(David Garcia) Take me or leave me

The sun shone through the thick clouds, illuminating Richmond in an almost picturesque way. Clouds rolled through the sapphire canvas of the sky, as the chatter of survivors floated up past the tall walls of the compound.

You were currently stood by a wall, hiding in the shade with your gun slung around your back. A fellow survivor and Richmond citizen, Roger, stood next to you enjoying a break away from enforcing Richmond's rules. You were both laughing as you exchanged stories and conversations."She used to be at wellington, but she got kicked out after they caught her stealing pain meds." You snorted and leaned back into the wall, glancing at Roger from the side of your eys " That is amazing, no wonder she's trying to get in with Lingard." Roger shrugged with a grin on his face " If it gets me special treatment, I'll seduce Joan." You laughed loudly, your eyes creasing as you smacked Roger in the chest playfully "That's awful!"

David squinted his eyes as he walked into the sun, Ava at his side as they discussed plans for increasing the safety of the compound. He brought up a calloused hand to block the glaring sunbeams. He listened to Ava's ideas and nodded his head in agreement. He opened his mouth to reply before his eyes landed on you: He watched your flirtatious interaction with Roger with an indifferent stare. His silence made Ava look over to him, she quickly realised that his gaze was locked on you and flicked her eyes between the two of you."Could you excuse me for a minute."Ava nods as David makes his way over to the two of you.

You looked up from your conversation with Roger and smiled as David approached the two of you."Hey baby."," Could you excuse us?" David didn't wait for an answer as he wrapped a hand around your wrist and pulled you to the corner of the courtyard." What's wrong ?" " What are you doing?" You sighed and rolled your eyes "We were just talking." David raised his eyebrows "Right OKay," You took his hand "Baby, we were just talking." David exhales loudly and pinches the bridge of his nose " Can we please not do this again?" You scoffed " I am getting sick of this compulsive complex. I stopped hanging around the night guards because you were jealous." David looked at you in disbelief " You were flirting with an ex-convict!! He hissed under his breath." There will always be ex-convicts flirting with me!" You exclaimed loudly, Passing survivors glanced at the two of you and share looks with each other.

David exhaled sharply and turned on his heel and started to stride towards your apartment, With a shake of your head and sigh you jogged after him. The courtyard has cleared quickly at the hint an argument breaking out between the two of you. You wrapped a hand around his upper arm and pulled him back to face you " Would you calm down?" You asked softly and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck, He sighs and looks down at you " Stop wasting your time guessing if I'm still yours." 

He pulls away from you and continues to your apartment " Don't you dare ." He throws over his shoulder. You straighten your jacket and follow him through the door and shut it behind you as he storms down the hall, " Why don't you get it? I'm not doing anything spiteful, but I'm not changing to be something I'm not." He turns back around as he slams the gun on the counter fiercely." I'm not asking you to, I do everything I can for you, all I ask is my men aren't hanging all over you!" He starts to raise his voice and you push past him in disbelief and round the small table to stand opposite him." How's that my fault?" You ask simply, crashing your hands on the table. David stares at you with a look of pure frustration in his eyes. " How can you get angry in the slightest? Because every night, who's lying in your bed?" You ask him, raising your voice louder. He stands infront of the table "What's my sin? wanting my girl to myself? This whole thing is a mess but I love you." " You're way too over-attentive." You respond simply raising an eyebrow.

David growls under his breath, " That's it, I quit trying to get you to see my problem." You slam the chair into the table in annoyance"Take me for what I am, David!" David watches you with a frustrated glare as you move around the table towards him." and if you give a damn, Take me or leave me!" You wait for a response from David, staring at him from your place, less than a meter away " Guess I'm leaving."

As you go to shove your way past him, David grabs your arm and spins you around, crashing his lips against you as his hand makes its way to your cheek. You quickly melt into the kiss, kissing him back slowly, and wrap your arms around his neck. He pushes you against the table before pulling away and resting his forehead against yours " I love you, don't forget it." You smiled and kissed his nose " I love you too."

I don't know where the idea came from, but I thought it would fit with David's character, what do you think?
