(Javier) The only one 2/2

You milled around the living room in your apartment, picking up the few toys Alejandro had been playing with. You folded a blanket and placed neatly on the old couch on the side of the wall. A warm breeze blew in through the open door while your son played outside. The sunlight danced through the window and landed on the photos on the mantlepiece: There was a photo of you and Javier that had been folded in your wallet before the apocalypse and there was a polaroid of David and Alejandro, taken from a beaten up camera with a single film reel left in it. You smiled and move your hair out of your face.

"Knock Knock." You smile and turn around in greeting, " Hey." David enters the living room "Mijo's in the bedroom." David leans against the door while you continue to tidy up the living room."Actually, I need to talk to you." You turn to him with a furrowed eyebrows and he responds with a deadpan look."Don't look confused, you know what I'm talking about." You sighed and sit down on the couch heavily, burying your face in your hands in shame and anxiety.

"Y/n, why haven't you spoke to him yet?" David crossed his arms and bit the inside of his cheek in a mixture of annoyance and pity. The painful swelling in your chest arose again and a lump formed in your throat making it difficult to breathe." I can't," You choked out "every time I envision it or even think about talking to him, I can't breathe, I start crying. What if he doesn't want Alejandro? We never even discussed having kids. What if he doesn't love me anymore?" By the end of your vent, you had a single stream of tears running down your flushed cheeks. You had decided to keep the memory of Kate and Javi hidden from David.

David looked down on you in pity and sighed. He walked around the couch and crouched down in front of you. He took your hands away from your face and held them on your knees."Y/n, Listen to me. My brother is an idiot, a real idiot. But he's not stupid enough to leave you or Alejandro. And even if he does, " He tilts your head up " I have helped you raised that child since before he was born, and I'm not going to stop anytime now." You smiled through the tears and throw your arms around his neck ."Thank you, for everything." David smiles and hugs you back.

You both separate at the sound of someone clearing their throat, You turn to see Javier stood at your door. You swallowed the lump in your throat and smiled wiping away the tears on your face " David?" He stood up and met Javier at the door "I'll leave you two alone , You have a lot to talk about." With a nod, he shuts the front door , leaving you and Javi alone in the living room. "Y/n ?" You looked away from him and stared into the dark fireplace in front of you. You heard Javi's footsteps move towards the couch and stop next to as you feel the couch cushion sink next to you."Will you talk to me ?" He placed his hand on your knee gently. You copy his actions and place your hand over his.

"Will you listen to me?" You squeeze his hand in an answer, unsure whether your voice would betray you at this point. He sighs and intertwines your fingers." Thank you , for not saying anything to David. But, it's not what you think. Kate got the wrong picture and she kissed me."You wouldn't admit it, but you let out a sigh of relief as you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tightly against you. He responds by tightly wrapping his arms around your waist ." I love you." " I love you too." He smiles and pulls away from you too press a kiss against your lips.

He pulled away completely and stood up, his eye is caught by the pictures on the mantlepiece. He picked up the one of him and you from before the apocalypse and grinned " You still have this ?" he asked quietly . You smile and nod, but your smile drops and your heart starts to hammer against your chest as he pick up the polaroid."Y/n ? You ha-" "Mommy!" Javi was interrupted by Alejandro upstairs.You walk past Javi and up the stairs " Just stay down here, please."You walk up the stairs to find Alejandro sat up in your bed."Hey Baby." He reaches up to you and you wrap your arms around his little body."There's someone downstairs I want you to meet , baby." He looks at you strangely before nodding " Okay." He wraps his arms around your neck as you carry him down the stairs.

Javi's eyes are locked on the both of you as you descend down the stairs and put Alejandro on the ground" Baby, Look who's here." You smiled with tears in your eyes as Alejandro flew at Javi wrapping his arms around him, hanging onto his neck tightly. " Daddy !" Happy tears formed in Javi's eyes as he ran a hand through his son's hair and glanced at you over his shoulder.

After half an hour, Alejandro had fallen asleep on Javi's chest. Javi stared down at his son in awe and grabbed your hand, kissing it softly." When I saw the picture, I thought he was David's, that the two of you.." He trailed off and you smiled and squeezed his hands " No way." " Why didn't you tell me?" You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder " I didn't think it was the best time; Your dad was ill, David was angry with you. Then everything just went wrong."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. You had to go through everything on your own and I wasn't there." Javi clenched his other fist in anger and frustration in himself, feeling like he'd abandoned you and your child in the apocalypse." It's not your fault, don't you dare blame yourself." You retorted sternly, " Anyway I wasn't completely alone, David was there the entire time. He helped.A lot." Javier looked away from you and stared at the floor. He was grateful you had his brother to help you through everything, but he couldn't help the jealousy creeping up his back at the thought of David holding his son before him, getting up at night instead of him.

You glanced at Javi with sympathy and turned his face to you by placing a hand on his cheek."That doesn't mean you're any less of his Dad, Javi.You're here now and that's what matters."

This feels really rushed, I'm sorry :) But I was thinking of making a series out of this; with different parts of the past four years from both Javi and the reader ?
