Part 3 PARTY

To be honest I would not complain that they had free alcohol and bread and steamed potatoes. The only source of light were the torches on the walls. Just a few hours ago there was sunlight thru the small windows in the big old warehouse

I was not a big fan of beer so I was drinking black tea. Adam wanted me to join him and the other around the table. I just said no they were too loud and drunk for my taste so I was sitting at a table a bit away from the others.

"You are sitting at my place" I looked up to see Levi standing behind me looking down at me with a tiring look in his eyes. "oh i'm s-sorry sir I d-didn't" I was stuttered like hell. I was just about to stand to give him my seat. "No it doesn't matter, And you don't need to call me sir just Levi" I just looked at him. I didn't think he could look better but in this light he did. The sharp jawline and the reflections from the torches in his eyes

He sat down next to me and looked at the others laughing and having a good time.

"Why aren't you with the other brats?" he turned his head to me. " I am not really the party type. But if I may ask what are you doing here sir.. no Levi" I corrected myself "I mean you aren't new are you"

"TCH. No but i don't have anything better to do"

He took a sip from his coup. He was holding it in a funny way. Adam looked at me from his table but it was hard to see. I just saw him run his head back to continue his conversation.

"There you are my short clean freaks!" Hange sat next to Levi With a big smile on her lips

"TCH Hage I would think you are playing with your two monsters at this time" He just gives her a big side eye. "They are not monsters, Levi they are perfect. So what are you guys talking about? " Her eyes looked between me and Levi. "Nothing really." I responded.

"Oh that's right I forgot to ask your name earlier" Hange looked at me expectedly. Levi just looked down in his cup tacking a sip now and then. "Oh Y/N, Y/N L/N" I said with a smile.

"Y/N L/N, Levi did you hear that" He didn't even look up from his cup and mumbled something that sounded like a yes."Did you know Levi that Y/N is almost as big of a clean freak as you." I felt my cheeks turning red so once again I looked down. Why do I always do that? Can I just be a bit more creative in my gestures? So I did turn my head to look at Levi to see he was looking at me already.

But it was like we were in sync because we both looked at Hange after a second.

"I don't understand why they would be celebrating. The chans that they will come alive are small." Levi just sounded even more depressed than usual.

"Come Levi have some more faith in them" Hange said tho you could hear the hesitant tone in her vice. I can't even onto imagen what they have seen during their time.

It was silent. The only noise in the room was the people that were celebrating but their voice just became more and more distant I felt.

Adam looked like he was on the brink of collapse at this point. One other reason why I don't drink, I guess.

"Goodnight guys" I said while standing up and finishing my tea. "Going to sleep already Y/N" Hange almost looked shocked at the suddenly of it all. I can't really blame her. "Yes, sleep is important to focus on the expedition. So I don't become one of those who doesn't return" I said with a small nod like a punctuation of sorts. "Well then, Have a good sleep Y/N" Seams like Hange is getting back her energy. Maybe it is because now she gets to be alone with Levi. Because who wouldn't be happy at that opportunity. Because there couldn't be a girl in the world who would say no to Levi.

"goodnight Levi" I don't know why I said it but I did. I Turned around but was sill abel to see Levi in a glams in my left eye. He was looking down once again and muttered something that looked like a goodnight.

It was probably my imagination but it looked like he was blushing a bit. I was probably tired.

(A/N)Is the passing good or is it too slow? If you fine any wrong spelling or grammar than please comment so i can change it. I have no problem with criticism :)    
