Getting Through It Together - Syo Kurusu x Reader

I run my hand through the flowers beside me as my best friend pushes me down the grassy path. I smile to myself as I pick up a dandelion. I hold it in between me. I whisper softly to it a wish.

"I wish that the person beside me will always be happy and successful," then again even more softer and quiet, "I wish that one day I will be brave enough to tell him how I feel."

I then close my eyes and blow gently onto the dandelion. Carrying my wish through the air. Filling me up with hope as I look up towards the sky.


I smile as I feel the slight wind go through my hair.

"Syo-kun, don't you think it's a nice day today?" I ask the blond pushing me.

"You're so happy for having a doctor's appointment today (Y/N)," Syo replies back in a tone I've been used to ever since the accident. I pat my unmoving legs.

"I feel hopeful today," I smile, "Let's do something fun together when I get better."

I look up at Syo and finally see him smile. If Syo wasn't by my side, then I would've given up a long time ago.


"C'mon (Y/N)! You can do it!" Syo shouts encouraging words at me. Not being able to move an inch I fall down. I put my two hands in front of me and try to push myself up, but end up needing Syo's help in the end. With me getting picked up I sigh then smile again, "After physical therapy we have to go to my appointment. There's bound to be good news."

Syo looks at me and puts on a smile full of hope. He places me back up and his encouragement gets louder as my motivation increases. We both hold that hope close to us.


We now are in one of the rooms waiting for the doctor to come back with my past results. The nurse came in earlier to do the normal things. I'm sitting on the patients table while Syo sits in the chair in front of me. He has his hands cupped together tightly by his chest. By him is the wheelchair I've been using. I rub my hands on my legs and feel nothing.

I still know the accident is still on his mind. I want to make him happy again. I want to turn back time so it didn't have to happen. But instead I can't, so I talk.

"Syo-kun, I want to make it clear that the accident wasn't your fault," Syo releases bit of his tense muscles and looks up at me, "Yeah, I know."

Knowing that he didn't get it and looking at the sadness he is trying to hide in his eyes. I speak up again, "Syo, the accident was my fault. I wasn't looking behind me when I went to catch the ball. It's my fault I fell of the cliff! I'm sorry Syo!" I bow my head and body as best as I could.

Syo immediately stands up and bows, "No, it's my fault. If I didn't throw the ball that far then you wouldn't have to be in that chair at all. I'm sorry (Y/N)."

I fire back at him right away, "Don't say something like that! I don't want you to feel hurt about it anymore! I just want you to be happy again!" I yell this at Syo with tears streaming down my cheeks.

I didn't even realize it when Syo came by me and gave me a hug. All I was doing was mumbling over and over again, "Please be happy again," and "I'm sorry Syo!".

Though quietly right next to my ear o hear, "I'll be happy again, okay (Y/N)? So please don't cry anymore."


After my crying stops and my face is wiped. The doctor comes in. Me and Syo both take a glance at each other then look towards the doctor. He wears a blank face as he looks at the document in his hands, with both me and Syo being anxious at what's to come. He then looks up at us.

"I was just checking your physical therapy results from when you started up til your last visit. It seems you haven't been making any progress," this crushes me and Syo, "It also seems like nothing is happening in your legs either," he takes a quick pause, "according to all of this, you won't be able to walk anymore."

I look away and stare down at my lap. I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes. The doctor leaves and tells us that we can head out when we are ready. I say my thanks and ask Syo to help me be placed back in my chair. Not wanting to stay there any longer.


I don't run my hands through the flowers this time. I sit there being pushed with my hands in my lap. Silently tears trickle down my face. The last time we were here was when I got released from the hospital. I look at the flowers and see another dandelion. I don't pick it up this time.

We stop in a place that allows us to have a perfect view. Syo helps me down to the ground then sits next to me. I know Syo is trying hard to be brave. Ever since we heard the news he hasn't said one word. I look over towards him and see him sitting crossed legged with him looking down.

Tears are streaming down his face. I blink a few tears away and feel the warmth go down my cheeks once more. I look out over the cliff I fell off of. I think about my previous wish.


"I wish that the person beside me will always be happy and successful."

"I wish that one day, I will be brave enough to tell him how I feel."


Knowing that I was unsuccessful in the end I cry my hardest. Knowing my whispered wish won't come true either, I decide to just say it out loud now and disconnect him from me. So he can become truly happy again once more.

"Syo... I love you... I-I know... You would never want... To be with... Someone like me who, brings you pain... And now that I'll never be able to walk again... So, I guess... T-This is, goodbye..." After that I fully bust out into a sob. An even harder one. For a bit I feel nothing, but I end up crying into someone's shoulder - his shoulder.

"Don't say something like goodbye! You don't bring me pain, and it doesn't matter if you can never walk again! I love you... And I promise we'll get through this together!" Hearing Syo's words and feeling him hold me tighter adds newly fresh tears to my face being tears of happiness and Syo's own. I wrap my arms around Syo knowing that we won't be separated.

From today onwards - we will be Getting Through It Together!



Honestly this one came out a bit latter then I wanted it to. Though technically it still works.

Or else though I really don't have anything to say about this one. This one does seem a bit more darker and/or depressing though. I have another idea for a Syo one though that is much more happier and energetic, so the next time I do a Syo one I'll probably do that idea.

~~Up Next~~

~Natsuki/Satsuki Shinomiya x Deaf! Mute! Reader (Request)

~Ren Jinguji x Reader (Request)
