(Javier Garcia) The only one 1/2

" What do you mean there's a group at the gate ?" David slams his hand on the desk in his office." There's six of them sir, one of them is badly injured." David shakes his head and dismisses the soldier and turns to you, " Come on, Y/n " You nod silently and adjust your gun in your hand, following your brother in law out of the office and down into the streets of Richmond. "Think this is the trouble?" You ask, watching David from the corner of your eyes" I doubt it." He replies fiddling with his gun.

You arrive as the gate opens and a fleet of guards surround the group outside, guns trained to kill. Davids leads the way for the two of you and you stand in front of the outsiders." What the hell is going on out here?" David demands " They said they weren't here to hurt anyone so I was-" You ignore the rest of badger's statement as the breath catches in your throat." Oh my god." " Javi ?" You whisper. It was Javi, with kate in his arms and Gabe by his side." Dad?" You and David exchange looks before looking at your family in shock.

"David ?" You call quietly, He looks up at you from across the campfire infront of you, his face was tired and exhausted." I'm sorry about this." He looked at you with a raised an eyebrow." Unless you're going to tell me you caused the apocalypse, you can stop saying sorry."  You sighed and stared angrily at the flames licking the wood, " If I had stopped ma from," you stopped your sentence unable to continue with the anecdote. David stood to crouch in front of you and place his hands on your shoulders" Listen to me cuñada, we will find them again, I promise, do you understand me ?" You looked him in the eyes and nodded firmly.

"Javi, is that you ?" Javi stares at the two of you in shock; his older brother and Fiance were alive." I thought you died, both of you ?" His eyes lingered on you for a while and took in the changes about your form: Your one long hair was cut short, the angry scarred brand prominent on your neck." No such luck." David joked with his brother, You'd yet to say anything. You watched with a warm smile and a soft heart as Gabe ran at his father and hugged him as tight as he could." I knew you were both alive, I knew it !"

David called off the guards as Gabe pulled away from his father barrelled into you. You wrapped your arms around him and press your chin to his head " I knew you weren't gone." He pulled away and smiled at you. You pushed some hair out of his face "God, look at how you've grown." You murmur. David took kate from Javi and took his family inside, leaving you with Javi and the other two.

" I'll take them to quarantine ." You announce confidently, gesturing at the group with your gun, as they moved past you Javi smiled softly at the glint of your engagement ring still on your finger. You lead them to quarantine and encourage them through the door. You grabbed Javi's arm and pulled him close to you "  don't do anything stupid, Querido." 

Around half an hour later, David met you outside of quarantine " How's Kate doing ?" he smiled " She's stable ." You nod " David?" He hums in response as he heads down the steps "I, Uh, I've got some things to finish up, tell him I'll find him when I'm done." David looked over his shoulder at you confused " are you sure?" You nodded firmly he turns away from you "You need to tell him. You won't be able to hide it ." You breathed a sigh of relief and span on your heel quickly, leaving quarantine behind you.

You were shocked to see Javier alive especially alongside Kate and your nephew, you were happy, ecstatic really, but for some reason, the thought of reuniting with Fiance made you sick to your stomach. The nerves rising in your throat threatened to spill tears down your cheeks. You swallowed the growing lump in your throat and pressed on to the artillery building, deciding to keep yourself busy by checking your stock.

After 45 minutes, you'd managed to calm yourself down enough to be able to face the other side of your family. You left the artillery building with a confident streak in your stride as you walked towards the hospital. On your Journey you pass David and Gabriel, You slow down to greet them: " Thought I'd take Gabe around Richmond, introduce him to the place." You smiled as David placed his hand on Gabe's shoulder " I think you're going to like it here, Gabe." They left you standing outside of the hospital.

Releasing a shaky breath, you push open the door to the hospital and head up the stairs in search of Kate and Javi.after a few minutes, you heard the familiar tone of Javi's voice.A wide smile breaks onto your face as you pick up your pace. You rounded the corner to Kate's room but stopped dead in your tracks.

The smile on your face slackened into a face of disbelief, shock and anger; In front of you, was your Fiance, a man you hadn't seen in four years but were still deeply in love with, kissing his brother's wife. You bit your lip to suppress the cry or yell that was itching to be let out, the two of them hadn't noticed you stood there. With a fresh river of tears streaming from your stormy eyes, You delicately slip off your engagement ring and drop it on the ground before storming out of the building completely.

You're furious march through the courtyard of Richmond was blurred by the haze of the hot, resentful tears in your eyes. Many citizens glanced your way, curious at why one of the usually stoic higher-ups was blazing with anger with the addition of a flurry of tears. You ignored them easily and followed the path to your designated apartment on the same streets as David's.

You stand on the steps, infront of the door, and quickly wiped away your tears and put on a fake smile and opened the door. You didn't even have the chance to close the door and hang up your gun and coat before you heard a small excited voice from upstairs." Mommy's Home!" You smiled brightly, for real this time and raced up the stairs.

" Mommy! "You were met by your 4-year-old son at the top of the stairs, He had the same dark chestnut hair and tanned skin as his father, but your brilliant y/e/c. You scooped him up in your arms and held him tightly against your chest." Hey baby." You whispered against his dark curls, pressing a kiss to his head.

Ava appears in the doorway and watches the two of you, you look up " Thanks for watching him, Ava" She nods at you and just smiles and goes to grab her gun from the table before moving past the two of you." Can you tell David that I'm staying with Alejandro ?" She smiles and nods before leaving the two of you alone. You place Alejandro on the floor and he grabs your hand with excitment " Come see the picture I drew!"

That was... a rollercoaster. Would you like a part two?
