
Narrators pov

After they ate, they all went back to ronel's house, sasha pass out, armin has books, hanji had a microscope, levi had tea bags with a vacuum cleaner, 

but they bought a phone that ronel insisted on buying for communication, 

they all went to sleep except levi, he was cleaning the house as he was cleaning the house the vacuum sucks something big for the vacuums hole, he turned it off as it falls to the ground,

Its looks like a rectangle with green things and holes to the right side, (memory core)

As he picked it up, it suddenly glowed green, and he let go of it, then as it was going to hit the ground,

In a flash, ronel held it fast,

"Ohh!!! That was close!!!" Ronel said and held the memory core, he observe the memory core, its corrupted, as he was observing it, and everyone woke up by the loud noisy of levi's vacuum falling, cause ronel suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as ronel was looking accompanied by the scouts with pillow on they're hands as a weapon,

Ronel doesn't remember the memory core, he stood up, blocking all the noisy coming mostly from sasha,

"guys go to sleep, I'll be out here for a while" ronel said calmly and walk towards the tv, they were in the living room, the others head back to bed except: levi, hanji, ronel, erwin, and armin,

Ronel inserted the memory core in the back of the tv, as he did, he took a sit a loud beep noisy started, levi heard it and started to scream but its not effective as the beep sound was too loud, everyone came down and started scream, then it stopped, cries are heard and all of them looked at the sound,

It came from the TV, as they look, ronel's eyes widen, the view was sided as it seems it falls to the ground, they watch and watch, it just keep crying, and crying, then the person lift its head then the video ended in a blurred way with a static noise accompanied,

'It ............. can't .......... possibly ........ be ........ I-It got lost .......... I-'

Ronel's thoughts got pulled away when there is a sound of............

"It's Rewinding!!!" ronel shouted and quickly force the memory out of the tv, but its stuck, the tape started to rewind fast then ronel took out the whole plug, he pulled the whole memory core with some parts of the tv, when he pulled it out, its obvious that the tv broke, when he pulled it, he panted,

He used fifty percent of his strength just to pull it out, as he did, he shove a box full of memory core to levi, before leaving a word,

"I'll just go somewhere and you can start watching it!!!"  ronel said before bolting out of his residence and went to the palace, 












"It seems important that he leave the house to his new friends......" historia said as she took a sit on the couch, then everyone followed next, levi rummage through the box that is full of memory cores, numbers was labelled at them in a arrange manner, 

As they arrange it, Eren raised and eye brow and spoke,

"How are we going to play the it?" eren asked that stopped everyone what they are doing and realized that they dont know what to do next,

"Well.......... we'll have to wait for him" 

"And the tv thing is broken.......... And if it is not we dont even think we know how it works..." erwin said with others agree to what he said.....


"Father!!!" Ronel suddenly barge in to their parents bedroom, making them point a lazer gun to ronel, 

"What are you doing here in this hour??" The queen whined to his younger child, the king put his gun back under the pillow,

"You did know that its very rude to barge in like that right? where is your manners? why did we even have a door when no one even used it?"

"I know right? Param did that too last week...." the queen said and stood up,

"What do you need?" the queen asked and grabbed a pen and paper, ready to right what he need,

"No mother....... I just got this" ronel said and showed them the memory core,

the king and queen raised and eye brow and looked at ronel,

"go on......"

"Father......... mother....... sister's memory core...... I found it" ronel said making their parent eyes widen, the king pulled a bell and called for a servant while his mother was already in his side and got the memory core on her hands,

"Explain" the queen says seriously,

∆∆ronel's house∆∆

"How the fuck do you do this again?" levi asked as he didn't know how to open the shower,

∆∆space base∆∆

Y/n's bedroom door opened quietly as someone got in by breaking the lock,

' I've been waiting for too long y/n!!! Your making me crazy now!!'

He thought as he neared a sleeping y/n,


It's like a months since I updated this book

Red! lily! 
