It was mesmerizing seeing the gate open up to the outside world or the insides of wall Maria to be honest . It was early in the morning so the sun was just about to rise over the horizon.

all of us rookies were in the back for safety reasons they said. Erwin and Hage were in the front and Levi ofcourse. Eewin started ringing with his white horse and we all followed after.

This was an expedition that would help us reclame wall Maria. Commander Erwin had disagend a special structure of our positions. He had told us where wh her supposed to be positioned. I was relatively close to the middle.

I was starting to see red smoke in the air. "Titans" I said out loud but neither Adam or Jean could hear me because of the strides of our horses.

The titans were closing in to the middle shit. But they weren't on our side of the wagon.

"What is he doing?" Levi was standing on his horse. Just standing there while the titans were closing in on them. And without a warning he was off his horse and in the air with great speed. He had used his ODM gear Like it was nothing. With a spin he had just killed two 20 meter titans like it was child's play. "Okey Eran was probably right. He is the strongest." Jean said, just staring as the two titan were falling down.

There haven't been any titan for a while now so I wasn't so surprised to see that there was a titan rung toward us. Both Adam and Jean were looking a bit scared. But hey i was just a bit under Mikasa and That girl Annie in silks so I will do this.

It felt like it was mostly my reflexes acting on instinct because I didn't notice I was in the air right behind a god damn titan. I really cutting the nape of a titan, my first kill and ODM kill. It felt amazing.

When I was back on my horse Both Jean and Adam were looking at me like they had seen a ghost. But I didn't look back at them because we were close to the forest.

So our sma group when riding closer the the main in the middle. We were the once to go in the forest.

"We have some complications. There is an abnormal titan they are calling it the female titan. Adam and Jean I want you to say outside of the forest and Y/N fallow Levis's squad." That was the command Erwin gave us and we did as told.

We were galloping on a abandoned rode when we starting to feel the ground shake.

"It's here the female titan" Was the only thing Levi said. I looked back to see that it was killing all in its path. That is when it hit me how goddam series this is. That I could die at any given moment if I just let my guard down I am dead.

"should I transform captain" oh ye that is right Eran is a titan I forgot. "No Eran have faith in us. We are her to protect you" I could hear how scared Petra sounded.

"what should I do captain" seems like Eran can't decide" you decide what you think is best Eran". is all Levi said."I BELIEVE IN YOU GUYS". We all just nodded

"Eran you go with Levi we will distract it!" Petra gestured at all of us. We used our ODM gear.

I feel free while using the ODM gear. But now it was not the time to dream because this is an abnormal titan.

It is feeling too easy. It is just sitting there taking our cuts like it is nothing. I was just about to cut its arm off but suddenly it moved and it did so fast. When I Just sent out my Gear to sing to the closest tree i realized it was too late and I feelt a hard hit on my back. And it all turns black...

"She is not dead captain. But if she haden ust her Odm gear tog hock on to that tree she would be now." God my head hurt and who is speaking what the hell was happening did we win. "But will she be fine?" As those words were said I felt a hand on my cheek stroking gently. Is this Adam or who is it? Wait did that person say captain. What is going on here?

"Levi she will be fine" What Levi is it bloody Levi that is sitting next to me or am I hallucinating this. "You better be right about that fairy foreyes. Do you know if we are hedging back now" thos las words where the last I heard I was just too tired and in too much pain to stay awake. 
