One-Shot: Thunderstorm

Requested by my biggest fan Sakurano_Toon because we enjoy tormenting our Blueberry apparently.

You ran up the sidewalk to your apartment building, cursing under your breath.  Thunder boomed directly overhead.  You'd been out shopping when storm clouds had appeared, apparently out of nowhere, and the entire town was drenched in a sudden rainstorm.

You'd loitered in the store for a few minutes, hoping to wait it out, but it just kept getting worse.  Eventually you'd decided to chance the run home.

(BTW if you hadn't noticed, your apartment is downtown, so pretty much everywhere is walking distance and you don't have a car.)

You dashed into your apartment, slamming the door with a heavy sigh.  You were soaked to the bone and shivering.  Once you were in your room, you threw your wet clothes into the laundry hamper, tying on a warm bathrobe before you realized it was suspiciously quiet.

You peeked into the living room and the kitchen, wondering if you'd missed them somehow, but your apartment was apparently deserted.  You knocked on Will's door, but there was no answer.  You knocked louder.

"Will?  Are you in there?"

Frustrated, you opened the door.  It seemed empty at first glance, but you'd seen him hide under the bed before.  Sure enough, he was curled into a ball, huddled against the wall beneath his bed.  You squeezed your upper half in after him, trying to reach him.

"How do you even fit under here anyway?" you muttered, twisting your shoulder to reach out with one hand.  He flinched away from you reflexively, bumping his head against the wall.

"What's the matter?" you asked softly, trying to give him space but comfort him at the same time.

"N-nothing..." Thunder crashed overhead.  You heard him whimper and made the connection.

"Will, are you scared of thunderstorms?"


That was an obvious lie.  You considered your options for a moment, then wriggled out from under the bed.

"D-don't leave me!" you heard him squeak.

"I'll be right back.  Hang on just one second."  You had an idea.  You went into the living room, stopping first to strip all the blankets and pillows off of Will's bed and yours.  You hadn't done this in years, but you managed to use the couch cushions and dining chairs to make a decent blanket fort.  You studied your handiwork for a moment, then went back into Will's room.

"Come on out, Will,"  you said, trying to reach him.

"N-no way."

"Yes way.  I have a surprise for you.  Just come out already."  You managed to grab his ankle and dragged him forcibly out from under his bed.

"Nooooo!" he wailed, grabbing at anything he could to stop himself from sliding across the floor.  With a final heave, you yanked him away and then pulled him to his feet.  Immediately he clamped his arms around your neck, burying his face in your collarbone.  You ignored the acid burn as his tears dripped into your bathrobe, and led him slowly to the door.

"My little sister used to be scared of thunderstorms," you murmured to him as you brought him into the living room.  "I'd build blanket forts for her because they're a very safe place to be when you're frightened."

You crawled into the fort after him.  It was nice and cozy inside, the thunder muffled by the layers.  You'd brought your headphones with you, and you plugged them into your phone, placing them around Will's ears as you made a nest in the pillows.  He squeezed his eyes shut, holding on to you as you waited out the storm.

After at least an hour, the thunder quieted and you both relaxed.  You pulled the blanket down from above you, standing up and stretching before sitting down on the cushionless couch.  Will took off his headphones and sat next to you.

"Where's Bill, anyway?" you remembered.

"He's on the roof.  I th-think he summoned the storm as revenge for the tattoo."

"That explains why it started so suddenly."  You chuckled.  "It is a pretty funny tattoo, though."

Will laughed too.  "Totally worth it."
