The Melody We Share - Masato Hijirikawa x Reader

"Hijirikawa-kun! Let's go play the piano together!" I exclaim in a happy voice.

"Ah, sorry (L/N), I have something to do currently. Maybe some other time," he replies back. He always responds and replies like this to my invitations. When I first found out that we were in the same music academy I was so excited about it! But all he's done is push me away.


"Hey... (Y/N)-chan? Is everything all right?" Tomo asks this to me when she and Haruka sit down at our lunch table. I'm looking down at my try and am nibbling at my food. A bit of anger stirs in me and I throw my fork onto my tray.

"Everything's fine!" I say while folding my arms across my chest.

"Isn't (Y/N)-chan trying to catch someone's attention?" Haruka says this and Tomo speaks up.

"Yeah, though I don't know who yet. But I don't think she is trying to capture their attention. I think she wants to hang out with them. Right (Y/N)-chan?" Tomo adds with a smile on her face towards me. I scoff a bit.

"How could you say something like that? I never even said anything like that. And anyways, it's not like he has the time for me anyways," I say looking at their faces that is now registered with shock. I reply back to their facial expressions with a "what" until Tomo squeals.

"(Y/N)! How come you didn't tell us you were trying to get a man's attention! We would totally help you out!" Tomo says all of this with Haruka smiling beside her.

"Well I can handle this by myself, and anyways it will only be a friendship! Have you forgotten about the no love rule," I say picking up my half eaten tray while mentally cursing myself for letting something like that slip so easily out of my mouth. I have to do this by myself! No matter what.


After lunch and the rest of my classes, I head off towards an empty practice room. Normally I would offer Hijirikawa to accompany me but I decided not too. I haven't been asking all week. I sit down on the piano bench and sigh to myself. I put the scores on the holder and fold my arms on the key cover, then I rest my head on my arms.

I knew Hijirikawa since we were little. I only met him once in person at this high class event me and my parents went to as a proxy for my aunt and uncle. We were only able to meet once since that was the only time they needed a proxy, and me and my parents don't live that life or scene. So me and him were only allowed that one time.


I opened my eyes due to what I thought were two female giggles but end up face to face with an envelope. The envelope seems to be a midnight blue with white flowers along the corners. I sit up, snapped out of my daze/sleepiness, immediately noticing the familiar envelope. I pick it up gently and hug it to my chest. It feels real so it has to be real.

The night of the event I spent my whole time with Hijirikawa. I told him why I was there and he told me who he was and who everyone else was also. We talked quite a bit that night and by the end of it we decided to keep in contact through letters, since we both knew we would proably-mostlikely never see each other again after that. Through out all that time I wanted to meet him again and along the way I fell in love with music also. So that's why I felt so happy when I got accepted into this school, but even more happy once I saw Hijirikawa.

I smile to myself as I unhug the envelope and look at it once again. I frown, what if this is a prank? He's been avoiding me all this time... I shake my head.

"There's no one I know who is this cruel and I'm sure I don't have enemies here. I'm also certain Hijirikawa wouldn't play a prank like this either!" I say all of this with determination in my voice. I'm also certain no one knows of our letter exchanges either, so this has to be genuine!

There's nothing on the envelope except with my last name in the center of it, so I open it right away and am greeted with the same calligraphy I have seen so many other times before.

Dear (L/N) (F/N),
Please meet me at the gazebo as soon as you get this letter.
Signed, Hijirikawa Masato

My eyes light up at the words on the paper. I smile happily to myself and take my blank scores, my pencil, and the letter with me as I head towards the invited location.


There's a gentle breeze that goes through my (H/L) (H/C) hair as I near the gazebo. Once I enter the gazebo I see a familiar blunette who is staring out away from me. I start getting nervous and find it hard to swallow my own saliva. Before any negative thoughts could enter my mind I force the saliva down and grip the items in my arms. I walk forward until I'm side to side with the same blunette from childhood and through the messages we wrote.

Standing with him then and there made a melody come to me right away. I smile and hum it to myself. Soon enough I hear a slight gasp beside me but a voice joins in, adding onto the one melody to make it even greater. By combining two melodies into one. The Melody We Share - something only the two of us will ever understand and hold dear to our hearts.

Our first song together. For I now  know that he didn't mean to push me away. He just didn't know how to approach me when he saw me again after so long.


~~Extended Ending~~

After we are done singing the melody we both gasp and look at each other. Before anything could be done Hijirikawa bows and speaks,"(L/N), I'm sorry for avoiding you all this time. I-" I cut him off and put a hand on his shoulder allowing him to stand back up. I smile at him.

"It's okay Hijirikawa-kun. I forgive you. The melody we sang together told me everything." With this I step forward and give Masato the biggest and warmest hug I will ever give out.

"I missed you... I hope you don't plan on leaving anything soon. But I'll make sure to spend every moment I can with you here and now - face to face and not through letters... Masato."



Well look who updated! Honestly this was supposed to be out last week since I told you I would only take like a two week break due to Thanksgiving and getting everything back in order, but instead I accidently took three and I apologize for that.

Honestly a lot of it was due to me procrastinating due to not being in the weekly spring of it anymore, but I did update again!

Another story will be out next week then I'll be taking another two to three week hiatus again, since that is Christmas and New Years! Though one more story will be out before the end of the month/year.

Though this oneshot was perfect to come out this month due to Masato's birthday being at the end of the month!

~~Up Next~~

~??? x Reader
