Chapter 6:What Is Shit

Your POV

Levi keep hugging me, when he was done he wont let my hand go,

"we should stay at the hq, its not safe out here" I said, they are all retreating to go to wall maria, i stopped walking, levi turn to mr,

"brat what is it?" levi said load enough to make everyone looked at me, I shake my head and looked at the way where the crimson hq is at,

"not that way, this way" I said and walk towards the direction but levi tug my arm, I looked at him and smiled

"its okay, trust me" I said then everyone was on their horses, I lead them to a wide area,

"and this is............" levi said and looked at me,

I got off the horse and walk towards the only rock that were on ground I stepped on it, hanji was quick enough and was already on my side, the security pad popped up, I put my head on the scanning device,

"eyes check"

"finger print"

I then touch the finger print Identifier,

"finger print check"


"Welcome Commander Y/n Of the Crimson fire"

then the elevator was lifted of the plain ground but the floor was still down, I looked at everyone, my eyes widen,

"uhh where is the other titan shifters?" I asked then they're eyes widen,

"shit we left it!!!" said hanji,

"shit?" asked a voice behind me, I turn too see my daughter, I gasped and kneel infront pf her and looked at hanji, hanji looked shocked too,

"what is shit mommy?" camilla asked, then levi laught,

"levi!!!" I said,

