as uncomfortable as it too gave him a boost of confidence to make a move on these new found feelings. There was no better time then when you're about to die. Loren's stomach erupted in butterflies and could only hope that this meant more to him then just a simple hold of the hand.

"Zach, Gray?" Clair yelled as she looked up, when she realised it was them she yelled again. "Zach, Gray!" she ran over and begun inspecting their faces. "Are you okay? Where did you go? Why didn't you come back?" she begun spitting out her questions. "Oh Loren look at you!" she smiled sweetly.

"Look at you!" She shot back, a small laugh leaving her lips as both their clothes wear dirty and ripped.

"Who's that?" Zach asked not caring about his Aunt at the moment. She looked back at the guy that had kissed her.

"We work together." She nodded seeming proud of her cover-up, or lack there of.

"Hey we gotta go!"
