Chapter 7 - Pitch

Jack's POV ~

    As I glided up the hill, I noticed its beauty.
    Giant cliffs hung on the sides with small forests here and there dropping small icicles.

I could stay up here all day.
But there is a problem.

    I flew up to the mountain only to notice a giant ice castle sitting atop.


    I stared from the bottom of a long staircase to gigantic walls. I traced my hand against the cold rail as I slowly made my way up these fragile steps.

    Who made this?

    Obviously someone had to, but as far as I could tell,  I was the only one capable, but haven't.

    Who did this?

    I suddenly stared up at a huge icy door. Noticing the small patterns engraved in the structure, I traced my fingers along it.

    "Wow is correct Frost."

    I whipped around to face the figure.

"Oh so I see you've been hiding Pitch. What does it take to kill you, seriously?"

    I kept my staff in front ready to hit anything he pulls out.
    Pitch laughed.

    "You're more of a child than you were months ago."

    He sighed and slowly paced around.

"Listen Jack, I can't have you here ruining plans, again, so how about you leave or join me okay? Those guardians, they never really thought you serious. They never wanted you. How come kids could see them, but not you? Hm? Just join me and you can get your full recognition."

    I sighed.

"Again, like last time, I must decline as i'm MUCH happier seeing smiles than screams. Now, let me beat you real quick so I can see the queen."

    Pitch laughed.

    "Oh you're right! The royal family, haha. You know Jack, you just reminded me of something I have to do so i'll just-,"

    I whipped my staff in his direction letting out a bit of my magic.

    He won't hurt the people.

    He quickly waved his horse to block it and laughed.

    "Oh so I see you do have some emotions, alright but I really must go. Goodbye Jack."


    I started swinging the staff in every which way as I saw his minions begin to appear. The whole time he had been gone, I trained how to do that ice trick last time we were in the air.
    Using that ability, I quickly shielded off the minions so that I had seconds to reach the laughing Pitch.
    He grabbed the staff and stared down at me.

    "I'm stronger Jack, much stronger now. I'm quicker now Jack, much quicker. And I have power now Jack, POWER."

    He suddenly pushed with a force of 165 degree winds. I fell several inches away from the end of the cliff.
    As he started walking to me, I did the same trick that worked against him. The same one that was able to put him off for months. With all my strength, I pushed into that bit of power.
    As I watched it charge him, it stopped then disintegrated.


    Pitch laughed maniacally.

    "Did you really think that would work again? You mistake me so Frost that you put the rest of your energy into that weak ball of power, HAH!"

    He motioned his arms so that he looked like he was pushing a wall. Suddenly black sand started creeping and rushing to me like a wave of water. I tried letting out a bit of ice just to freeze it but it did nearly nothing to stop it.
    They crawled atop of my clothes and my skin and just around the neck, then suddenly pulling me up. I tried to fly down but I couldn't budge.
    His sand locked me in the air.

    "Wow the Famous Jack Frost couldn't even defend himself! You've gotten weaker boy, was it because of time? No.

Sister? No no.

Fear? Maybe so.
I see it in your face Jack. You're scared. You're scared you're slowly fading away from existence. Or maybe you're scared of what i'm capable of and what i'm able to do now. So, to ease yourself, i'm not going to hurt the citizens."

    He paused and I knew there was going to be a catch.

    "I make no promises on royalty."

    He waved his hand and I was thrown down the cliff with the staff. I watched him look down from above, smiling.
    With the last bit of strength, I forced everything I had into the belief of catching myself before I hit the ground.

It wasn't enough.

    I dropped down with a push of air through. I gasped for air as I laid back against a snowy ground.
    I was immortal, however, the pain that he brought was strong. I saw a circle of blackness slowly close in and fell into a deep wonder.


Bro Jack, what is up wit you like I know you're stronger than this.


