Can We Continue To Love Each Other? - Ringo Tsukimiya x Reader x Ryuya Hyuga

As an idol in Shining Agency love is forbidden. That is something you are told straight away in the beginning. I never really thought of this rule much until now.


"Ringo. Ryuya," I say as I walk towards them allowing my voice to go up as high as it needs to grab their attention. They both look over towards me and send me a wave. I smile towards them and send one back as I pass the students who are going to do their own thing now that the day is over.

"We haven't seen each other in a long time! I wish Shining made me a teacher as well!" I say once I reach them with a pout.

"We see each other through our work, but I guess it isn't really the same as seeing each other face to face," Ringo says with me nodding in agreement. We message each other all the time as well but, again it's nothing like being face to face. I grab one of their hands and take a step closer to them.

"If you two are free now then let's go do something together. Just the three of us," I say to them wanting to spend some time with the both of them. They both agree to this reunion and go off to get their things from their classrooms real quick. I look around the hallway and find it really nosolgic from when Ryuya, Ringo, and I went to school here together to study music. Those times were so much fun. It wasn't until our popularity as idols increased when I started breaking away from them.

Not because I wanted to but because that's what our jobs did to us. So something like this seems like a blessing in disguise. Soon enough the two of them comeback ready to spend the rest of the afternoon however we choose.

"So, what do you two want to do first?" I ask them as we walk out of the academy. They both seem to think about it so I suggest getting a bite to eat right away.

"Let's go eat! It's been a long day right? And we can go cat at that place we liked when we were students."

"It seems like today will be nosolgic then," Ryuya says in reply as we walk towards the destination.

As we enter the familiar place with familiar delectable aromas we are greeted by a waiter who sends us to an empty table. We thank them and order our drinks. During our wait we make some small chatter with them talking about their experiences and students with them being teachers, and mine as being an idol with new projects coming up that no one knows about yet. When we get our drinks we decided to order the items we ate during our youth here. With our food ordered I bring up something they did earlier that I didn't notice till now.

"You two did it and I didn't even realize it," I say bluntly facing the two. They look at me almost confused and a bit bewildered as I speak again, "You two made me decide what we should do first. You were faking about thinking about a place," I say in better context slouching my shoulders a little bit.

I hear Ringo speak up first, "Sorry (Y/N)-chan! But you always know what to do."

I pout at Ringo's words and speak again, "But I always decide what we do. Just because we haven't seen each other in long time doesn't mean that you can use those old tricks on me again! I would like too know that places you enjoy going to during the time we were separated," I look at the both of them, before anyone of us could speak we get interrupted by the owner of the place whom we know very well.

"I can't believe I get to see my three favorite customers once again! You all have matured quite a bit!" She says to us as we greet her back. She lectures us about not visiting in a long time but before we can give our excuse she forgives us right away knowing how busy we are, as we are now "adults" in her eyes. Once she leaves and we speak a little, we feel almost like we are in a daze. We snap out of it once our food arrives.


We walk down the path to help relax the enjoyed meal we ate. Normally after we ate dinner together we would just go back to the dorms and be on our way or split up right away as we exited the restaurant, but that was when we were students. Now we can spend the night together if we want too. This is something new that I wouldn't mind making a habit out of. Suddenly I feel a cold breeze go across my skin. I fold my arms in a slow manner so they don't notice. I take a glance at Ryuya's jacket that he's wearing that he wore before we left the academy.

"How is your little brother Ryuya?" I ask since I haven't seen his family in awhile. Ryuya moves closer to me which makes me start feeling some warmth on me. Ryuya says that he's doing as fine as he can be, though he's probably concerned for him nonetheless. I bring up good times I had with Ryuya and his family. I also mention that when I have the free time I should visit them and he agrees to come with me.

When Ryuya decides to look at me he notices my arms being folded. I look away from him with a slight tint of pink on my cheeks forcing my arms to go down at my sides. As I look over to my other side I see Ringo looking unhappily over towards Ryuya. Before I could question it I feel something get draped across my shoulders. I look back over and find Ryuya jacket-less, but my own shoulders with his jacket on.

I blush at it as I thank him and pull my arms through feeling both his and the jackets warmth.

"(Y/N), do you remember when we would go to fashion events together?" Ringo suddenly asks me making me turn towards him.

"How could I forget going to those events! It always surprised me when you would show up as a male! We always went shopping for outfits days before but you never bought any male clothing. Honestly most of the time it felt more like a date than just two friends hanging out," I say in reply as we continue to talk about those past events. In the end Ringo talks about another event coming up that we could go to, something which I agree on.

I feel an intense aura from behind me though it seems to be aiming towards Ringo. Before I can turn around to it Ringo wraps his arm around mine. I was going to question the action but I get distracted by a lake that is in front of us. I let myself unlock from Ringo as I run towards the lake. I feel Ryuya and Ringo follow close behind as I land myself in front of it sitting on the grass.

Ringo and Ryuya come sit next to me as well once they caught up from the surprise dash. I take my finger and poke the body of water infront of me. I smile and pull both Ryuya and Ringo close to me. As I see the water ripple, I close my eyes.

"I guess somethings don't really change do they?" I say to the two beside me. During our student days I was so focused on my music and the no love rule, that I didn't even realize any of their advances till I was separated from them. I didn't realize the small glances and hints of jealousy from each other till I actually started replaying those memories of ours over and over again. I never once took notice of how much they love me and even being away for so long didn't change it. Love is forbidden, but they deserve an answer.

But I don't have an answer to give. I love both of them equally. I let go of them and stand up opening my eyes. We walk silently back to the academy to go our separate ways.

When we get back and say our goodbyes and goodnights, I hear faintly behind me three words, from the two people I love most, "I love you."

As I walk a question comes to mind, Can We Continue To Love Each Other? As we do now, just the three of us.

With that I ignore their hushed whispers, like I have done many times before.



This oneshot is made due to the fact that I have reached 2k views! I wanted to do something a little bit special and so this goal was made! Honestly thank you to everyone who reads these oneshots! It makes me so happy to see people enjoying them!

I plan on continuing to work hard on these oneshots for you guys and myself! I hope you continue to follow me on this journey!

~~Up Next~~
Yamato Hyuga x Reader
