this is my first fanfic ever and i have dyslexia so if you see any wrong spelling that is why I will note the will be 18+ content (it will be markt)in this fanfic so you know. So you read with your own risk  

"The scouts, this can't be happening Adam,that is commander Erwin " Adam the friend that I've gotten to know during this past five years in training is now giving me an extended look "yeh you don't think I don't know" that is what he said with a smile on his lips. To be honset we are a funny dou. Adam is tall, like really tall, long black hair and has a lot of energy and I am a short girl that is very shy if I don't know people and not so socal of me. But we both are going to join the scout at every cost.

Not going to lie, Erwin's speech was not really motivating at all, which is probably why so many left. Me and Adam were the oldest of the ones that were left, the others were just kids. I haven't had that much contact with them at all but I do know their names or at least Eren,Armin,Mikasa,Jean,Connie,Sasha,Crista and that a bit scary girl next to Crista I believe is Ymir. But the few others I do not remember their names at all not at this moment. Adam always blames it on bad memori and I do agree. It is one of the best excuses of all time.

"You that are left. You will gather tomorrow at the scouts headquarters 06:00 am!" Was the last thing commander Erwin said after leaving the stage with broad steps. And the rest of us just stood there almost in some kind of shock but the people started moving after a little while. "hey Y/N it is really happening tomorrow we will be scouts true scouts" Adam said with his hand on my back to stare me back to the barracks. Not going to lie, his hand was kinda far down but I also realized he was shaking so I just shook it all as nerves and a bit of shock.

I can't say I got a lot of sleep tonight. I was thinking or more or less overthinking about the past and the future. If I would regret this then I just reminded me that I wanted to do this and have wanted for a while now and I will not back out of this. I need to do this.

"didn't I tell you to sleep" Adam was definitely in a mood. I believe he has been sleeping like a goddamn rat or something because he is getting on my nerves. "I am too tired for this Adam please just shut it" he gave me a small smile and looked in another direction.

"Oh You must be the new ones!" that is section commander Hange zoe. Like Adam, too much energy. " You guys will feel lucky to see something others would never dream of." She sounds like she would explode with joy somehow." Just follow me!" And so we did we all curiously. Just gasping was what I was hearing. I couldn't see anything. Well that is a downside of being short I guess. So I looked at Adam and he was so pale it looked like he hadn't been in the sun for 100 years. The only color was the deep brown eyes they look humages and the kinda long black hair that fell on his face when he took a fast step back. But he was not the only one almost every one did. I walked to the side where I could see properly and see, NO what titans, that is titans at least one 15 meters and 10 a meter. "so that is a titan" I said quiet but enough for Hange to hear me. "Yes are they not beautiful" she was ponting at the 15 meter titan and said "This cuti's name is Sawney" then she looked at the 10 meter titan and said "and this is Bean are they not perfect" I would be concerned for her mental health but.

"TCH... Cute Hange there is nothing cute with those bests not in the slightest or is there something wrong with your glasses foreyes" I look around me to see where the words come from to se a short man yet not much but a bit taller then me leaning against a wall and... wow it was just something with, him he barely needed to do anything and he was hot. "OH come on Levi just look at them" Levi, Levi hange said so that is his name well that's good now I know his name. "Well now have you seen these monster. So now I will show you the classroom where you will learn more about the titans and more of a deep dive on how to kill this thing" he gestured to Sawney and Bean with a tired and a look of disgust. "Adam looked down at me and said "this will be interesting" I just nodded in response "Oi brats are you coming or not"

We all followed Levi like dogs. He showed us the classroom and in that room was a tall blond man that would teach us everything we needed to know about being a scout.

When Levi was leaving the room he accidentally brushed his shoulder against mine. I just gasped but he didn't even look back for a second. "If you just grow I don't know like 10 centimeter then there will actually someone shorter than you"     
