
Narrator's POV

"I Dauper Calin will decide your faith, whether you'll live or will be executed" dauper said as the Survey Corps exits the elevator,

They looked around and spotted ronel looking at them and wave,

''how the fuck did he get here so fast?!!'' connie whispered yell and others nod as an agreement,

"Please sit on the chair that is in the middle of the court" dauper said and pointed at the chairs, the survey corps followed the order and took a sit, 

"We were informed that you were intruding at the Crimson Fire Hq, ca you explain to us why you were caught wondering there?" Dauper asked, erwin raised a hand and dauper nod as he looked at erwin,

"Your honor Dauper we-"

"Just free them and took them at the training center" a voice said,

"Insolent fool!! how can we let intruders in!!??" an official said,

"Maybe that man is one of them!!!" then the man jump down and walk towards the survey corps,

"Shoot him!!!" but they only pointed a gun on them,

"Stop!!! in the name of saturn!!!!" a official said, the corps looked at the approaching man,

"Ronel?" Hanji whispered-asked, ronel was approaching them and laugh and laugh,

"Me? insolent? intruder?" ronel said and took off his hat, his hair is white and tied into a clean pony tale, eyes red and dark, the room was silent then people kneeled,

"Greetings, your highness the prince, may your light lead us to victory" all of then said in sync,

The scouts are watching them as they kneel and greet ronel,

"Ronel?" Hanji asked hesitantly, ronel turn to them and smiled,

"Hanji" ronel said as he neared her, he swipe his hands to hanji, making hanji wonder, then metals echoed to the ground,

*Clink* *Clanck*

Hanji then looked to her hands to see the cuffrin destroyed, as well as the others,

"Stop your highness!!! They might be a traitor!!!" A official said as ronel freed the others,

"Point your weapons!!!!" Another said and pointed their weapons,

"Are you going to disobey my orders?" Ronel said as he stand up and dust his clothes,

"We're not your highness just leave this to us adults and then play with her sword" an official said playfully and started to laugh,

The survey corps looked at ronel, to see his face was covered by his white hair, dauper was about to hit the mallet

Then suddenly Ronel looked at the official who spoke to him and smiled,

"Then I'll just say ti my sister that she can just go and swing her sword right?" Ronel asked playfully then the officials went pale,

"Y-your highn-!!!!"

"It's sister who ordered me to just inform chief in command dauper calin to register these people to the training" Ronel said and reached for the device,

The official was reasoning for ronel to not contact his sister but ronel turn deaf to their pleadings, then dauper hit the mallet,

"The Commander might be busy, let us not bother her" dauper said with a sweat, and cough,

"Why thou? She was the one who requested it, so I'll contact her and said that she just have to swing her sword and play" ronel said and playfully said the last sentence,

"No!!- Ehmh I mean is that your are free to leave with the new trainee" dauper said,

"Yes yes yes, its just.a slip of a tongue, I apologise" the official said and bow, ronel just ignored them,

"Come on!! I told you I'll help you guys!!" Ronel beamed, and helped hanji stand up,

"Follow me!!" Ronel said ans dragged hanji with her, the scouts quietly followed behind,


"Who...... Are you?" Hanji break the silence,

"I am ronel" ronel said and faced hanji with a warm smile,

"The real you" hanji said, and ronel still smiled and answered,

"Well my name is...."

" (First name, Ronel Last name of your brother), and I am the prince of saturn" Ronel said and faced the elevator door,

"So you are connected to y/n?" Hanji said, she was the only one who spoke, the others were still reading the situation,

"Yes, actual I am her younger brother, there are four of us" ronel said,


The elevator opened and they all stepped out,

"Soooo whose the others?" Hanji asked curiously, as the others whispered her to stop,

"Well, the first brother is (Oldest brother name/ Calum Last name),

The second is, (Y/n Rose L/n, the first sister and the second oldest)

(Reader has a nickname, its rose but timothy call y/n rosie)

The third is (third brothers name/ param Last name)

And the last is me!!!

Hello, I am (Brothers name/ Ronel Last name)

The child of the king and queen

Calum- first
Y/n - second
Param- third
Ronel- last

"Can you tell us more about y/n? Please!!?? We don't know much about her" hanji begged and ignored the warnings from behind,

"Y/n is the only daughter of the family, so father and mother are very protective of her, but they noticed that y/n was unladylike, it started when she held a sword and never let it go, and then she learned how to wield the sword and won her first war, Im gonna say, some-Most of the people here is..... Afraid of her for some reason, but never do I expect she'll fall in love!!! Thats why I am so honored to meet mr Ackerman, you break my sister's barrier!!!" Ronel said, and chuckled,

"Ehh?? How did you know? You were the youngest" hanji reasoned,

"Ehh there are memory stones!! And ohh!!! Let me show you guys!! Promise me  your not gonna tell her!!" Ronel said and looked at behind, they nod,

"We promise!!" Hanji said and salute, same as the others,

"Come on!!! I have one at my room!!" Ronel said,

"Ohh and your training starts next week, that is the official start of the 3002th training" ronel said,

Ronel guided them to the parking lot, and opened his vehicle,

The vehicle has no wheels, it floats and it has 20 seats, 22 in total for the driver's seat and the other next to it,

"Come on!!! Lets go!!" Ronel said as he opened the door to let everyone in,

"Umm well first, lets buy you guys a new outfit, you guys kinda look weird in your clothes" ronel said as he started the vehicle,

"What's wrong with our clothes? It our uniforms!!" Hanji said as she took a seat next to ronel,

"If you'll see your clothes are different from ours and you guys will stand out and grab everyone's attention" Ronel said,

"Well lets go ahead"


So ronel was lying when he said that it y/n who ordered him fi register the scouts

Red! Lily!
